UBE Exam Retaker Advice Form

If you complete the Primary Information and UBE Grading Sheet Information sections, I will send you a free UBE score analysis report. Following is a example of the 16 page UBE Score Analysis report I sent to failing examinees. If you also complete the other sections of this form, I will also give you extra advice that is specific to your situation along with comments from similarly situated examinees (please look at the last 3 pages of the UBE Score Analysis report for more on this). Alternatively, you can email your score sheet to joe@seperac.com while filling out the other sections.

All submitted information is treated confidentially. Over the past ten years, I have sent these free score reports to over 5,000 examinees from July 2008 to present. Many examinees have used this free analysis report to restructure their studying and pass on their next attempt. For example, an examinee who failed J18 with a 257 but passed with a 289 in F19 told me: "Just to let you know that I passed the F19 NY Bar examination! My overall score was 289 and my scaled MBE 148.3. Your analysis was extremely helpful to understand my weakness and work in them this time! Thank you very much! It meant tons to me!" Another passing F19 examinee told me: "First of all, I wanted to let you know that I have passed the NY February bar exam. After failing in July with a score of 256, I managed to pass this time with 280 and my MBE was 136.2. I assume that while these are not great results (last time I did poorly on the essays with only 124.9) I should be happy as I have improved 24 points in total since last time. I wanted to thank you for the score report you made for me when I failed, because it helped me to identify my weaknesses and the areas to improve, which I think has helped me to pass this time." Another examinee who failed J18 and received a score analysis told me: "Thank you Joe. Your suggestions help me a lot and passed the February 2019 New York Bar Exam by increasing 30 points. Thank you!" An examinee who received an F18 score report after failing with an MBE of 130.7 and total score of 255 passed J18 with a 136.3 MBE and total score of 274 told me "Thank you for your analysis report. Your feedback helped me." A failing J16 examinee who passed in F17 told me: "Your analysis and advice was instrumental for my retake in February 2017 and I found out I passed last week by 7 points after failing by 11 pts in July 2016! All in all, an 18 point swing while working full time and studying part time! The pass rate in my state was 40%. Thanks for all your help and analysis!"

I regard this free score report as a quid pro quo. The report will help you better understand your problem areas and tell you the specific areas where you need to improve while the data you submit helps me to better understand the exam. For example, I aggregate the data to determine the scale for each exam and then make score calculators. All submitted information is treated confidentially. You can even use a throw away email if you want, so long as you are checking the account to receive my response (which may take 1-2 weeks if you submit the information immediately after scores are released).

This free UBE Score Analysis report will tell you exactly where you had problems on the exam. For example, the chart of your WORST to best exam items (based on how many UBE points away from passing) calculates how much each discrete section of the exam contributed to your total score and then sorts the sections from worst to best. You can use this information to guide your study by putting more effort into your worst areas. Furthermore, the ESTIMATED RAW MBE SCORES chart will estimate your MBE % correct which you can use to assess the effectiveness of your MBE practice questions (e.g. if you scored 70% correct in practice on Civil Procedure MBE questions but only 40% correct on the exam, you need to find a new source of Civil Procedure MBE practice questions).

Please try to be as complete as possible, as I try to identify correlations with your exam scores, study data and examinee information (e.g. MBE, LSAT, LGPA, UGPA and MPRE scores). Examinees who order their MEEs/MPTs and submit them to me can also receive a free 45+ page MEE/MPT analysis report which will tell you a lot about your MEE/MPT answers including how effective your issue-spotting was. Again, all information submitted is treated confidentially.

Please make sure to complete all the fields. If you are not certain, estimations are OK.

Primary Information

Email Address:
Re-Enter Email Address:
Exam taken:
Exam State:
Handwritten or Laptop:


UBE Grading Sheet Information

Please include all decimal places when enterng your scores.
MEE Essay Question 1:
MEE Essay Question 2:
MEE Essay Question 3:
MEE Essay Question 4:
MEE Essay Question 5:
MEE Essay Question 6:
MPT Question 1:
MPT Question 2:
Written Score (or Essay Scaled) - please include any decimal places:
MBE Score (or MBE Scaled) - please include any decimal places:
Total Score/Total Scaled Score - please include any decimal places:
% of National Examinees below your score (please enter the entire number including the decimal value but omit the % sign - e.g. 54.6)  
Civil Procedure:
Constitutional Law:
Criminal Law:
Real Property:
MBE Total/National Scaled Score Percentile:


If you only want the 12 page score report (which does not contain advice from similarly situated takers who failed then later passed), you can submit the form now using the Submit Button at the bottom of the page. If you prefer the 16 page score report (which also contains advice from similarly situated takers who failed then later passed) along with advice from me, please also complete the below information.

UBE Exam Overview

Exam Location:
Date you arrived in the city of the Exam Location:
Did you request ADA accommodations:
Did you receive ADA accommodations:

If you had to identify one thing that helped you the MOST on the exam (e.g. a bar review, a book, a supplement, a study method, an exam strategy, etc), what would it be:

If you had to identify one thing that helped you the LEAST on the exam, what would it be:

Any additional comments. For example, did you have any problems during the exam (severe anxiety issues, computer problems, wrote in the wrong book, did not answer an essay or MPT, proctor problems, hotel problems, etc) or was there anything unique about your attempt (e.g. details about your ADA accommodations, used a tutor):

UBE Component Information

Please enter the information as best as you can (guesstimates are better than blank answers)

MBE Component (50% of your total UBE score)

For the MBE AM session, how much time (in minutes) did you have left over after completely answering the 100 questions:
If you failed to finish the MBE AM session, how many MBE questions did you fail to answer (i.e. you did not mark an answer, not even a guess):
If you ran out of time on the MBE AM session, how many MBE questions did you guess on (e.g. guessed C for all choices):
If you guessed on questions in the MBE AM session, how did you guess:
For the MBE PM session, how much time (in minutes) did you have left over after completely answering the 100 questions:
If you failed to finish the MBE PM session, how many MBE questions did you fail to answer (i.e. you did not mark an answer, not even a guess):
If you ran out of time on the MBE PM session, how many MBE questions did you guess on (e.g. guessed C for all choices):
If you guessed on questions in the MBE PM session, how did you guess:
On the exam, for each session, did you group the questions by subject before answering them:
On the exam, if you grouped the questions by subject before answering, did you answer your best subjects first, or worst subjects first:
On the exam, did you read the call of each question first:
Which MBE question did you regard as the most difficult (be generic to avoid copyright issues):

Based on your overall MBE study and MBE study materials, if you had to identify one thing that helped you most on the MBE, what would that be:

MEE Component (30% of your total UBE score)

MEE Essay Information
Was your answer to Essay 1 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
Was your answer to Essay 2 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
Was your answer to Essay 3 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
Was your answer to Essay 4 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
Was your answer to Essay 5 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
Was your answer to Essay 6 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the essay (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):

Based on your overall MEE study and MEE study materials, if you had to identify one thing that helped you most on the MEE, what would that be:

MPT Component (20% of your total UBE score)

MPT Information
Was your answer to MPT 1 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the MPT (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):
Was your answer to MPT 2 100% complete? If not, what percentage complete was the MPT (e.g. 90% means your answer was 90% complete
and you could have written 10% more if you had the time):

Based on your overall MPT study and MPT study materials, if you had to identify one thing that helped you most on the MPT, what would that be:


Study Information

For this exam, what percentage of your total overall study time was spent on the MBE portion of the exam (MBE, MEE, MPT portions should add up to 100%):
For this exam, what percentage of your total overall study time was spent on the MEE portion of the exam (MBE, MEE, MPT portions should add up to 100%):
For this exam, what percentage of your total overall study time was spent on the MPT portion of the exam (MBE, MEE, MPT portions should add up to 100%):
Approximately how many days did you study for the exam:
How many hours per day (on average) did you study:
Based on your overall study, how many total quality hours did you study for the exam (e.g. sitting down at a desk in a quiet room):
Based on your overall study, how many total non-quality hours did you study for the exam (e.g. listening to MP3s while exercising or commuting):
Did you work while you studied for the exam:
If so, did you take off from work at some point? How long:
What bar review course did you take for this attempt:
What percentage of the bar review course did you complete:
Based on your overall study and study materials, which did you find the most useful:

Specify any supplemental bar review materials, courses or tutors you used for the last exam (e.g. Seperac, Adaptibar, Lean Sheets, Critical Pass Flashcards) and rank them in their order of effectiveness:

MBE Study

For this exam, how many TOTAL MBE multiple choice questions overall (i.e. PMBR + Barbri + Adaptibar + etc) did you answer in practice:
For this exam, how many BARBRI multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
For this exam, how many KAPLAN/PMBR multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
For this exam, how many THEMIS multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
For this exam, how many ADAPTIBAR multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
For this exam, how many PIEPER multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
For this exam, how many NCBE multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
For this exam, how many OTHER multiple choice questions did you answer in practice:
Of the different MBE practice questions that you used, please rank them in order of importance based on how well they represented the actual MBE exam questions (e.g. 1. Kaplan/PMBR, 2. Adaptibar, etc.):
Did you keep track of your MBE practice scores (on paper or in a spreadsheet) when you studied:
What was your overall question percentage correct on MBE practice questions (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):
How were you scoring on MBE practice questions about 10 days before the exam (e.g. 65% right, 70% right, etc):
Did you make an MBE "Rules" outline (or flashcards) for the MBE multiple choice questions you answered wrong or right for the wrong reasons:
If so, how many MBE "Rules" did you make overall:
If you made MBE rules/flashcards, how frequently did you review/study these rules/flashcards:
What review book did you use as your primary source for MBE law (e.g. BARBRI Conviser):
Did you study commercial outlines for the MBE (e.g. BARBRI's outlines) or did you make your own outlines for the MBE:
How did you answer the MBE practice questions (e.g. one at a time and then review each answer; in blocks of 10; in blocks of 100, etc). If your practice evolved, please explain (e.g. one at a time open book for first few weeks, then 10 at a time closed book for next month, then 30 at a time closed book for final month):
When did you stop practicing MBE practice questions and focus on memorizing your outlines:
Have you ever read/answered the Strategies and Tactics books by Emmanuel:
If you took NCBE's OPE-1 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-1 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-1 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
If you took NCBE's OPE-2 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-2 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-2 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
If you took NCBE's OPE-3 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-3 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-3 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
If you took NCBE's OPE-4 exam for this attempt, what was your overall OPE-4 score:
How many times have you taken the OPE-4 exam (enter 1 if this was your first time taking the exam):
If you took the ADAPTIBAR, what was your overall % correct:
If you took the BARBRI Simulated Exam, what was your raw score:
If you took the KAPLAN Simulated Exam, what was your raw score:
Did you took any other simulated exams, what were the exams and your raw scores on them:
Did you do anything special/unique when studying for the MBE:
If you were testing poorly in an MBE subject, did you put more effort into shoring up that MBE subject or did you focus on your better MBE subjects:
Did you generally study/practice only one MBE subject per day or a mix of MBE subjects daily (or some other allocation):
What material did you find the most helpful in your MBE study:


MEE Study

How many MEE essays did you answer in practice (i.e. taking 30 minutes to write out a full answer) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MEE essays did you outline in practice (i.e. taking 10-15 minutes to issue spot) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MEE essays did you read in practice (i.e. taking 5 minutes to read the question) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
What review book did you use as your primary source for MEE law (e.g. BARBRI Conviser):
Did you read a good portion of the MEE questions and answers from the released MEE essays from 2011-2016:
Did you do anything special/unique when studying for the MEE Essays:
What material did you find the most helpful in your MEE study:

MPT Study

How many MPTs did you answer in practice (i.e. taking 90 minutes to write out a full answer) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MPTs did you outline in practice (i.e. taking 20-40 minutes to issue spot) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
How many MPTs did you read in practice (i.e. taking 15 minutes to read the question) and review the answer (put 0 for none):
What review book/material did you use as your primary source for MPT study/practice:
Did you do anything special/unique when studying for the MPT:
What material did you find the most helpful in your MPT study:

Examinee Information

First-Time Taker or Repeater:
Domestic or Foreign Educated:
MPRE Score on your 1st attempt (if applicable):
Total hours studied for 1st attempt on MPRE:
MPRE Score on your 2nd attempt (if applicable):
Total hours studied for 2nd attempt on MPRE:
MPRE Score on your 3rd attempt (if applicable):
Total hours studied for 3rd attempt on MPRE:
LSAT Score 1st attempt (if attended U.S. law school):
LSAT Highest Score based on all attempts:
Law School Attended (if attended U.S. law school):
Age at Law School graduation (if attended U.S. law school):
LGPA First Year (if attended U.S. law school):
LGPA Cumulative Overall (if attended U.S. law school):
Have you passed a bar exam in another state:
Are you a foreign attorney:
Is English a second language:
Marital Status:
Are you more productive during the day or night:
Current Age:
Current Occupation:
Current State/Country you reside in:
College Attended (if attended college in U.S.):
Undergraduate cumulative GPA:
What was your best subject in college:


Other Score Information from prior attempts (if applicable)

Prior Exam 1 taken:
Prior Exam 1 final score:
Prior Exam 1 MBE score:
Prior Exam 2 taken:
Prior Exam 2 final score:
Prior Exam 2 MBE score:
Prior Exam 3 taken:
Prior Exam 3 final score:
Prior Exam 3 MBE score:


Upcoming Exam Information

Which exam are you taking next:
Approximately how many days in total do you plan to study for the upcoming exam:
How many hours per day (on average) do you plan to study:
Are you taking off from work for the exam? If so, for how long:
If you plan to take a full bar review course for your next attempt, which one:

Any relevant comments about your upcoming attempt or about your past attempt (e.g. something that was unexpected, a startegy that didn't work, what other supplemental bar review materials do you plan to use for the upcoming exam, etc):

If you have any questions, please email me at joe@seperac.com