UBE Post Exam Followup Form

There is a lot of useful information in examinee data when it is analyzed. Help me help you by filling out the below UBE post exam information. If you think you may not have passed, filling out this form immediately after you take the exam (while the information is still fresh in your mind) can help you later. For example, using this information, I track the key details of your attempt, so if you later find that you failed the exam, I will try to match your responses/statistics to whoever previously submitted the most comparable details (and later passed) to give you their advice on what worked for them. This information also helps me to better understand the exam and to give better advice in the future. If you start to fill it out and decide it is too daunting, simply send me what you complete – partial information is better than no information. If you were not a subscriber, skip the section that pertain to the subscription site. If you are not a re-taker, skip the section regarding past attempts.

Please note that this form is meant for examinees who recently sat for the exam (i.e. you sat for the exam within the past 30 days). If you received your results and failed the exam, you should complete my Retaker Advice Form instead. If you only have your MBE results (because you passed or your jurisdiction doesn't provide detailed score info), you should complete my MBE subscore form.

Please make sure to complete all the fields. If you are not certain, estimations are OK.

Primary Information

Email Address:
Re-Enter your Email Address:
Exam taken:
Handwritten or Laptop:

UBE Exam Overview

Exam Location:
Date you arrived in the city of the Exam Location:
Did you request ADA accommodations:
Did you receive ADA accommodations:

If you had to identify one thing that helped you the MOST on the exam, what would it be:

If you had to identify one thing that helped you the LEAST on the exam, what would it be:

Any additional comments. For example, did you have any problems during the exam (severe anxiety issues, computer problems, wrote in the wrong book, did not answer an essay or MPT, proctor problems, hotel problems, etc) or was there anything unique about your attempt (e.g. ADA accommodations, used a tutor):

Study Information

For this exam, what percentage of your total overall study time was spent on the MBE portion of the exam (e.g. if it was MBE 60%, MEE 30%, and MPT 10%, put 60% - the MBE, MEE, and MPT portions should add up to 100%):
For this exam, what percentage of your total overall study time was spent on the MEE portion of the exam (MBE, MEE, and MPT portions should add up to 100%):
For this exam, what percentage of your total overall study time was spent on the MPT portion of the exam (MBE, MEE, and MPT portions should add up to 100%):
Approximately how many days did you study for the exam (e.g. 60 days):
How many hours per day (on average) did you study (e.g. 9):
Based on your overall study hours, how many total quality hours (e.g. sitting down at a desk in a quiet room) did you study for the exam (e.g. 250):
How many total non-quality hours (e.g. listening to MP3s while exercising or commuting) did you study for the exam (e.g. 50):
Did you work while you studied for the exam:
If so, did you take off from work at some point? How long:
What bar review course did you take for this attempt:
What percentage of the bar review course did you complete:
Based on your overall study and study materials, which did you find the most useful:

Specify any supplemental bar review materials, courses or tutors you used for the last exam (e.g. Adaptibar, Bestmultis, Lean Sheets, Critical Pass Flashcards) and rank them in their order of effectiveness:

MBE Component (50% of your total UBE score)

Please enter the information as best as you can (guesstimates are better than blank answers)

For the MBE AM session, how much time (in minutes) did you have left over after completely answering the 100 questions:
If you failed to finish the MBE AM session, how many MBE questions did you fail to answer (i.e. you did not mark an answer, not even a guess):
If you ran out of time on the MBE AM session, how many MBE questions did you guess on (e.g. guessed C for all choices):
If you guessed on questions in the MBE AM session, how did you guess:
For the MBE PM session, how much time (in minutes) did you have left over after completely answering the 100 questions:
If you failed to finish the MBE PM session, how many MBE questions did you fail to answer (i.e. you did not mark an answer, not even a guess):
If you ran out of time on the MBE PM session, how many MBE questions did you guess on (e.g. guessed C for all choices):
If you guessed on questions in the MBE PM session, how did you guess:
On the exam, how many of the 200 MBE questions did you think you answered correctly (e.g. 120):
On the exam, how many of the 200 MBE questions were you certain that you got the right answer:
On the exam, how many of the 200 MBE questions were you fairly sure you got the right answer:
On the exam, how many of the 200 MBE questions did you narrow down to two choices and guess:
On the exam, how many of the 200 MBE questions did you narrow down to three choices and guess:
On the exam, how many of the 200 MBE questions did you guess on because you could not eliminate any answer choices:
On the exam, for each session, did you group the questions by subject before answering them:
On the exam, if you grouped the questions by subject before answering, did you answer your best subjects first, or worst subjects first:
On the exam, did you read the call of each question first:
What MBE category did you find to be the most heavily over-tested:
What MBE category did you find to be the most severely under-tested:
Which MBE question did you regard as the easiest (be very generic to avoid copyright/exam issues):
Which MBE question did you regard as the hardest (be very generic to avoid copyright/exam issues):
What MBE topics/areas were you surprised to see tested on the MBE exam:
Was there any MBE tip that you used on the exam that actually worked (e.g. excited utterance statements usually have an exclamation point at the end of the statement; or novation is almost always the incorrect answer; or withdrawal for conspiracy is usually incorrect) If so, what was it:
Was there any MBE strategy that you used on the exam (e.g. grouping the questions by subject and answering by subject, skipping long Real Property questions, underdog strategy) If so, what was it:
Did you see any unfamiliar legal terminology in the MBE answer choices (e.g. "profit a prendre", "misprision of felony", "earnest money", etc). If so, what were they:

On the MBE, did any Criminal Law MBE questions ask you to rely on the MPC instead of common law? If so, how many (enter 0 for none):
On the MBE, did you see any questions regarding riparian rights/water rights (these topics were removed from the NCBE Content outlines but it is unknown whether they have been removed from the exam). If so, how many (enter 0 for none):
On the MBE, did you see any questions regarding air rights or subadjacent/lateral support (these topics were removed from the NCBE Content outlines but it is unknown whether they have been removed from the exam). If so, how many (enter 0 for none):

Based on your overall MBE study and MBE study materials, if you had to identify one thing that helped you most on the MBE, what would that be:

MBE Study

Please enter the information as best as you can (guesstimates are better than blank answers)

For this exam, how many MBE practice multiple choice questions did you answer in total (i.e. PMBR + Barbri + NCBE + Adaptibar + Other, etc.):
Did you keep track of your MBE practice scores (on paper or in a spreadsheet) when you studied:
What was your overall question percentage correct on MBE practice questions (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):
How were you scoring on MBE practice questions about 10 days before the exam (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):

In breaking down your total MBE practice, for this exam, how many BARBRI multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
What was your overall % correct on the BARBRI practice questions (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):
If you took the BARBRI Simulated Exam, what was your raw score:

In breaking down your total MBE practice, for this exam, how many KAPLAN/PMBR multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
What was your overall % correct on the KAPLAN/PMBR practice questions (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):
If you took the KAPLAN Simulated Exam, what was your raw score:

In breaking down your total MBE practice, for this exam, how many THEMIS multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
What was your overall % correct on the THEMIS practice questions (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):
If you took the THEMIS Simulated Exam, what was your raw score:

In breaking down your total MBE practice, for this exam, how many ADAPTIBAR multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
What was your overall % correct on the ADAPTIBAR practice questions (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):

In breaking down your total MBE practice, for this exam, how many PIEPER multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
In breaking down your total MBE practice, for this exam, how many NCBE multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
In breaking down your total MBE practice, for this exam, how many OTHER multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
Of the different MBE practice questions that you used, please rank them in order of importance based on how well they represented the actual MBE exam questions (e.g. 1. Kaplan/PMBR, 2. Adaptibar, etc.):
Did you make an MBE "Rules" outline (or flashcards) for the MBE multiple choice questions you answered wrong or right for the wrong reasons:
If so, how many MBE "Rules" did you make overall:
If you made MBE rules/flashcards, how frequently did you review/study these rules/flashcards:
What review book did you use as your primary source for MBE law (e.g. BARBRI Conviser):
Did you study commercial outlines for the MBE (e.g. BARBRI's outlines) or did you make your own outlines for the MBE:
How did you answer the MBE practice questions (e.g. one at a time and then review each answer; in blocks of 10; in blocks of 100, etc). If your practice evolved, please explain (e.g. one at a time open book for first few weeks, then 10 at a time closed book for next month, then 30 at a time closed book for final month):
When did you stop practicing MBE practice questions and focus on memorizing your outlines:
Have you ever read/answered the Strategies and Tactics books by Emmanuel:
Did you answer the questions in the Strategies and Tactics books by Emmanuel for this exam:
Of the 400 NCBE OPE questions, how many did you answer in practice:
What was your overall % correct on the OPE questions you answered in practice for this exam (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):
If you took NCBE's OPE-1 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-1 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-1 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
If you took NCBE's OPE-2 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-2 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-2 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
If you took NCBE's OPE-3 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-3 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-3 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
If you took NCBE's OPE-4 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-4 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-4 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
Did you took any other simulated exams, what were the exams and your raw scores on them:
Did you do anything special/unique when studying for the MBE:
If you were testing poorly in an MBE subject, did you put more effort into shoring up that MBE subject or did you focus on your better MBE subjects:
Did you generally study/practice only one MBE subject per day or a mix of MBE subjects daily (or some other allocation):
What material did you find the most helpful in your MBE study:


MPT Component (20% of your total UBE score)

For the Day 1 AM session, the time you spent on the two MPTs should add up to 180 minutes. Please complete the information based on the order of the MPTs on the exam (NOT the order you answered them).

MPT 1 Information
When did you answer MPT 1:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on MPT 1:
On MPT 1, how much time did you spend reading the File and Library:
If you outlined your MPT 1 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
On MPT 1, how much time did you spend typing/writing your answer:
How many words did you write for MPT 1 (estimates are fine):
Was your answer to MPT 1 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the MPT (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
How prepared were you for the format and style of this MPT:
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to MPT 1, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the two MPTs based on difficulty, how did MPT 1 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 2 = easiest):
Additional MPT 1 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):
MPT 2 Information
When did you answer MPT 2:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on MPT 2:
On MPT 2, how much time did you spend reading the File and Library:
If you outlined your MPT 2 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
On MPT 2, how much time did you spend typing/writing your answer:
How many words did you write for MPT 2 (estimates are fine):
Was your answer to MPT 2 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the MPT (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
How prepared were you for the format and style of this MPT:
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to MPT 2, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the two MPTs based on difficulty, how did MPT 2 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 2 = easiest):
Additional MPT 2 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):

Based on your overall MPT study and MPT study materials, if you had to identify one thing that helped you most on the MPT, what would that be:


MPT Study

Please enter the information as best as you can (guesstimates are better than blank answers)

How many MPTs did you answer in practice (i.e. taking 90 minutes to write out a full answer) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MPTs did you outline in practice (i.e. taking 20-40 minutes to issue spot) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MPTs did you read in practice (i.e. taking 15 minutes to read the question) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
What review book/material did you use as your primary source for MPT study/practice:
Did you do anything special/unique when studying for the MPT:
What material did you find the most helpful in your MPT study:


MEE Component (30% of your total UBE score)

For the Day 1 PM session, the time you spent on the six MEE essays should add up to 180 minutes. Please complete the information based on the order of the MEEs on the exam (NOT the order you answered them).

Essay 1 Information
When did you answer Essay 1:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on Essay 1:
If you outlined your Essay 1 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
How prepared were you for the subject(s) tested on this essay:
On the exam, what percentage of the issues on Essay 1 did you correctly spot:
Was your answer to Essay 1 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to Essay 1, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the six MEE essays based on difficulty, how did Essay 1 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 6 = easiest):
Additional Essay 1 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):
Essay 2 Information
When did you answer Essay 2:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on Essay 2:
If you outlined your Essay 2 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
How prepared were you for the subject(s) tested on this essay:
On the exam, what percentage of the issues on Essay 2 did you correctly spot:
Was your answer to Essay 2 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to Essay 2, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the six MEE essays based on difficulty, how did Essay 2 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 6 = easiest):
Additional Essay 2 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):
Essay 3 Information
When did you answer Essay 3:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on Essay 3:
If you outlined your Essay 3 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
How prepared were you for the subject(s) tested on this essay:
On the exam, what percentage of the issues on Essay 3 did you correctly spot:
Was your answer to Essay 3 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to Essay 3, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the six MEE essays based on difficulty, how did Essay 3 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 6 = easiest):
Additional Essay 3 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):
Essay 4 Information
When did you answer Essay 4:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on Essay 4:
If you outlined your Essay 4 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
How prepared were you for the subject(s) tested on this essay:
On the exam, what percentage of the issues on Essay 4 did you correctly spot:
Was your answer to Essay 4 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to Essay 4, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the six MEE essays based on difficulty, how did Essay 4 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 6 = easiest):
Additional Essay 4 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):
Essay 5 Information
When did you answer Essay 5:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on Essay 5:
If you outlined your Essay 5 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
How prepared were you for the subject(s) tested on this essay:
On the exam, what percentage of the issues on Essay 5 did you correctly spot:
Was your answer to Essay 5 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to Essay 5, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the six MEE essays based on difficulty, how did Essay 5 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 6 = easiest):
Additional Essay 5 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):
Essay 6 Information
When did you answer Essay 6:
What were the total number of minutes you spent on Essay 6:
If you outlined your Essay 6 answer prior to writing it, how many minutes did you spend outlining (0 minutes means you did NOT outline your answer):
How prepared were you for the subject(s) tested on this essay:
On the exam, what percentage of the issues on Essay 6 did you correctly spot:
Was your answer to Essay 6 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
If you had to assign a grade to your answer to Essay 6, what score would you assign to yourself (based on a scale between 0-10):
If you had to rank the six MEE essays based on difficulty, how did Essay 6 rank as to its difficulty (1= hardest, 6 = easiest):
Additional Essay 6 comments (e.g. any problems you had or useful tactics you applied):

Based on your overall MEE study and MEE study materials, if you had to identify one thing that helped you most on the MEE, what would that be:

MEE Study

Please enter the information as best as you can (guesstimates are better than blank answers)

How many MEE essays did you answer in practice (i.e. taking 30 minutes to write out a full answer) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MEE essays did you outline in practice (i.e. taking 10-15 minutes to issue spot) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MEE essays did you read in practice (i.e. taking 5 minutes to read the question) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
What review book did you use as your primary source for MEE law (e.g. BARBRI Conviser):
Did you read a good portion of the MEE questions and answers from the released MEE essays from 2011-2017:
Did you do anything special/unique when studying for the MEE Essays:
What material did you find the most helpful in your MEE study:


Subscription Site (only complete this section if you were a subscriber)

The more information you can provide, the more effective my future analysis.

 General questions for all Subscribers

If you had to identify one thing that helped you the MOST from the subscription site, what would it be:

If you had to identify one thing that helped you the LEAST from the subscription site, what would it be:

Any suggestions on how to improve the subscription site (please be brutally honest):

Questions for MBE-MEE Module Subscribers only
On the MBE, what percentage of MBE questions did the SEPERAC MBE-MEE outline fail to cover (rough estimates are fine):
On the MEE, what percentage of MEE topics did the SEPERAC MBE-MEE outline fail to cover (rough estimates are fine):
What percentage of your overall study time did you spend studying the SEPERAC MBE-MEE outline:
How did you study using SEPERAC MBE-MEE outline (e.g. did you read it, memorize it, make an MP3 of yourself reading it, or modify it in any way):
What did you like MOST about the SEPERAC MBE-MEE outline:
What did you like LEAST about the SEPERAC MBE-MEE outline:
Questions for MEE Study Module subscribers or Full Subscribers
Did you use the MEE Essay Compilation to review past essays:
How many MEE essays did you review in your studies (put 0 for none):
Did you use the MEE QUICK REVIEW OUTLINE to practice issue spotting:
If so, approximately how many issues did you review:
Did you listen to the MP3s of the released MEE Questions and Answers:
If so, approximately how many MEE essay MP3s did you listen to:
Did you use the MEE Comparison to review graded MEEs:
If so, approximately how many examinee essays did you look at/compare:
Questions for Full Subscribers
Did you use the Study Time Allocation Calculator on the subscription site to allocate your study time:
On the MBE, what percentage of MBE questions did the UBE MASTER/MBE-MEE outline fail to cover (rough estimates are fine):
On the MEE, what percentage of MEE topics did the UBE MASTER outline fail to cover (rough estimates are fine):
What percentage of your overall study time did you spend studying UBE MASTER:
Did you study UBE MASTER based on priority:
How did you study using UBE MASTER? Did you modify your UBE MASTER studying in any way (e.g. ignoring the LOW priority topics):
Did you read the MEE MASTER Topic Summaries:
Did you listen to the MP3s of the MEE MASTER Summaries:
Describe what method(s) you used to memorize/remember UBE MASTER. How did you study UBE MASTER the last few days before the exam? If more than one, list them from most effective to least effective:
Of the approximately 20 topics on the MEE essays, how many do you think came from the UBE MASTER HIGH PRIORITY outline:
Of the approximately 20 topics on the MEE essays, how many do you think came from the UBE MASTER MEDIUM PRIORITY outline:
Of the approximately 20 topics on the MEE essays, how many do you think came from the UBE MASTER LOW PRIORITY outline:
Of the approximately 20 topics on the MEE essays, how many do you think you answered well enough to receive a passing score on that topic:
Of the approximately 20 topics on the MEE essays, about how many topics did UBE MASTER fail to help you with:
Rate the effectiveness of UBE MASTER OUTLINE on a scale of 1-10 (1 being ineffective and 10 being extremely effective):
Did you study the 1,600+ MBE rules of the NCBE questions (through either the UBE MASTER OUTLINE or the prioritized rules outlines):
Did you listen to the MP3s of the Seperac MBE rules outlines:
Did you do any of the Flashcard MBE questions on the subscription site? If so, how many (enter zero if none):
Did you use the MPT Comparison to review graded MPTs:
Did you find the MBE Legal Terminology list helpful:
On the exam, did you follow the advice on the MBE strategy page:
On the exam, did you follow the advice on the MEE strategy page:
On the exam, did you follow the advice on the MPT strategy page:
Did you review the UBE Strategies Chart prior to the exam:

Examinee Information

First-Time Taker or Repeater:
Domestic or Foreign Educated:
MPRE Score on your 1st attempt (if applicable):
Total hours studied for 1st attempt on MPRE:
MPRE Score on your 2nd attempt (if applicable):
Total hours studied for 2nd attempt on MPRE:
MPRE Score on your 3rd attempt (if applicable):
Total hours studied for 3rd attempt on MPRE:
LSAT Score 1st attempt (if attended U.S. law school):
LSAT Highest Score based on all attempts:
Law School Attended (if attended U.S. law school):
Age at Law School graduation (if attended U.S. law school):
LGPA First Year (if attended U.S. law school):
LGPA Cumulative Overall (if attended U.S. law school):
Have you passed a bar exam in another state:
Are you a foreign attorney:
Is English a second language:
Marital Status:
Are you more productive during the day or night:
Current Age:
Current Occupation:
Current State/Country you reside in:
College Attended (if attended college in U.S.):
Undergraduate cumulative GPA:
What was your best subject in college:


Other Score Information from prior attempts (if applicable)

Prior Exam 1 taken:
Prior Exam 1 state:
Prior Exam 1 final score:
Prior Exam 1 MBE score:
Prior Exam 2 taken:
Prior Exam 2 state:
Prior Exam 2 final score:
Prior Exam 2 MBE score:
Prior Exam 3 taken:
Prior Exam 3 state:
Prior Exam 3 final score:
Prior Exam 3 MBE score:

If you have any questions, please email me at joe@seperac.com