MBE Scaled Score Calculator

The following calculator will estimate your scaled MBE score based on the MBE % correct you enter. The Avg. scaled MBE score on a July bar exam is based on the average scaled July MBE score from the eight July MBE scales listed below. The Avg. scaled MBE score on a February bar exam is based on the average scaled February MBE score from the nine listed MBE scales. For example, an MBE % corrrect of 60% is estimated to have resulted in an MBE scaled score of 139.5 in J18 versus 129.5 in J02. The average (based on the 8 different July scales) is an MBE score of 133. You can use the calculator to test scenarios. For example, a scaled MBE score of 112 is about 46% correct on a July exam (about 81/175). If you answered 10 more MBE questions correctly (about 91/175), it would be 52% correct which is about a 121 scaled score on the MBE, and if you answered 20 more MBE questions correctly (about 101/175), it would be 58% correct which is about a 130 scaled score on the MBE. As you can see, there isn't a linear relationship between the number of MBE questions answer correctly and your scaled MBE score.

Please also note that all these scales are estimations. For example, for the more recent scales, I calculate them by looking at all the permutations of MBE subscores that I receive from examinees for that exam. The older scales can be regarded as more reliable since they are usually based on raw-scaled tables, but examinees must still recognize that these calculations may not be accurate and that the accuracy of the calculations likely further diminishes with extremely high or low scores.

For more detailed calculators, I have score calculators based on prior exams to allow examinees to test various scoring scenarios and estimate their upcoming exam performance (e.g. if you are sitting for the upcoming July exam, you should experiment with a recent July calculator). In addition, my Seperac UBE Score Estimator will give you a good idea of your odds of passing based on the demographic and grade information you enter. Furthermore, if you failed the UBE exam, I can provide you with a free 16 page confidential analysis of your scoring along with my advice. I've provided this score report to almost 6,000 examinees since 2010. If you also have your written answers, I can provide you with a free 45 page MEE/MPT Analysis which will tell you a number of useful things such as how well you issue spotted (I've provided this essay report to almost 750 examinees to date). More information regarding this report is here. If you are in a non-UBE state (e.g. California), while I can't send you a score report, I can give you a breakdown of your MBE subscores (this information helps me make this calculator). If you recently took the UBE exam and think you may not have passed, there is a post-exam form for examinees. Filling out this form immediately after you take the exam (while the information is still fresh in your mind) can help you later. For example, using this information, I track the key details of your attempt, so if you later find that you failed the exam, I will try to match your responses/statistics to whoever previously submitted the most comparable details (and later passed) to give you their advice on what worked for them. All information submitted is treated confidentially.

Percent Correct on MBE
Avg. scaled MBE score on a July bar exam
Avg. scaled MBE score on a February bar exam
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2018 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2017 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2013 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2006 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2005 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2004 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2003 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the July 2002 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2019 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2018 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2017 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2013 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2011 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2006 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2005 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 2004 scale
Est. scaled MBE score based on the Feb 1990 scale



If you have any additional questions or comments, please email me at joe [@] seperac.com.

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