Past Comments (most recent first)

UBE Essays Subscription - July 2021 exam: I found your essay subscription SO helpful!! And you were a GREAT resource even for questions here and there via email. I told all of my friends that didn’t pass to use your subscription! I know for sure one of them ended up signing up, but I’m not sure about the other two people. ... Thank you so much for your help along the way and please let me know if I can help you out in any way! Your program really was a life saver!

UBE Course - July 2021 exam: I wanted to let you know that I passed the bar with a score of 290. I can definitely say that your materials, strategy and coaching helped immensely. I hope that I can recommend you to others. ... Your website and one on one sessions were unparalleled. I tried to read as much as I could on the website which helped me to better understand the test, grading, strategies, and student testimonials. It took time but was well worth it. The one on one sessions helped me to understand my weaker areas and how to tackle the MEE by better understanding what the graders look for. ... I was certain I failed after MEE day one but kept pushing through on MBE day two. The focused rules and your outline gave me the best shot at success and got me to that 266 I needed to pass. I also believe that forcing yourself to be interested in the material is important even though it can be boring. Stick to a study schedule and embrace the challenge. What really helped me was to think "yes this is hard but I enjoy the challenge and will pass" both during the test and while studying. I always had a goal of completing a certain amount of pages in the outline or answering 20 questions a day for bar prep. It helped keep me on track and progress to the point where I was able to answer 60% - 75% questions right on most practice tests. This in turn gave me the confidence to do well on the MBE on test day knowing I had put in the work. Thank you again for your tutoring and materials - should be required for any retaker looking to pass the bar!

UBE Essays Subscription - July 2021 exam: The MEE/MPT answer banks were absolutely clutch, because seeing the difference between a passing score, and a high passing score helped me establish goals in my essay writing. First, I would get my essay writing to passing level, then incrementally increase it to as close to the high passing score as possible. I never really reached the high passing score, but I made sure to lock in the passing score essay writing so that way as long as I got the MBE above 140 my essay writing would do the job. On test day I remember saying to myself no matter what comes on the screen in front of me, stay focused and kill it! Meaning don't freeze up, and don't allow any negative mental thought to linger, instead put all of my energy into reading the essays, issue spotting, and writing the answer.

UBE Essays Subscription - July 2021 exam: I just wanted to thank you for the calculations as well as all of your fabulous resources—I passed the NY bar exam with a 307 (144.3 MBE)! I have no doubt your MEE sample answer collections and the topic intros helped me to quickly issue spot on the exam and afforded me time and energy to home in on the analysis.

All Modules - July 2021 exam:
I had a dream last week that I did not pass. I called you and we discussed next July being the last UBE and waiting for the NY only bar exam. Then I had a dream George Latimer gave me chocolate covered pretzels and stickers based on The Giving Tree children's book. LOLOL. I almost don't feel like my information is valuable, since I only passed by one point. I think that the online exam (besides grammatical errors and software crashes) was formatted differently than what general bar prep provides. Most of the MBE questions I practiced had long fact patterns but I could see where the topic was going. The online exam questions - all three that I took - were much shorter. 3-4 lines max, and even reading the question first, did not seem to match the answers. There were also questions that had answers all exactly the same, minus a minor word swap. Honestly, I just think I lucked out. I KNOW I busted my ass, I believe I deserve to pass and work. Did this exam test my aptitude or ability? Not. At. All. My plan, if I failed again, would have been to utilize the black letter law sheets much sooner. Cold memorization isn't as gratuitous as videos (which suck) or even practice questions. I would have dedicated more time to the essays as well, writing out your essay rules. So, I would suggest to retakers: the black letter law, with focus on the rules you suggest, and much earlier study with MEE topics. The black letter law was by far my favorite, and what I used at the very end. If I had started with that I think I would have scored much higher. There was so much in them that was not covered in other outlines, and it was presented in a clear and concise way. I think I was trying to learn how to apply the law, before actually knowing the law. IDK. I still don't believe I passed! I cannot thank you enough for all of your support, educationally and personally. I am already private messaging on Reddit passing your name along. Seriously. Thank you.

UBE Essays Subscription - July 2021 exam: Just wanted to email you to let you know I passed the July ‘21 DC bar exam. Scaled MBE: 130 Scaled Writing: 143. I could not have done it without your resources. THANK YOU! A huge relief after failing California twice. In terms of what helped the most to me on the provided materials: 1) Database of previous exam answers with grades: This was the most helpful. Understanding the structure of how a 3 essay is versus an essay graded a 5 or a 6 was incredibly helpful. I believe (after sitting for the CA bar exam twice) that structure plays a large part in determining your essay score. I spent about a week going through pretty much every essay you had available in this database and honing in on the structure of the 5/6 essays and looked at the mistakes that may have made an essay a 2-3 based on the questions and facts provided. 2) Top 50 outline: This helped alot. By going through the top 50 essays, I could see what subjects overlapped and how to best memorize the information in my mind so if I spotted that issue on the test, I'd know fairly well what the graders would be looking for. Anything else I was unable to utilize so I could not provide honest feedback on those. But these two were the key to my success on the writing portion of the exam and I'm 100% certain had I not had them, I probably would have failed.

UBE Course - July 2021 exam: My life is driven by my faith in God, and I believe He gave me a vision for my life that has led me down the path to ultimately becoming an attorney. Failing the bar exam gave me the opportunity to be honest with myself, and allowed me to see that I would need to sacrifice more than I thought I was capable of in order to reach the goal of passing the bar. For me, finding the answer to "why exactly do you think you passed" starts with why I failed the bar exam, and deep down I knew it was because I became lazy, disorganized, and lacked discipline in preparing for the exam. On the July 2019 bar exam my total score was 226, with a written score of 109.5, and a MBE score of 116.4, looking at that just now I realized the bar examiners rounded me up 1/10th of a point to 226. Lol, so I really scored a 225.9! Thus one single idea drove me, I needed to become stronger. A stronger test taker, stronger at the multiple choice questions, and stronger at the mee/mpts. Based on my score, it would require humility, discipline, and challenging myself to work harder than I did the day before. I believed if given enough time to prepare then I could, and would pass the bar exam, because if this is meant for me, then the fear of failing, pressure, mistakes, wrong practice answers, missed family time, hours upon hours of study, timed exams/essays/mpts, fighting the feeling of giving up, would all be the sacrifice that I would need to make to pass the bar exam. ... I cannot say enough about all of the testimonials Joe has all over his website, I would read them and reread them when ever I had the chance to. They helped me keep a good perspective, because these were from people in my situation, they failed the bar exam, and ultimately passed. So I believed if they could do it, I could do it so too so long as I put in the work because I learned from reading them that they were writing the testimony from the perspective of having finally passed the bar exam, and all of the times they failed, and the struggles they had to overcome became a source of pride when the finally got the passing grade. Thus, I began to realize that all of the challenges, and sacrifices I needed to make, while at the time could feel horrible or frustrate me, would become the things that would give me the victory, and I would look back on them with a feeling of pride. That motivated me to push in by using any challenges, frustrations, or feelings of giving up, as a way to work harder, and get closer to my goal of passing the bar exam. Overall on test day I raised my score from 225.9 to 272, and finally reached a key milestone on the path to becoming an attorney. It was definitely worth it, and everyday I am realizing new, and more appreciation for everything I experienced to get to this point! Joe thanks again, I am so glad I turned, and trusted you when I did. My family, and I couldn't be happier.

UBE Essays Subscription - July 2021 exam: I remember at the beginning of bar prep doing intense research on what the best materials and supplements to use while studying for the UBE were. I combed google, reddit forums, and bugged friends I knew who had recently taken and passed the bar seeking what I needed and hoping to avoid what I didn’t need. I discovered your services only a handful of weeks into studying for the July 2021 UBE. I am confident that purchasing your UBE Essays package was what moved me across the “goal line” at the end of the day. Along with consistently following my commercial bar prep program, I reviewed all of your “Bible” materials and familiarized myself with what MEEs and MPTs looked like, how they were formatted, and how effective and ineffective essays were ultimately graded. Your step-by-step instruction, with adapted instruction focus depending on how long we had to devote to essay study, was crucial at the beginning of my essay study. One of the single most useful tools I relied on was your Top Essay Topics Tested document. I would read, reread, and quiz myself on the black letter law tested in each part/subpart of the Top 100 of that document. The last week or so of bar prep I narrowed the focus of my MEE review to the Top 50 most frequently tested essays/topics in that document. I cannot give a rave enough review of all the materials offered in your subscription, and would like to thank you for helping me pass the bar with a score that is transferable into any UBE state!

UBE Course - July 2021 exam: I had to inform you and I just cannot even put into words how grateful I am to have found you and your help and I want to write a lengthy review for you soon. I cannot express how thankful I am for your help and I also just wish I could give you a huge gift or something because I cannot fully put into words the help you gave me. I am so happy right now. This has been an obstacle in my life for four years And you made me a confident exam taker and your stories helped me feel better and like I wasn’t alone or crazy or stupid like I had been feeling for years. Thank you so much for everything, Please if I may ship you some sort of gift, if you could Send me an address or P.O. Box I really would like to do something for you. I also have recommended you to every friend I know who has failed.

Combined MBE Outline - February 2021 exam: Hope you're doing well. I am writing to you to let you know that I passed the MBE with your combo pack of outline and rules. The passing score is a surprise to me because I have consistently been failing off and for about six years the bar exam ... Fortunately, though late, I discovered the existence of your course because a reddit user mentioned buying your Seperac rule and outline combo and having received a passing score thereafter; at that point, after multiple bar exam failing grades, I figured I had nothing to lose: I was unsure if a difference could be made with buying your rule and outline combo, but I was willing to take this risk as it was something new and I also recalled a saying widely attributed to Einstein, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.'

All Modules - Feb 2021 exam: I passsssssed UBE at 285! Feel so nervous when I check this result coz I failed NYLE at 28 lol. I also did not feel confident as I am not a native speaker & only received foreign education in Australia. Thanks for your helpful materials and tips! I truly appreciate each email you replied with during this period. However, during covid, I am not sure whether I have opportunity to take MPRE in the US. I am not sure how long would UBE results be valid. Hopefully I can fulfil all requirements before that deadline.

Combined MBE and UBE Essays - Feb 2021 exam:
I just wanted to let you know that I passed the bar with a 270 and a 135.7 MBE score! Your Study tools were so helpful in my process.Thanks so much!

Combined MBE and UBE Essays - July 2020 exam:
I used your outlines for the July bar and they were amazing! ... I passed the bar! Thank you again!

Combined MBE Outline - July 2020 exam: I passed the July 2020 bar exam. Thanks for your MBE OUTLINE, thanks for responding to all of my emails, thanks for your time, thanks for your care and thanks for everything.

UBE Essays Subscription - July 2020 exam: Didn’t actively use your services this time around as much as the last few times, but I finally passed on my 6th attempt with a 282 (147.8 mbe, 134.9 written) in MA. My scores progressively improved from 236, 245, 259, 260, 263. Both halves progressively improved, originally scoring 125 on the mbe and 119 written. Even though I didn’t use your materials this time, this isn’t to say your help didn’t get me there— it really did. I had a tendency to be really easy on myself with my past scores, thinking I deserved better. Your score analyses confirmed my deficiencies and highlighted my strengths. It was humbling but immensely helpful. You also helped me understand the test on a level of detail that most don’t come away with. Everyone knows February scores are typically lower but you helped me understand why. I took that knowledge into consideration with my prep. It finally worked. Unlike past performances (and without a score report this time) my past experience tells me that I did well on the MPTs (something I was chronically inconsistent with), and about average on the mee’s. Thanks to using your mee material in the past, I immediately recognized the February 2008 contracts essay that they basically reused. If I were to suggest anything for your mee resources, it would be providing takers with an intelligible chart of when issues were tested. I know that topics are pretty predictable, but i feel as if there has to be some cycle for the issues they test. Right after the exam I went looking for that February 2008 contracts essay because I couldn’t believe how similar they were. I then took a peek at other contracts essays tested recently, and was astonished by how often they specifically tested UCC 2-201, especially with such similar facts. It’s something I wish I saw sooner. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you and tell you how much of a unique resource you have been in this process. Not only do you help people pass, your data helps retakers cope effectively. Failing the exam comes with a lot of confusion and doubt. You really helped me get past that. I have and will continue to refer people your way.

Combined MBE Outlines and MBE Rules - J20 subscription
: Happy New Year! I passed the CA exam thank God and thank you so much for your truly best materials. Like NY it was only because of your materials that I passed. You were supportive at the time of stress and your materials just made me confident. I was genuinely prepared because of your materials for the MBE which was always my weakness. Thanks a million, Joe. God bless you.

UBE Essays Subscription - Feb 2020 exam: I bought your essay subscription last year when I was peparing for my February 2020 New York Bar Exam. Unfortunately, I did not pass that NY Bar exam but I was able to increase my essay portion on 14 points! I think that happened because I used your essay prep and predictions that you made.

MBE Outlines Subscription - Feb 2020 exam + UBE Essays Subscription - Feb 2020 exam:
Hope you are ok and ready to enjoy the holidays. I am writing to share good news. I finally passed the MA bar!!!!! I wanted to thank you for all your help. Your amazing outlines, audios and detailed analysis not only allowed me to keep studying and preparing smarter and better, but also to not give up. I truly appreciate all of that and the time you took to get back to me on my many, many, many questions. I needed 270 to pass. This time I scored 295! I went up 35 points since my last sitting. I can’t believe it!! Gracias! Gracias! Gracias! With all my heart and eternally! Thank you!

Combined MBE and UBE Essays Subscription - July 2020 exam: I just thought I would write you a quick note letting you know I passed the Bar Exam with a 273, up from my previous score of 258 in Maryland. Your outlines were crucial to giving me the understanding necessary to pass.

UBE Essays Subscription - F20 subscription: You have helped me in the past. I passed the October Florida bar with a fairly high score—167. I just wanted to share my score in case you need it for calculations in the future. I have been recommending your website to others and will keep on doing so. 

Combined MBE and UBE Essays Subscription - July 2020 exam: I just wanted to let you know that I passed the Universal Bar Exam. Specifically, the Arizona bar and now I’ll be able to get licensed in NY and DC. Just so you know, your study guide were the majority of my review and I credit a lot of my success to them because you know exactly what is coming up on the test and the most important subjects. Thank you, Joe. After my 3rd time, I’ve done it. Thanks to you.

MBE OPE 643 - F20 subscription: I did the 643 questions you published and two Emanuel/FINZ books. I did your questions over and over until I was getting them all correct (maybe 70% on the first go-round) and was getting mid 60’s on FINZ. So I was pleasantly surprised to get the 1495 on the MBE. But for some reason, I bombed the Torts section on the MBE which shocked me because that was my strength during practice.

Combined MBE Outlines and MBE Rules - F20 subscription: Hope you're doing well despite the whole global pandemic currently going on. I just wanted to update you and let you know that I passed the Kentucky state bar exam and have been licensed to practice for over a week now. I didn't know if you wanted a testimony or something along those lines because I really really really used your outlines and I owe a lot of my passage to using them.

To refresh your memory, it was my 5th and final attempt at KY. It was also my first time using your outlines and rules. KY doesn't release your score, but I achieved at least a 132 on the MBE. I know that when we spoke on the phone I told you that I would let you know if I passed.

My study schedule was as follows, but I'd like to add a bit of explanation before hand. I had never really slacked on studying before. I had finished all of Barbri twice, with a 90%+ completion rate. I had even switched to Kaplan for my 3rd attempt and finished it to 100%, and even hired Chris Fromm (Kaplan's top tutor) for 15 hours of tutoring. I tried everything, and that's what eventually led me to your outlines, which were by far the most efficient and best use of my time studying. I really do mean that sincerely, or I wouldn't have taken the time to contact you. I think what you offer students is more than worth it's price and I believe that once more people realize that you don't have to use Kaplan/Barbri they will realize the MBE can be defeated without a "one size fits all" approach. Because those approaches never worked for me, and it left me with failed attempts and less money than I'd care to admit. I always had the mindset that if I wasn't using a bar program, I wasn't going to pass. That was beaten into my head the entire time I was at law school and when I was graduating the reps would hound me telling me it was almost too late to sign up or I'd miss some sort of bonus. 

I'm not sure when I began studying but it was after the New Year, I believe I put in roughly 6-7 full weeks of study.

Wake up - 7:30am
Workout - 8:30am (this helped me focus and stay energized, I'd run 3-5 miles in the morning to get my body going, I read somewhere that being able to finish a goal like a workout helped your brain wrap itself around achieving a goal that felt impossible like absorbing everything for the bar exam, this felt true for me).
Outlines Study - 9:00am (this is generally when I would start, maybe at 8:30, maybe at 9:30. But I tried to stay right at 9am)
-> First I would go over the Seperac outline. I would pick one single topic and read it cover to cover. If there was anything that I wasn't able to explain back to myself I'd break it down (programmers call this the rubber-duck method, basically you explain everything back perfectly to a rubber duck and if you don't understand it still, you repeat it. I was basically explaining the law out loud to myself as if I was trying to teach somebody). I would then write down that black letter law, and if I still wasn't sure, I'd make a flash card of the rule. I probably had 200ish flash cards when I finished my entire study. 
Study - 10:00-11:00am (this is generally when I would get finished with my first run on the outlines, I'd then take a look over the things I had written down and I'd go over the flash cards I had made. Some days this would mean several pages/cards, especially for topics like property/torts which I struggled with. I didn't cheat myself, if I missed a question whether it was because of a mistake, or I just didn't know, the black letter law got written down). 
Lunch - 11:00-12:00pm (I would completely disconnect myself from studying and have a full hour of lunch, in my past attempts at studying I'd sometimes just power through lunch and I felt like taking an hour off really helped my mental stamina).
Study Afternoon - 12:00-2:00pm (after lunch I'd get back into using Adaptibar, I'd pick the same topic I was studying in the morning and try to finish 25-75 questions, depending on how confident I was about it. If I performed less than 75% I'd write down every single black letter law I got wrong and add it to my pile for the day to study later on.)
Flashcards/Outline - 2:00pm-4:00pm (This was important for me, and maybe the most important part. I had never done this before as I felt I didn't learn much from it. But making my own outlines gave my brain a way to compartmentalize everything I was trying to remember. There are a lot of rules that seem to run together and that's really what the NCBE is hoping you didn't study for, like is this a products liability question or maybe negligence?) After each day I would update my outline for the topic I had worked on, this sometimes meant I had to work longer or shorter. I was very confident in my criminal law/procedure skills but lacked on things like property and torts.) 
Cool-down - 4:00pm - Finish (I allowed myself to take as much time as I needed to cool off. Sometimes it would be an hour, sometimes it would be three. I always wanted to end the day going over the outline I had made, the flashcards, and then I did a cover to cover on the Seperac rules only section that you said to study if you're in a hurry. The shortened rules gave my brain a way to memorize rules and I focused heavily on this early on. I knew I had learned most of the law already from my past attempts, but I was failing somewhere in memorizing it.)

I did all of this for the entire length of my study. During the last two-three weeks I incorporated the NCBE study aids and NCBE exams into my Adaptibar time-frame. THOSE ARE GOLDEN!!!! I took each of those exams no less than 3 times a piece. The last time I took them all I was scoring 90%+. Towards the end I neglected the full Seperac outline more than I had in the beginning and substituted in the rules only outline. 

The final week of the bar exam I really pressed hard on the brakes. Instead of sprinting towards the finish line I took my time. I studied broad stroke subjects like First Amendment, Negligence, and Fourth Amendment. Things I knew would undoubtedly be on the exam. I completely gave up worrying about things like future estates and other small topics that I knew were out the window. I was still waking up at the same time and having a workout, but I wasn't still going over the outlines as heavily. I made sure to go back over broad stroke subjects until I knew I was confident with them. In my past attempts I would brush over things like in-depth approaches to negligence (really struggled with causation) so I only had a partial knowledge of what is likely the largest topic on the MBE. Don't cheat yourself, and don't rush things. I had to continue repeating that to myself because I wanted more than anything to go back into old habits of blasting my way through questions until I was too tired to go on. 

At the end of my study time I had completed only 1050 questions on Adaptibar but my percentage correct was 86% overall. I was absolutely slamming them towards the end and it gave me A LOT of confidence. To put this in perspective, I had done roughly 2000-3000 questions on Barbri once before, 1500ish on Kaplan, and 2200 on Adaptibar previously. And my scores weren't bad then either, I was in the 70-75% range. I really don't know if it was test anxiety getting to me or just a sloppy study schedule. Maybe I was doing too many questions, it sure looks that way. But I felt it was necessary to pass. You'd always read/hear about people saying "An automatic MBE pass is around 1500 questions, or 2000 questions. None of this is true if you're not learning anything.

Come exam day I finished both sections of the MBE exam with less than five minutes on the clock both times. I made sure to take my time and understand what kind of question I was answering. If it was negligence, I'd make sure to ask myself the questions like "is there a duty owed here?" I even panicked in the early session because I got behind on some questions but I didn't let that speed me up. 

The Seperac outlines are a gold mine of MBE knowledge. They were concise and it really feels like Joe has a backdoor into the NCBE's brain. I would spot questions on the exam this attempt and go, "yep, easily a negligence question, look at how they're trying to trick me." Maybe it's because I had taken the exam four times previously, but I really think it's because I was more confident and prepared. 

Once again, I'm sorry for such a lengthy email. I wanted to be able to give someone some insight into what it took me to pass. Just don't ever give up, it's a difficult thing to achieve. Since passing I regularly visit the KY Bar Association website to see my name, it still feels unreal, but I know that if I can do it, anyone else can with the right preparation. Despite all the COVID-19 problems I already have two job offers and I look forward to exploring them more when the world returns to normal. 

Thanks so much for your help, Joe. If there's anything else I can do to help please don't hesitate to ask, keep doing what you're doing because it worked for me when other programs didn't. I know around Law School Elites and Reddit people speak very highly of you. I'll make sure to give my input if I ever see people discussing it. 

UBE Essays - F20 subscription: Thank you! My total score was 271 and the MBE was 140.1 ... I thought the UBE Essays site was useful and printed some of your materials off. I used them in my preparation. I really liked the fact that you used color to make reading easier and I liked that you had two versions, one more detailed than the other. I know another bar taker who used your services and he said his essay scores improved using your services. Based on you analysis I scored about the same as I did on previous exams in the essay portion but I focused all my attentions on the MBE this time around and only did a few essays in the immediate weeks before the bar exam. I think your work, website and emails provide the most valuable information that is personalized to each student which is not an option when students take commercial bar prep courses. As a foreign law school graduate (I went to law school in Scotland) initially I struggled with understanding what my scores meant and how to comprehend the test and what it was asking of me. You have helped tremendously in that regard and instilled confidence in me that it wasn't rocket science :) so I would like to thank you for that. The only constructive criticism I would give you is to try to simplify your website material. There is a lot of information there and maybe some of it can be composed into charts/graphs. Using different fonts, colors and text sizes could also help make it easier on the eye. Other than that I have nothing else to add and will recommend your services to anyone else who crosses my path.

UBE Essays - F20 subscription: I scored a 269 total and 122 on the MBE, so it was really thanks to all of your advice on the written portions that I passed. I am truly grateful. I think that a huge part of it was really your dedication in offering advice and guidance even in the last days during the lead up to the exam. I think it is really important to know that someone is in your corner. For that - thank you.

UBE Essays - F20 subscription: You have great resources. I will highly recommend your essay website. Below is my score for the Vermont bar. I did really well on the MBE. Do you know what my estimate % is? ... I actually found multiple things helpful with your service. First, the PDF of all the MEEs combined in one document was worth your fee by itself. While that information is available for free on the web, just having this information handy, and organized by subject was amazing. I frequently used Command-F to find key terms to see the various ways the examiners may test a topic. I liked the actual results from prior test takers — but those I used mainly to make myself feel better after I felt that I screwed up on questions to see what other passing answers were. Finally, the top 50 was perfect for me because I worked full time until two weeks prior to the exam. It gave me something to focus on and outline my answers. You will end up finding that the MEEs this time around were more quirky than in the past. At least three major topics were never previously tested. Nonetheless, practicing timed essays and reviewing helped me through the rough patches.

Combined MBE and UBE Essays - J19 subscription: Wanted to let you know I finally passed the bar (3rd attempt).  I had failed twice in Ohio, a state which only gives 33% weight to the MBE.  I found out recently that I passed the February UBE in Illinois, which I attribute in large part to my MBE score.  Your guides were invaluable in helping me learn the law and apply it quickly to the MBE questions.  

Combined MBE and UBE Essays - J19 subscription: Want to begin by saying thank you for all your materials. I received my passing email, finally! Your MBE rules were absolute GOLD. I saw many questions that went hand in hand with your rules. I have also told my buddies who are graduating to 1000% purchase your materials. ... for the MBE I had Adaptibar and your rules. Your rules were used 85-90% of my studying with the MBE. All the little rules/exceptions especially that would come up in questions were always able to be found in the outline. I did not want to cheat myself by looking at the combined rules with the practice NCBE exams but I made sure to complete all the practice exams 1 week out that way I was able to use your outline to the fullest extent. I mostly read your rules daily. I studied with my buddy and every day we'd memorize a handful rules from a random section (or if it was a specific area I was struggling in) and at the next day we would spit the rules back out at each other. As a 3rd time taker I believe your MBE rules were DEFINITELY the most helpful material with adapitbar lectures behind it. Your materials are a very, very reasonable price for the amount of content they contain and it can be used to its max capacity in prepping for the bar.

Combined MBE Outlines and MBE Rules - J19 subscription and OPE 643 - J19 subscription: I passed the bar exam! Thank you so much for all the help and your materials was amazing! I sent in the post-exam follow up questionnaire after I took your exam. If theirs anything else to fill out I’d be happy to do so! My results 149 MBE 311 Total (essays + 2 mpt) I’d love to see the stats on my mbe score if you have any. Thank you so so much! I went from like my 113 Barbri to a 149 so happy ?? ... If I was to recommend just one product, it would be your 175 page MBE Outline Module. I had the Barbri convisor but I used the MBE outline exclusively. It was the one supplement that gave me all the information I needed without any fluff. I also felt like it followed the test very well. I remember reading the exam and thinking wow yeah that was in the outline the rule is xyz. A close second recommend would be the OPE rules. I got it in July so I didn’t have much time to use it but I think it’s brilliant and a must buy combined with the MBE outline. If I were to offer advice, I would recommend that for the OPE rules to have a table of contents. I ended up tagging each section using my PDF creator. Thank you for all the work you put into your materials and statistics. I will always recommend your products!

Combined MBE Outlines and MBE Rules - J19 subscription: I hope you're well. I have great news I passed the NY Bar Exam!!! I think it's mostly thanks to your materials. ... My total score was 303 and my scaled MBE score was 159.9. Again, your materials really made the difference for me, and focusing on the MBE and Top 50 essays as you suggested. Thank you so very very much! I think you were right to advise me to focus on the MBE part, so I'll say that the OPE 643 was the most helpful. I'll recommend you to friends, that's for sure!

Combined MBE Outlines and UBE Essays modules - July 2019 exam: Your MBE outlines took my MBE score from 112 to 131 (with minimal practice questions). I studied only for 22 days. Also, I am 6 years out of law school and I am a non-native speaker. Failed bcs did not study enough, skipped essay prep completely, lost my nerve and bombed the MPT, and of course did not do enough practice questions BUT still, it was a super morale booster. Again, I hope you are okay and will be back.

Combined MBE and UBE Essays - J19 subscription:
Just to share this exciting news with you that I’ve passed the 2019 July New York bar exam. Appreciate your help along this journey.

cI passed the BAR with flying colors! Score: July 2018: 249 (MBE Score: 119.6) February 2019: 255 (MBE Score: 123.9) July 2019: 293 (MBE Score 153.7) What an improvement! I knew I had the capability within me to take this exam. I just needed someone to point me in the right direction and give me a step-by-step approach to taking the exam. Surely, you did it! Your content is absolutely astounding and I would dare to say a guaranteed means of passing the BAR exam if one puts the time and effort. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to sincerely thank you for your time on the phone and the email exchanges. I will say that following the failure of the BAR in February, I was extremely down. I flew to Israel to clear my mind and hopefully find the drive to attempt the exam again. I laid in my bed one evening in Jerusalem and decided to go on forums and search for folks who failed the BAR repeatedly. Luckily, I came across a thread of a subscriber of the forum who highly recommended you. Lo and behold, I found Joe Seperac, a fellow Croatian. I immediately purchased a part of your course and added AdaptiBAR too it as well. Truly, thank you. If you would like me to write a more detailed review of your course, I'd be happy to do so without hesitation. I also would like to meet you one day, perhaps at the infamous Croatian church one Sunday in Manhattan or anywhere else that works for you. You deserve to have your curriculum used nationwide because it truly is that much better than what the market offers. Thank you, kind sir and I hope to hear from you soon!

UBE Essays - J19 subscription: Just wanted to say thanks for all the help. You’re the man! I got a 343, with a 169.5 mbe! I think everything you said was right. The MBE was clearly the most important, not even close. I think doing the recently released questions and memorizing those is more important than doing 2000 questions and not really learning from them. As for the essays, I spent (barely) 2 out of 8 weeks on them. I read super condensed outlines and your top 50 essays were helpful. They really narrow down the key issues and topics. I think knowing those 50 essays along with memorizing short outlines for each MEE topics is enough to do well.

MBE OPE 643 J19 and MBE Rules F19 subscriptions: I wanted to let you know I passed the July '19 Arizona bar exam. This was my third attempt. I scored a 277. Written: 134.1 MBE: 142.8  Your MBE/OPE questions were part of the reason why I scored so high on the MBE, so I thank you for that. I am extremely glad to have found you the first time I failed the bar exam in July '18. This attempt I also did not write any essays at all and continued to follow your strategy and focus on your MBE audio of scores on the MEE were all over the place. I received a score of 4 on an essay where I literally ran out of time and wrote maybe 2 incoherent paragraphs? It really is all about the MBE.  As far as the MBE went, it felt extremely easy taking it. I finished about 30-45 minutes early. I felt like every subject besides Contracts and Real Property were really easy, so I chalk that up to prep. In terms of my score, I feel like it is still a little low compared to how I felt following the exam. The first two times I took the bar I felt like there was a significant chance I would fail. This time around, I was extremely confident I would pass. I felt like I was good for at least a 280, but I will chalk that up to the examiners really gaming the multiple choice portion of the test.

UBE Essays - J19 subscription: I wasn't sure if there was a form on your website where you wanted follow up info on our scores, but I just received my scores from Arizona. Total combined: 320 MBE: 159.1 Scaled written portion: 160.7. The essay subscription was very helpful because of the way the essays and answers were formatted. Overall, using the materials made me feel more confident for the essay portion. What ended up being the most helpful thing for me was the compilation of the 50 essays with issues you thought might be tested again. Those were very spot on from what I remember. I only read essays in the subjects that I felt I needed the most help in, though. I wish I would have spent more time reading that whole compilation a few times instead of attempting practice essays. But even just reading some of that compilation helped. I was also spending time going through the critical pass flashcards. The written material from the subscription can be overwhelming, but the organization of it is good and easy to navigate. I also listened to some of the audio files while driving and as a break. The audio files were great and I haven't seen that anywhere else so that really attracted me to your subscription.

UBE Essays - J19 subscription: Just wanted to share with you that I passed the WA Bar. Your materials were helpful, thank so much. In case you were interested for stat purposes, here's my score breakdown. Written (MEE and MPT) Score: 157.9 MBE: 148.5 Total UBE Score: 306

Combined MBE and UBE Essays - J19 subscription: Just wanted to let you know that I passed the Washington UBE with a score of 279. You had predicted that I would score a 290, so not far off! This was my second attempt (sat for Florida first time). Please let me know what I need to fill out for you so that you can use my statistics for others in the future. I relied heavily on your program and did not take a traditional bar course. I am quite certain that I would not have passed without your MEE/MPT materials. What was especially useful was the top 50 rules outline that you sent to us weeks before the exam. Thank you for all your help, I am eternally grateful.

Combined MBE Outlines and MBE Rules Subscription - Feb 2019 exam: I ended up purchasing your outlines and they were really helpful ... thank you again so much for your comforting words back then. They all turned out be true and I have one more story to add to your "good MBE = auto pass" theory. As predicted in July, I essentially got 0 points for the MPT, but scored average in the MEE section, bringing me to an MPT/MEE overall score of 108 points. However, I rocked the MBE with 168.5 points, bringing me over the finish line.

F19 UBE COURSE: I spent close to 1,000 hours prepping for the July 2018 New York bar exam using Barbri, but still only completed about 90% of the Barbri course. I was not shocked when I failed (but of course I was disappointed). On some level I knew that I was too uncertain on too many questions to have passed ( I would say that on roughly three-quarters of the multiple choice questions, I was guessing between what I thought were two possible answers). I found the sheer volume of information for Barbri overwhelming. It was an information dump, and there was no real, practical indication that one type of material was more important than another (Ironically, Barbri uses an "assignments completed/"check the box" format, so it's very easy to get stuck, feel overwhelmed, and get off track in the Barbri program. Barbri's solution to that was to post videos that have relaxed, cool looking attorneys in coffee shops saying "don't get stuck," "don't feel overwhelmed," "don't get off track," etc. The result was that I spent lots of time on Family Law (less likely to appear) and lots of time on Property (going to appear multiple times), and on test day was too overwhelmed to be confident in either. Barbri was the "extra value meal" of bar prep material: volume over quality, might feel like something productive is happening consuming it, but ultimately leads to indigestion and regret. I didn't fail by much: I had a 258 overall score. When I reviewed my score, it was clear that my writing, specifically my MPTs, needed the most improvement. Before I even got my results in late October, I practiced timing on a few MPTs because I thought that, if I failed, that was the reason. 

A quick aside about selecting bar prep courses. One of the academic studies professors told our group of students not to "play Russian Roulette" with your future by following a bar prep program that prioritizes topics. That advice will lead you to fail the bar exam if you are stubborn like me. If there is a competitive advantage out there you MUST take it. Joe Seperac provides that competitive advantage, though I was [in the Seperac UBE Course]. 

When I spoke with Joe Seperac, I told him I thought I needed the most help with my writing and he said that it might seem counter-intuitive, but that I actually needed to focus more on the multiple choice questions. He asked me to read the information on his website and let him know if I had any questions. The difference with Seperac bar review is that Joe explains everything. This was the key difference with Seperac Bar Review, it was true in every aspect of the bar review, and was the principle reason I believe his materials were far superior as learning tools than other materials. While reading the course explanation material on the Seperac bar review website, I kept finding myself saying "that makes perfect sense," and the more information I read (statements made by past bar exam presidents, statistics on the exam), the more confidence I felt, even before signing up. 

First, Joe's explanations convinced me that I needed to focus on the writing portion of the exam. Hee did so with sourced and cited information. He took the time to explain everything and never claimed that his system was perfect, but that it was carefully researched, highly accurate, and, most importantly, enough to pass the exam. His philosophy was that efficient study habits were possible and that such efficiency would be enough to pass the exam.

Second, Joe's explanations convinced me that the multiple choice questions were the cornerstone of the exam.
Joe told me that attempts were more important than correct answers, and that how one reviews wrong answers is the most important learning skill. I did over 1,200 timed practice MBE questions through the Seperac review in less than half of the time I spent working on the Barbri course. Not only did Seperac Bar Review have excellent explanations of question answers, it also explains why a question is tricky, and the common mistakes that students make in answering such a question. Because I was often among the tricked, these explanations were the most helpful for me, and oddly built confidence even though I got the question wrong. I didn't often understand the mistake I was making, and would repeat the mistake ad infinitum. Seperac also retested on common questions to see what type of progress I was making. Because I had the free repeat of the Barbri course, I took the Barbri MBE practice exam and scored in the 71st percentile for the February 2019 exam after doing the Seperac Bar Review, but I scored in the 8th percentile on the same exam on  my previous failing attempt in July 2018 using exclusively the Barbri course.  

Third, Seperac Bar Review has two excellent, prioritized "teaching outlines."
Like the answer explanations, the outlines are carefully written and teach the learner "why" a legal concept is the way it is, which for me, solidified the learning much more than rote memorization, or even worse, "because the outline says so."

Fourth, Seperac focused on writing attempts and answer review for the writing portion of the exam.
Joe established in my study immediately the practice of facing writing exercises, and accepting and learning from mistakes, how to improve the answer, and then moving on from the writing and the topic. In a self-guided writing program like Barbri, I didn't complete enough writing prompts because I always felt I needed a little more outline review before I could make the attempt, and the result was I just didn't have enough writing practice.

Finally, Joe Seperac is just an awesome guy who explains his reasoning and we connected weekly on the phone to discuss progress, issues, legal concepts, etc.
He understands the tendency towards self-doubt and talked me down from anxious moments more than once. When I emailed Joe about a concept I didn't understand, he sent back a comprehensive and thoughtful response, an explanation that he understood why the concept was confusing, and a "cheat sheet" he compiled for past tutees to help me understand the concept. This was confidence building on all levels, because it showed that I wasn't "unique" in finding the concept difficult. Whatever I needed, Joe did that and more. All of this built confidence. Confidence is honestly the x-factor on the bar exam, and Joe's course builds confidence at every level of the review. False confidence is believing that your tutor knows the law and the tricks and can pass the exam. Real confidence is, slowly but surely, learning that you can pass the exam. I cannot recommend Seperac Bar Review enough. 

OMG Joe...I’m sitting here w tears rolling down my face!! I PASSED THE AL BAR EXAM!!!! No more crying over failing...I PASSED Bc of YOU!!! Bc of EVERYTHING you pushed me to do!!! I’d never done this w/o you!!! You will NEVER EVER know what you & your bar prep mean to me!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! You have no idea how happy I am! I can’t believe how well I did! I literally went from a (119, 116, 126) to a 146 with you + your bar prep...that is HUGE!!!  Thank you, again! I would not be at this point if it wasn’t for you and the Seperac course!

F19 UBE COURSE: Last July I was in the majority of the examinees who had failed the July 2018 Mississippi Bar Examination.  I had now taken and failed this exam three times.  Although I had graduated law school with honors, I was now two years BEHIND my classmates in the legal field. I was frustrated and on the verge of giving up.  To say I was struggling to understand my place in the legal profession is an understatement.  Honestly, the ONLY reasons I took the February 2019 exam was (1) I did not want my daughter to see her mom give up, and (2) Joe Seperac.  If you are a repeater, PLEASE read about my experiences and then see my final results. 
EXAM 1:  In July 2017, I solely used Barbri.  I did every lecture, submitted MPT’s and essays, but I was overwhelmed.  It was too much material.  Results:  FAIL.  I made a 125.3 overall (MBE was 119).  Mississippi requires a 132.0 overall.  
EXAM 2:  In February 2018, I used Barbri combined with JD Advising’s MBE Guide and Adaptibar.  Results:  FAIL.  I made a 122.7 overall.  This time my MBE dropped to a 116.7. 
EXAM 3:  In July 2018, I used JD Advising’s MBE Guide, JD Advising’s MEE One Sheets, JD Advising tutoring (contracts + con law), and Adaptibar.  Results:  FAIL.  I made a 127.0 overall (MBE was 126.8).  I was devastated.  At this point I knew I had to find someone that could help me with the MBE. 
  For the February 2019 exam, I decided that I would give the Mississippi Bar Exam a rest and attempt the UBE in Alabama.  I reached out to Joe and we both agreed that I needed to improve my MBE score.  At this point, I put every bar prep material that I owned to the side and solely used/trusted Joe Seperac’s materials and tutoring services.  I followed Joe’s suggestions to a “T.” I have NEVER felt so confident in taking an exam in my life.  Alabama bar results were posted on Good Friday. My results: PASS.  I later received a breakdown of my overall scores and they included the following:  Overall UBE: 280; MBE 146.1; Essays 134.3.  My MBE score improved 19.3 points!!  Not only did I pass the UBE exam (for AL), but also scored high enough to waive into ANY UBE state.  In addition, my MBE was high enough that I am able to transfer it to Mississippi.  I will only need to take Mississippi’s essay sections this July.  NO MORE MBE!! I am so blessed that I found Joe.  I learned SO MUCH! If you are a repeater, again, do yourself a favor and use the Seperac Course/Tutoring.  I PROMISE you Joe knows exactly what he is doing and truly wants you to pass.  Joe, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!!

F19 TUTEE: Thank you Joe! I could not have done it without you! My Written and MBE scores resulted in a higher score because I followed your instructions. I outlined all incorrect MBE questions and studied from that outline. About 5 months before the exam I answered anywhere from 15-25 questions a day. About 2 months before the exam I answered about 50 questions a day. As for the MEE, I focused my last two weeks before the exam re-outlining and timing (9 minutes per question) the 50 MEE questions you provided while continuing to answer and review 50 MBE's.

I know I am only one of the many students you have helped over the last few years, but I wanted to reach out to you and tell you that I passed the July administration of the California Bar Exam. It was my third consecutive attempt, and it made for an incredibly taxing and difficult year. Your statistical analysis was helpful and I'm grateful that I found you as a resource. Thanks for everything and take care!

I hope all is well. For some reason I was thinking about the Bar today, and you came to mind. I looked at your website and I am happy to see you are still going strong with! As I have said so many times to you, if it was not for you and your program, and the time you devoted to me, I probably would have never passed the exam. Thank you again, 5 years later!

I passed the NJ bar exam!!!! My score was a 272. THANK YOU!! FOR THIS I'LL NAME MY FIRST BORN AFTER YOU!! (already did haha). Thanks again for everything. 149.8 almost 150 on the UBE!

Total score 296 and scaled score 152.1. I certainly could not have done it without your help. MyDean at my former law school asked me what materials I used. I told him Joe Seperac made all the difference, Your program is invaluable and your continued support by email made a huge difference! Thank you with all my heart!! I am even more proud seeing how highly I scored. You really made a difference in my study! Here is how I used my subscription:

MBE Rules:I read through your rules fully at least 3-4 times before the exam. This was the first time I begun to feel that I understood possible questions that could be tested on the exam. Your rules were the closest thing to the exam questions. I started studying for the bar with Barbri and even though I was learning a lot with Barbri I felt like I wasnt being directly prepared for possible bar exam questions. I researched online and read rave reviews about your materials. I decided to follow my gut and try your subscription. You responded quickly to my questions and welcomed me to your subscription family! Once I read your MBE rules, I finally felt like I was hitting the nail on the head and truly understanding potential MBE questions. My advice to anyone is first make sure you understand each MBE subject as well as possble (using Barbri or whatever your primary study material is) then read Joe's MBE rules thoroughly, at least 3-4 times before the exam. Make sure you understand and can apply each rule fully. Another thing: Barbri advises you wait till last two weeks to memorize for all the subjects. I highly disagree. I was memorizing as I went along--and by memorizing I mean I was making sure that I fully understood each rule in your outline. Whatever didnt "stick" in my mind on the first read would eventually stick on subsequent reads before the exam. Also, start your study early. I dont believe in Barbri's calender of 2 months of study. Start 1-2 months ahead of Barbri if possible (unless you are already very familiar with the bar materials). It takes time for your mind to digest all the information.

MPT: I followed your advice. First, I fully answered all the MPT essays assigned and graded by Barbri as homework (3-5 full MPT questions). Then I applied your advice... I read through as many additional MPT questions as possible (perhaps 6 additional questions) then read the sample answers as well . I didnt write out these 6 additional questions I just read both the question and the sample answer and it gave me a solid understanding of the pattern of questions tested on the MPT and the pattern of acceptable answers. I believe I read the additional 6 the weekend before the exam so it would be fresh in my mind since NY tests MPT on Day 1.

MEE: Your advice made all the difference! I did all MEE questions assigned by Barbri. Then I read through NEARLY ALL of your MEE questions and answers. I read until I just couldn't anymore. I noticed your answers to the MEE questions were more thorough and easy to comprehend than Barbri's. The summary at the beginning of your answers was also super helpful when I felt I was running out of time to read the full answer. Your predictions made a HUGE difference for me as well. It helped me hone in on potential topics that could be tested. It boosted my confidence knowing possible subjects that could be tested. I did make sure that I understood all 13 MEE subjects clearly then I paid extra attention to the topics you predicted. I believe most of your predictions were spot on!!

One more thing: your advice to do all 4 OPE's and the NCBE study questions was spot on!!!! I believe a few OPE questions were repeated on the test and changed very slightly. I did not get to the NCBE study book due to lack of time but I am sure that would have raised my score even more!! I also did some of the questions in Emmanuel's Strategy and Tactics which matched the exam questions as well.

Overall, I think another thing that made a BIG difference for me was the level of attention you gave me. When I felt down or unsure or confused I could write to you and get encouragement and a strategy. I DID NOT EVEN GET THIS LEVEL OF ATTENTION FROM BARBRI WHOM I PAID WAY MORE. I could always ask for your advice whenever I felt I hit a wall and you would give me invaluable strategy advice. This made all of the difference. Even when I finished the exam and I was unsure of how I would score your advice boosted my confidence that I passed. Now, I am happy that my score is high enough to transfer to any UBE state. Thanks to you I wrote the bar once and aced it so I dont have to worry about it again!

Joe I believe you have DECODED THE BAR EXAM!! Keep up the excellent work!! If I can do anything to support your business please let me know. I am forever a fan and will spread the word any chance I get.

I am very happy to let you know that I passed the NY bar! Thank you for your help with understanding my score and creating a study plan for my retake. Your advice was certainly instrumental, and I very much appreciate it. I will make sure to recommend your services to my colleagues. In case you need it for your records, I scored a 270 this time, with an MBE score of 127.3. That must mean I did well on the essays to compensate for a low MBE, right?

I found your website extremely useful and so I just wanted to say thank you very much! I passed with a 291 (154.3 on the MBE).

Joe! I passed the bar with 148.3 on the MBE. Thank you so much for your help! Your advice, feedback, and outlines are so great!!! I really appreciate it!! Thanks Joe!

I am pleased to share with you that I passed the NYS Bar at my second attempt. My score at this session was 289, of which 144 MBE. That is a massive improvement from the previous session in which I obtained 131.2 on MBE and 120.8 MEE (tot 252). Many thanks for your precious advice and for your very very helpful essay comparisons - I doubt I would have improved my MEE score so much without these.

OMG Joe...I’m sitting here w tears rolling down my face!! I PASSED THE AL BAR EXAM!!!! No more crying over failing...I PASSED Bc of YOU!!! Bc of EVERYTHING you pushed me to do!!! I’d never done this w/o you!!! You will NEVER EVER know what you & your bar prep mean to me!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! You have no idea how happy I am! I can’t believe how well I did! I literally went from a (119, 116, 126) to a 146 with you + your bar prep...that is HUGE!!! I’m attaching a breakdown/ stats of AL exam if you wanted to see it.

Please find the screen shots below!!!!!!! 274- I literally cannot believe it. The biggest thank you goes to YOU!!! Years of bullshit and it’s all over. I cannot thank you enough for all of the guidance, questions, support, pep talks and everything. It’s OVER!!!! Thank you again!!!!!!

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the TN UBE with a score of 302. I wanted to thank you sincerely for providing such an amazing program for the MEE, MPT, and MBE. It allowed me to really focus my studying and pass with flying colors. Thank you again!

Wanted to say thanks for all your help! I ended up with a 308 total on the exam and I scored a 147 on the MBE. So two points higher than my barbri midterm. 

Your top 50 MEE was right on the money

I took the Hawai'i examination this past July 2018 and am grateful to report that I passed. I purchased your resources a last year, and my situation was I had to defer due to family emergency previously. Thank you for your help and your amazing outlines. ... Thank you again for your amazing program! Please let me know if you need any other info from me which would be helpful for you.

Thank you every so much Joe for your help. I went at it again and passed in 2018. Thank you soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!! The seperac outlines for the 1rst exam and your analysis of my scores were the reason why I passed. Again, thank you Joe.

Yesterday I received notice that I passed the bar exam! I am extremely thankful for your material, insights and answers to my questions. I would never have made it without your program!

I am writing to let you know that I have passed the 2018 July NY Bar exam. I was a LLM graduate in 2010 and I took the Bar exam in the same year and I did not pass. After eight years I decided to give another try, to be honest I did not think I have much of a chance given the fact that I belonged to a category of candidates who are likely to fail (foreign educated and repeater). Thanks to you outlines which had helped me greatly in preparing. I would definitely recommend your outlines to any of my friends who’s going to sit for the bar exam.

My sincere apologies for not completing the online questionare.. I just wanted to let you know, that I PASSED the New York Bar exam!! My overall score was 271 and 142.2 MBE score.... I can’t actually believe it, but I have to say this from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much for all your help, advice and absolutely sound guidance. After losing my mum just before the bar exam in June, I wasn’t sure I could handle doing the bar, and was completely and still am devastated.. but sitting the bar exam was something that she wanted me to do.. so I went into a whole different zone and did it with conviction.. and above all, I followed your brilliant advice.. and I did it.. I can’t believe it.. I just can’t.. Thank you so much, You are brilliant and I really can’t thank you enough.

Right to the point: I PASSED THE NY BAR EXAM!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you times a million for your support and encouragement all along the way. As you know, this was a much bigger challenge for me than I ever anticipated and with each time that I was unsuccessful, the blow to my morale made the next time more difficult. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have finally earned a passing score, nor how much I attribute this feat to your guidance and methods. To the extent it helps you any, I am attaching my BOLE certification letter. As you will see, the overall score was 268 and the MBE score was 138.5. From my post-mortem of the exam, I expected that I would have lost some points for the second MPT, which I ran through quickly and made look complete because I allocated time somewhat strategically to writing a complete and thorough first MPT. I also recall that for the MEEs, I knew going in that my focus was to complete them and content myself with imperfection since my focus was to pass overall by my MBE score. I am surprised by the MBE score and anticipated that I would have been above 140, but it was enough to get me over 266 and passing is passing; I’m taking these scores and running far, far away from bar examiners! Again, I am forever grateful to you; I just could not have done it without you.

I have to share the good news. I passed the Ny Bar and it’s all because of your help. I went up 21 points from 247 to 268. Thank you so much for everything.

I passed. I will recommend your site to anybody.

Just wanted to reach out and let you know that I passed the Connecticut Bar with a 334 (166.8 MBE)!!!!! I credit a lot of my success on your approach. Thank you!

I just wanted to let you know that I got the Florida bar results back and I passed! I got a 152 on the MBE and a 134 on the Florida 1st day component. Florida requires an over all score of 136 and I got an overall score of 143. Hard to believe that my first MBE was 129 . I have scored 33 points higher since then and I am not necessarily any smarter than I was then (since your service 141, 150.1 and now 152). I focused almost entirely on the MBE and then in the last 2 weeks started reading the Florida MBE distinctions etc. I didnt have a lot of time to read black letter florida law. So I just read the answers to published essay questions and did about half of the BarBri Florida M/C questions for each subject. When I ran out of time I just read the answers to M/C questions for each Florida Subject. This seems to have worked well b/s I came within two points of passing the Florida component. But as always the MBE acted as my surety. Thanks again as I used all the methods that I learned from your subscription service to pass the bar exam yet again but this time in another state. Maybe I will take California

I passed with a 276. Thank you so much for tutoring me!!!!! I am very grateful to you. You’re the only one out there who really knows the ins and outs of bar exam. I can’t believe I passed the bar. Currently I am going through some C&F evaluation in Missouri and I am in fact in Missouri now to appear before the Board for C&F. Attaching screenshot of my result. This data will be useful for you!!! Thank you, thank you!!! ... Finally, I passed the UBE on my third attempt with a 276. This score would not have been possible without Joe’s very skillful tutoring. Let me give a recap of my situation to understand how I chose the wrong bar prep companies my first two times and did not make a full assessment of my strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, Joe helped me to pass the bar on my third attempt. The first time I sat for the UBE in DC, I scored only 250 (my written score was approximately 120.9, and MBE 128.69). I used Barbri and AdaptiBar. Barbri is not for everyone and it certainly was not for me. When the result came out the first time, I saw my poor written score and thought for the second time I wanted to focus on essays. This was a wrong approach, as MBE is the guiding factor of the total score. Second time when I was preparing for February 2018 exam, I spent $5,500 (an exorbitant amount of money) to sign up with JD Advising. Singing up with JD Advising was bigger mistake than taking Barbri. I chose JD Advising for the wrong reason, which was they predicted most of the topics in July 2017 exam. I was mistaken to choose JD Advising on this factor alone because JD Advising merely got lucky for July 2017 administration and did not predict as well for the subsequent bar exams. Why JD Advising was a wrong choice? First, JD Advising was expensive. Second, they focus their course on essays. Third, the JD Advising tutors conducted live lectures 3 nights a week (which was time consuming). And I felt like they just read from the outlines and those lectures did not add much. Fourth, JD Advising does not focus on MBE at all, they rely on students’ self-reported AdaptiBar score, and at the end of lecture at best they would spend 5-10 minutes on some MBE questions. Overall, JD advising did not have any evaluations or tools to assess students’ MBE progress. When my result came out for February 2018 my MBE score went down; my MBE was 127.8 and my written portion was 129. 5. Focusing on essays was a strategic mistake, which I later learned when preparing for the bar the third time with Joe because no matter how well you write essays if your MBE is not strong, your essay score will automatically go down. Therefore, wasting time, energy, and money on essays are ways to set yourself up for failure. With that being said, that doesn’t mean one should ignore essays, but this exam requires smart study approach. And not every bar company knows what that study approach is. Joe knows how to approach this exam. Passing the bar requires to adopt some good strategies. All my life I was afraid of multiple-choice tests. After taking the bar the third time, I realized that I actually had a fear of practicing multiple choice tests not the taking multiple-choice test itself. Thanks to Joe for helping me realize that because Joe’s tutoring involved 14 timed-practice tests. For future examinees, now is your time to come out of your fear of practicing and spend all your time into practicing MBE questions. When Joe was tutoring me, I used to look forward to practicing one tests after another and then to receiving in-depth statistical analysis from Joe to understand my strengths and weaknesses. The only way to pass this test is to practice MBE questions from many different sources as the bar examiners are becoming very savvy now and they throw in many types of nuances. Having the exposure to different types of MBE questions, which Joe compiled for me in my practice tests, I walked into the bar exam (my third time) very confident. The only way to be confident for this exam is if you are adequately prepared. What entails adequate preparation? Joe knows every nitty-gritty of this exam and if you listen to what he says, I am fairly certain you will be adequately prepared to pass. Couple days before the exam Joe provided me some essay strategies and I used that strategy on MEE and I walked out of the exam confident feeling that I did better than my previous two attempts. NCBE released a press release saying July 2018 MBE average was record low, but I managed to pass on July 2018 because Joe Seperac tutored me and through his tutoring I not only passed the UBE with 276, but I became a better strategist, thinker and savvier in my day-to-day lawyering job. Thank you, Joe, for helping me to pass the bar!

I hope all is well. I am SO sorry for my incredibly delayed response on this. I ended up not taking the California bar in February and am preparing for it now, and I really wanted to follow up to thank you again for playing such an essential role in helping me pass the New York bar exam, and to finally reply to your question! (I remember thinking about it when you first sent it and I'm so embarrassed that it took me so many months to get back to you!) First, on your question about if I had to attribute my passing to just one thing, I would hands-down, without a doubt say that it was reading the essays in your "MEE Master Released" compilation. I'm embarrassed to say, but I gave so little time to learn the non-MBE essay topics (family law, trusts & wills, etc.) that I was literally *learning* the topics by reading the essays that you provided just a few days before the exam. The format was extremely helpful and allowed me to digest the material in the most efficient way possible. I didn't have time to read all of the essays, but I think I read the top 50 (so that I had a handful for each of the subjects), and that was enough to make me comfortable enough to answer the questions on the exam for those topics that I literally knew nothing about just a few days before the exam. Pretty crazy how reading your essays allowed me to do that! Additionally, I felt like a lot of the essay topics were on the actual exam, so your predictions were amazing. Thank you so, so much for that. I absolutely would not have passed without it. For your question about the MBE, I initially spent about a month watching all of the Barbri lectures and found it was a *complete* waste of time. I hate to be so negative, but that was my biggest regret when I look back at studying. I definitely should have used that valuable time doing practice questions and reviewing outlines/flashcards instead. I can't remember the exact timeline, but I think about 3.5-4 weeks before the exam, I stopped using Barbri and just focused on doing as many questions as I could in Adaptibar while also reviewing the outlines and flashcards when I felt that I needed to really strengthen my understanding of certain topics. Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact number of Adaptibar questions that I did, but I would guess about 1,000 with about 55% accuracy. That plan was so-so -- it got me familiar/comfortable with the types of questions on the MBE, but I think that just doing disciplined drilling of the flashcards would have been better to help me really retain the information. There were many questions on the actual exam that looked similar to questions I had seen on Adaptibar, but I hadn't necessarily retained the actual law to answer the questions. I think that I have to attribute part of my passing to divine intervention (!) because I really did not feel great about the MBE questions as I was taking the exam. Again, thank you so much for all of our amazing help in my journey taking the bar exam. I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but I simply could not have passed without your help and I am so grateful. I hope all is well and I'm sure you're helping many others with the July exam coming up!

Joe, I passed the Feb. 2018 NY bar exam. MBE: 147.6. Total: 287. Quick background: I'm a foreign educated lawyer. Took the CA bar exam in July 2016 and didn't pass. I had used Barbri's program and, in the final 2-3 weeks before the exam, your MBE module. I can't remember my MBE score, but it was greater than 133 (NY's cut score) and less than 144 (CA's). I self-studied for the Feb. 2018 NY exam, using your service as my primary source for black letter law and strategy: On your advice, I focused on MBE prep. I began with S&T Vol. 1, ten questions at a time, here and there, from May to July 2017. Did nothing at all in August/September. In October I subscribed to Adaptibar, which I continued using until a week before the exam (1,752 questions total). I subscribed to your early service in, I think, September and your full service as soon it was available (December?). My work allowed me to take study leave for January and February. During that period I studied most days for 8-10 hours per day. For practice MBE questions, I used a mix of Kaplan, Barbri and Adaptibar. I ended up completing 3,327 questions with 69.4% correct overall, which includes 79% on OPE1, 83% on OPE2, 83% on OPE3, and 83% on OPE4. For the MEE, spread out between mid-January and mid-February, I read your entire MEE outline once, and then once more—the second time concentrating on only the highlighted sections. Then I read through the 50 past essay questions that you identified as "high priority," plus the answers/explanations, twice. I also compared a number of past answers from your archive to one another. For the MPT, I read your guidelines, memorized your top strategies, compared a number of past answers from your archive to one another, and worked through two past questions from the NCBE website—all in the final 2-3 days before the exam. Hope this info is somehow useful to you. In any event, I wanted to thank you for providing such a unique and helpful service. I believe it's the best out there and will happily recommend your program to colleagues and friends.

Just a short note to thank you for your wonderful product and guidance. I passed the UBE on my first attempt with a MBE score of 156.1 and a UBE score of 288. Whilst my firm covered my Barbri course expenses, I almost ignored the course in its entirety. Your notes are far more straightforward and easy to digest. Roughly calculated, I spent approximately 90% of my study time on MBE, 8.5% on MEE (or less) and spent a few hours the week leading up to the exam reading through and practicing 2-3 MPT questions. Being an Australian lawyer, I had the benefit of coming from a common law background so learning legal rules was more a process of finding out what was different (e.g. constitutional) and learning that. From there I basically chewed through a few thousand MBE questions from a variety of sources (Adaptibar 50%, Barbri 25% and Kaplan 25%) and making notes of legal rules that were different to Australian law along the way. I found Adaptibar to be particularly helpful in this regard as the categories of the questions tested lined up with your notes. I also spent a few months surfing and was generally studying on my iPhone in my car between sessions rather than in a library or at home in front of a computer. One thing to stress, however, is that Adaptibar’s civil procedure questions are way more difficult than the questions on the MBE. Having a slightly more smartphone-friendly set of materials or website would have made my remote study a bit easier but this is really a small point as I made do with your PDF materials. One other thing I would consider for the future would be including hypos in your early notes, or including your practice questions/explanations as part of the initial packet provided to early starters. I found that the best way to absorb legal rules was though seeing how they work in an MBE question.

I passed CT bar exam. I tried to fill out your extensive post answer sheet but it was a little too much for me. However your advice regarding an accommodation was spot on and your outlines provided so much more info than what Barbri offered. Thank you.

Dear Joe, You saved my life and my career with the invaluable product I was so fortunate to purchase and use from you. I would love to stay in touch! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you! I have kept Seperac a secret (to myself until I passed this monstrous exam, lol) including all the materials I have purchased from you ( I plan on having a bon-fire to burn all my study materials haha) but upon passing, have referred a few study-mates to your subscription site so hopefully they bring you business. This was my 8th attempt at the NY bar exam (I also failed the NY specific bar exam before it became UBE) and am simply ecstatic that I passed, with such a high score, without any formal bar review course apart from your essay compilation study module. Over the years of taking the bar exam, my MBE score has remained consistently the same (more or less -- there was no sudden increase or jump in my scores) while my written score periodically improved over time. To answer your previous question in a bit more detail in regards to my studying habits for the FEB18 UBE Exam, I used BarBri books to study the multi-state (MEE) laws. I read every single page of the book. I had acquired them from a girlfriend who successfully passed the NY UBE in Feb 2017. In my previous exam attempts, I had used Pieper books and study notes (purchased on eBay from a student who passed), Kaplan study materials as well as Themis and others I do not currently remember the names of. I found BarBri books to be the best at explaining all the concepts. They take time to explain things by using the most complex and less obvious examples to illustrate the same. Each concept is so thoroughly explained that by the time you read the last page of that topic, you feel like youre going to puke because youre so sick of reading about it. In other words, they drill the information into you so you understand it and comprehend it like the back of your hand. Of course, reading in itself is not sufficient. For the concepts that required a list of elements or were rather difficult to grasp in nature, I would literally re-write the rules by hand on paper verbatim, once if not twice. To supplement my studies I would use where I would hunt for flow charts and things that ease with memorization. Other materials from other review courses, provided generalizations for most concepts / topics and provided the msot obvious examples without going deeper into the more complex and hard to grasp concepts such as the parole evidence rule or the rule against perpetuities and the works. Since many of the MEE topics overlap with the MBE, I would also use the Critical PAss flash cards to help with memorization and also would do a lot of practice problems per topic as I studied each subject. For the MBE, i purchased the Multi-State Goat which contains the actual OME or OBE MBE exams released by NCBE. I also purchased Emanuels Tactics and Strategies for the MBE and read each page thoroughly before toggling the problems by subject. Approximately a week before the exam, I felt like I had sufficiently mastered all the subjects and trickiest concepts and began doing straight MBE practice exams under timed conditions. But your essay compilation is what really pushed me over the top. I took the risk and studied only topics that were predicted for the MEE (I did not even devote one minute to secured transactions). Upon reading each MEE question, per subject I was studying, I would mentally outline the issues and sort of talk the answer out with myself. Thereafter, I would read both the student model answers as well as the official NCBE answers. I studied the proper form of answering the MEE's (as per NCBE) paying close attention to how the issues were phrased since issue spotting is given the most weight in grading. Thereafter, i made notes of the most commonly tested topics/concepts in each subject as well as notes on topics/concepts that were not yet tested, or not been tested to a great extent. In answering MEE questions I noticed that the examiners like when a student defines all applicable views (minority, majority, traditional, common law etc) and then attacks the question accordingly. As such, on the MEE, where applicable, I did the same then tied it back to NY and its view to state my conclusion. I made sure to first state all the issues correctly before attacking any question. I did not actually do any practice essays nor did I time myself before the exam. I did some practice rule writing so I don't waste time on the exam trying to refresh my recollection, but thats about it. I also worked full time while studying and only took off 2-weeks before the exam to go crazy into studying. Generally speaking, I learn better on my own rather than in a bar review course and I am a better visual learner than auditory. I recommend to those planning to take the bar exam to first assess their strengths and weaknesses and determine what typoe of learner they are before committing to one bar review course or another. There is no such thing as the "best" bar review course if you do not put in the time to actually learn the material and DO IT! I didn;t fully take advantage of the materials I purchased from you when I failed the July 2017 UBE so I speak from experience haha. Hope this more thorough explanation helps more than my other. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN! Please stay in touch! Its because of YOU that I passed! I am forever grateful! If there is anywhere I can post a review for your services, please let me know! I would be honored to leave a review! Thank you again!

I just wanted to drop a line and thank you for the score analysis and your subscription site. I passed the NY Feb UBE with a 266; 139.7 scaled MBE! Without your approach and materials, I certainly would have failed a second time. I’ve always been a good test taker and mistakenly took my prep for the July exam way too lightly. Because I’m working full-time I only started prepping for the Feb exam in January and committed myself to the same big box prep course as before. I had gotten about halfway through the course when Feb rolled around, and I finally realized that this approach was not going to cut it. Something about how different their practice questions felt compared to the real thing and the focus on MEE-specific essays gave me pause and made me to reevaluate my strategy. My only regret walking out of the Feb exam was having waited until Feb 2nd to sign up for your site. Your approach, tips, and materials were so amazingly, dead on the money accurate that I can’t give enough praise. I read through the entire site once and managed to closely read through each the UBE Master Outline, the Final Review Outline, and your Rules Outline twice. Almost all of the hypotheticals and examples you presented showed up in some form or another on the MBE. I do want to flag for you that some of the rules sections in your Final Review Outline were out of order/did not match the subject outlines that preceded them. Following your advice, I focused mainly on MBE prep, tearing through the entire 6th Ed. of Emmanuel’s Strategies & Tactics and what I could of a 2016 Kaplan book. I also went through ~25 of the most recently released questions for each MBE subject. I didn’t have time to carefully track my progress or make my own rules outlines, but I was scoring between 70-85% correct on practice sets. I probably completed ~800 MBE practice questions total. When I was too tired to read I would play your MEE topic audio tapes. A few days before the exam, I gleaned over your Top 50 MEEs Outline, which was also extremely helpful. Finally, the night and morning of the exam I carefully reread your tips/strategies.

I would like to thank you for everything you did that helped me pass the New York bar exam. It was a very hard journey but it worth it.

I am writing to thank you for all of your guidance with the NY Bar Exam - I finally passed!!! I opened the email from BOLE when I arrived back in New York today from California and I was in tears as I read it outside of JFK. This time around I focused heavily on MBE, and those efforts paid off!!! My score improvement from July 2017 to February 2018 was from a 254 to a 284: I increased my final score my 30 points. My final MBE was a 137, so almost the 140 we talked about. I think my essays were pretty solid this time as well. I am incredibly thankful for all of your direction and encouragement. I cannot express how grateful I am for your help. After 6 total bar attempts (once in CA and five times in NY) I have conquered the bar exam!!! Now, I can look to the future and move beyond the exam.

I managed to pass the Bar!! And I have to say it was all because of your advice and materials. I really did not come out of the essays portion feeling confident (think I bombed at least two of the questions), but I needed your advice and focused on the MBE and scored a 141 - and passed. Thank you again!!

I finally did it. I passed with a 280 thanks to your amazing compilation of essays. I read every single essay question and answer in the book. Thank you so much! 

The only thing that helped me pass the bar was the Seperac essays. This was my fourth time taking the UBE bar exam (beginning July 2016). In July 2017, I got a 263 with an MBE score of 139. I never finished the MPTs on any of my bar exams. My friend failed the bar her first try and told me she used Seperac for the essays. The ONLY reason I passed the bar was because of my membership to your MEE database. Even with a score of 289, I only completed one MPT. Like I said, I never could master the MPT and this administration had a very weird MPT with no case law. I literally didn’t do the second MPT. My score really came from the MEE using your data base and also the issue spotting files.

I was a member of Seperac for this February bar administration in New York. I didn’t receive any recent emails from Seperac so I just wanted to let you guys know that I passed the bar! I am so happy I got a membership subscription with Seperac.

Thank you again for your wonderful services. I truly believe I could have not passed without your outlines, in-depth analysis, and streamlined methods to get as many easy points as possible.

I just wanted to let you know I finally passed the Ct bar exam! Thank you for all your help!


I would say 80% of the exam was on your top 50 "high" essays.  The only things that weren't were crim law - fit for trial, civ pro - sanctions based on attorney misconduct (you had for ESI), and real property -- real covenants and equitable servitude because it was the first time ever tested (i think was real weird question).The civ pro question was such an unfortunate curv ball. I did my best but was so excited to see civ pro then really sad when it was sanctions.  I legit had every single rule memorized but that one.


I PASSED THE TEXAS BAR EXAM!! FINALLY, I AM A LAWYER WHERE I DOMICILE!! Thank you for your help my friend!! I am here for you!!


Just wanted to let you know that I passed the NY bar! I have only you and your materials to thank. I went into studying with quite a bit of self-doubt, considering that I did not particularly shine in law school (second lower) and the ny bar statistics were against me (foreign-educated first-time asian taker). Since I was in NY for a year (while my husband was doing an LLM) and had some time on my hands, I took the bar exam purely as a personal challenge (yes I know I'm crazy and yes i did not know what i was getting myself into!!). I really struggled at the start (especially with constitutional law), and at many points did consider giving up. But the quote that I read on your blog (see below) spurred me on when I was at my lowest, and I continued pressing on, while wholeheartedly trusting your notes and strategy. At the end of 2 gruelling exam days (taken while still jet-lagged), I was fairly confident that I had passed. My mbe score turned out to be 162.7, and I received a total score of 327. If I had to give advice to future takers, it would be to not give in to negative self-talk or get too disheartened based on early test scores, and instead understand why you got an mbe question wrong, and to quickly find a system for collating and organizing the mbe rules. You recommended creating an MBE rules list on excel/word, but I quickly realised that reviewing the list on the laptop didn't work for me as I wasn't used to studying off the laptop. Instead, I wrote MBE rules on post-it notes and stuck each rule on the relevant portions of your hard-copy Master notes. On hindsight, I would not have paid for Themis as I didn't watch a single lecture, did not use any of their MEE or MPT materials, and never submitted any essays for grading. Your materials alone (together with the barbri long outlines as reference for points that require more elaboration), and mbe test books from the various companies (Kaplan, Barbri, S&T) would've more than sufficed. For the MEE, on hindsight, doing and re-doing your top 50 essays document alone would also have sufficed as they were extremely spot-on. Thank you once again for helping me pass this beast of an exam, and more importantly, for teaching me never to give up! It is a lesson that I will take with me into my professional life and well beyond this exam. Cheers and I wish you every blessing!


I was going to write testimony direct on website and saw my crazy comments sent at midnight when I just learned that I passed and I couldn't help to tell it to you because YOU was the only person in my mind I wanted to tell it as soon as possible. My real testimony is here. There is not enough words in my head to express how thankful I'm for all you have done. I will always remember how you helped me and I'm sure to many others foreign students. Studying less time for my third try between my full time job, family responsibilities and two kids out of school in summer time I was almost certain I won't get it done this time again and even continued answering questions of the day and re-wrote my trusts outlines for next time. You are the only one who helped to keep my mind cold and to do only the most important things during studying. I do not know any other person who knows about bar exam more than you do and I do not know anyone who contacts directly by email answering all emails almost write away with maximum explanations. Your materials were the only ones I used my third time, you advises the only I followed. When I saw you site for first time I was amazed how much useful information you analyzed, compared and summarized. I was amazed for second time when I downloaded UBE master outlines - it's a lot of your personal work that takes a lot of time, from the bottom of my heart thank you for doing it, and if you need any help tell me! I agree-old OPE's most important thing ever, same is Adaptibar questions mixed with one of commercial courses questions (Kaplan in my case). MPT section on your site MUST be read by international students who's native language is much different from English. I have never saw before any outlines I could navigate through MEE real bar patterns compelled with sample answers and rules that must be wrote in essays. It was important for me to see in one place what rule should be put for particular issue is essay, and to see the way the issues should be expressed. Your MEE outlines saved a lot of my time because I could open right away the rule I needed to learn and rule that connects to the issue in essay. Your two days before exam summaries were helpful to be strong and to remember most important things. Thanks for your evaluation of my results as well it helped me to organize my studying and to overcome kind of "sickness" and bitter feelings I had after I failed second time and to start studying again.


I am writing to let you know that, after two failed attempts, I have finally passed the bar exam in D.C. Thank you so much, Joe!!! I am extremely grateful for your support. I am aware that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other students who subscribed to your site and tremendously benefited from it -- but I must, too, testify that I have found your material extremely helpful. Unfortunately, D.C. does not release its scores. But I can tell you that, with my previous UBE scores of 248 and 242, my July 2017 score has increased by at least 24 points since the past attempts (since the passing threshold is 266 in D.C.). I believe I already sent in my UBE post-exam information form, but if you need anything else from me, please let me know (I like data, too). To re-cap, two most helpful tips I found are: (1) focusing on MBE, (2) using multiple sources (OPE a MUST) + at least one of Barbri/Kaplan/Themis. (1) is especially more relevant in Feb 2018 -- I think -- because I predict that there will only be 2-3 MBE subjects on the MEE portion (like you said) ... Subscribing to your site was indispensable in passing this exam -- couldn't have done without you.  Perhaps I am not the first one to mention this, but I found your statistical analyses on your subscription page to be very thorough.  I enjoyed reading through them! 


I wanted to drop you a line to say thank you - your outlines were superb and I relied on your past questions analysis and model answers a great deal when I took the New York Bar (for the first time) in July. I work full time as a capital markets lawyer in London, so I was extremely busy, and being able to rely on your outlines and other materials made a huge difference. I also used Themis (I think I managed to complete 50% of the course), which I found helpful, but your materials were better! My UBE mark was 307 and I got 162.7 on the MBE. Many thanks again


I am sure you are being bombarded with thank you messages at the moment. After finding out that I just passed the exam on my second attempt, wanted to thank you for all the help during the exam, and all the guidance regarding how to study the Seperac material. Don't think I would have been able to pass without it. ...


I passed. I finally passed the exam (second sitting). Thank you so much for your time, advice, and the invaluable resource - the subscription. My final score was for the UBE was 270, and my scaled MBE score was 127.2. ... The one thing I can attribute my passing is the guides you provided the days before the exam on how to the approach the MPT & MEEs. I committed the methods to memory. This knowledge helped me keep calm and write as quickly and thoroughly as possible. I stuck to the format even though overall, I did not really practice this portion of the exam as much as I planned. At the end of the two days, I felt confident on the MEE/MPT. Even though statistically, the MBE is most important, I didn't feel at all confident when I finished that second day. It was a bit frustrating because the questions were distinctly different from past questions on the Emanuals and even the Kaplan QBank (possible more difficult than the Kaplan Qs). Even the Barbri students commented on how difficult the questions seemed after the exam. I'm not sure if this is anecdotal, but it was a shared sentiment in the days after the examination. That aside, I know that I left each session with about a handful of questions where I ended up guessing between two answers. It was rare that I found a question that I could not eliminate (estimate 1 or 2 per session). On the MBE I answered 1042 overall with 526 correct (percentage wise 50.5%). I dedicated nearly 80% of my overall study time to the MBE subjects and questions. One thing I did was to practice as many questions as possible. Where I think I could have improved was to really review daily or weekly the questions I answered. I also used Adaptibar because I worked full-time until two weeks before the exam. My idea had been to make access to prep as easy as possible so no matter how much work I had I could practice questions. I completed most of the Emanual books and did a good amount of the Kaplan Q Bank. I think I learned best when I used the 2nd MBE Emanual book where the questions are split by the topics and you see the answer. This helped me because I saw the examples and understood quickly the rule applied. I could later identify the kind of question and determine more accurately the correct answer. If I were to do this again, I would start with that book, and then the 2016 version, and then Kaplan Qbank. In content, the master outline was my bible and I annotated it with my own mini outlines. The excel spreadsheets were also very helpful in sorting out the questions to review. In the end, I think memorizing the Master plus answering as many MBEs as possible is what helped me most. I think I would have improved more had I been able to review my past questions more often, and had more variety in the sources of the MBE questions. Regarding the Essays, I made my own smaller outlines, but honestly only memorized the high priority MEE topics. On the MBE subjects I tried to memorize all High Priority and Medium Priority topics. Again the MEE subjects were not high priority to me, but I did skim through everything that was important. I think on the MEEs and the MPTs, the key is to follow the format you suggested. Making it easy to grade and getting a few rules with analysis in, even if it isn't 100% correct is why I think I passed. The short guides you released before the exam helped me approach that first day systematically without panicking.


I just wanted to thank you for your help this spring. I self-studied and passed the NY Bar Exam in July 2017. I scored a 275 (136.8 on the MBE). I appreciate your guidance.


I passed! Thank you so much!


I pass the New York Bar Exam with a total UBE score 312 and MBE 157.1. I appreciate the help and suggestion you gave me back in May and I find it very constructive. Thank you very much.


I just wanted to let you know I passed. With a 152 on the MBE. Thanks for your support.


I passed NY July 2017 bar exam. My scaled MBE score is 145.6 and total score is 269 (J16: MBE 138, total score 250)  Even though MBE score is lower than what I expected, I managed to pass the exam. Without your advice and support, I could not pass the bar exam. Thank you, Joe.


Hi Joe, I wanted to let you know that I passed the bar I scored 286 total and 150 on the MBE. Thank you so much for your help and support. It looks like we can no longer order copies of our essays correct?


Thank you again for everything I guess it was a confidence thing. I passed and got a 150 on the MBE.=


I passed the bar! I want to thank you for everything. Your to the point accuracy is exactly what I needed to pass this exam. You were right on point about everything, even down to beginning with the last essay and working backward. Amazing! I only wish I would have found out about you sooner. I attached my results. As you can see, that 140 on the MBE makes for better odds, as you repeatedly noted. I took and passed the NYLE and I will be taking the MPRE next week. Thanks again, Joe. I am more grateful than I can express. ... Clearly, the MBE is the ticket to passing this exam and what I attribute to passing. I dispensed with trying to master every single rule and used your material to narrow down law most likely to be tested, based on your master outline. Your method of analysis helps to filter out unnecessary information and gets to the critical points in a concise manner. It helped me focus my attention and get the points I needed to pass. Had I done this sooner, I would have likely saved myself a lot of time, heartbreak, and money. But, I am so grateful to be here now.


I passed. I finally passed the exam (second sitting). Thank you so much for your time, advice, and the invaluable resource - the subscription. I don't have my scores yet, but once I do, I will pass it on. Thank you again.


Because you have seen my struggle, my journey, and you have been there with me from day one encouraging and cheering me on this right of passage, I want to officially tell you this morning that I have finally passed the bar! Joe, I passed, can you believe it! With a 138 mbe score!!!  Me! Wow! Let me know what questions you may have! I am so freaking happy!!! Thank you for all your countless analysis and advise ! 


I passed!!!!


I hope your well- Can I just say a huge huge thank you to you- I passed the NY bar exam - I owe you so much - thank you for your guidance and support and materials without which none of this would have been possible for me- If I am in NEw York I would like to personally thank you- I am indebted and grateful to you- I now need to pass the proff exam any guidance again appreciated as well ... To be honest - you pulled me through this - self study is hard - U said the right things to keep the momentum for me - forever grateful- how people forget the ones once they get what the desired- I am not one of them- 135.3 and final score 278 ... My strategy this time round was to practice more mbe questions. I did practice questions approx 20 a day.  I would then study them and make notes and rules on the ones that I got wrong- understand the law- I would then go back to the books and resources that i had and try to understand the law a bit better- I was learning and improving as I was practicing questions - rather than study a full chapter on a subject I would bite the bullet with tackling a question first and then learning the rules and the law. I studied about 4 hours week day and 8 hours weekend - 20 questions a day- I used kaplan , Emanuel questions to study from and web based resources - question of the day from Pieper that useful for the mindset- Essay wise I used your module - I practiced a few questions on each subject matter- then I compared my answer to the sample answer that you had in your website subscription- I also did a few mpt only- I did not have time to write them out- just structure -  On day of the exam for mbe I did a few questions in the morning to get my mindset ready to tackle them on the exam - the night before I did not study at all - I watched a film- I eat well during and before the exam- I truly believe that I was able to bump up my score due to your guidance and the subscription on your website - your guidance was invaluable - the key was keeping the momentum and motivation going for that period - I avoided to speak to fellow students during the test - only after I was relaxed and more social- I had ordered some bar bri and Pieper outlines from eBay and questions too- I had enough material and up to date resources -  I probably did about 1000 questions before the exam- I planned to do more but ran out of time - I truly believe that your subscription site for the essays was an invaluable resources and acted as a comparator for me- to understand what the examiners wanted - before that my essays were not to the standard - being a foreign student - this was a gem to have to act as a guide - All in all , it was your guidance, your subscription site and the momentum that pushed me to bump the score- 


I finally passed this exam. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your materials were really great. If I can help please let me know. I have just got to Shiraz in Iran to visit my family and receive the below email this morning when I got here from the airport. I cannot apply to be called until January. I was so happy that I could not stop crying. ... After studying your materials that I did very diligently, my understanding of the questions were hugely improved. I listened to the MP3s when I was cooking or exercising and after a while I just felt I knew it all. Overall, your advice to focus on MBE and your materials which are so exam focused were the secret of my success. I did all the NCBE questions in Emmanuel. I also did some barbri questions and some Kaplan. But, my main focus was NCBE questions from Emanuel. I studied the answers very well and made cards where I made mistakes and even if I did not make a mistake, but there were rules in his answers I did not know I would make a separate pile of cards. I normally studied between 6 to 8 hours a day but sometimes up to 10 to 12 hours. I only did UBE essays for the last couple of weeks using your priority materials. I also focused on past essays and answers. Since I was told by the therapist that I had mild ADHD,I was using a medication to increase my focus for long hours. That was helpful to me too although the medicine did not work well with my body and I will never ever take it again. ... Once again, many thanks for your great materials and your great support during the hard time of preparing for the exam. If I decide to take the California bar I will subscribe to your website again and have recommended to all my friends who are retaking the exam. Would you be able to let me know please which books or materials to study for the essay portions of the California bar exam?


I want to thank you so much for all of your help. I want to share the good news that thanks to your help, I passed the NYS bar exam with a score of 294. My MBE score was 149.3, I had gotten a 126 on the MBE in February. Thank you so much for all of your help and advice!


Thanks for your help and advice Joe.  Despite being convinced that I failed, I passed with a comfortable margin.  


I hope all is well. I just wanted to say THANK YOU (!!!!!!!!!!!) so much for all of your amazing help. I just got my NY bar results back and passed. No way could I have done this without your help -- both from the materials and your answers to my e-mail questions. Many, many thanks again! ... Again, I truly could not have done this without your help! I was actually looking over my old emails to you and saw that I sent quite a few panicked ones in the early morning hours (!) during the final stretch before the exam, and it was such an incredible help to get such quick and thoughtful responses back from you. In addition to the extremely helpful advice, it just helped me to stay sane being able to get feedback on so many of my questions. Again, I truly cannot thank you enough!!! I would love to learn some of the statistics you mentioned about how I did! My total score was a 300 and my MBE scaled score was 147.1. Many, many thanks again! I will absolutely be recommending you to my 3L friends!!!


I'd like to thank you very much for your guidance. ... Without your advice, I would've wasted valuable time on the relatively unreliable MEE and unreliable MPT. At least three of my MEE answers on the exam were poor. I ultimately practised about 5 essay questions, about 4 hours on the MPT. I didn't watch a single BARBRI lecture. I spent approximately 80 to 85% of my time on the MBE subjects, and practising MBE questions. I practised approximately 700 MBE questions. I think there are a few factors that contributed to my success. First, I succeeded because I adopted your approach. I essentially put my complete trust in your advice. In particular, after attending BARBRI's two-day online MBE intensive (basically a two day introduction to the MBE), I quickly realised that BARBRI's approach was inefficient. This led me to research a better approach. As soon as I read your site, it was obvious that the reasoning behind your approach was rigorous. I don't think anyone understands more about this exam than you. Once I followed your approach, I was able to separate the important from the unimportant and make rapid progress. Second, I focused on the MBE. I knew I would struggle to study for more than 200-250 hours with my schedule. I accordingly focused almost entirely on the MBE, where I knew my efforts would be rewarded. Simply put, the MBE is reliable. The MEE and MPT are not. Moreover, the MBE subjects appear on the MEE. The maths is quite simple from there. Your analysis of the MEE and MPT gave me confidence to focus on the MBE. This also had the encouraging psychological effect of making the task seem much more manageable. When the task seems manageable, the urge to procrastinate is diminished. This allows greater progress, and, in turn, greater progress results provides further motivation to study, in a self-reinforcing cycle. This diminishes the urge to procrastinate when faced with a significant volume of materials. In focusing on the MBE, I tried to do as many practice questions as time permitted once I felt that I had a basic grasp of the materials. Practice questions are definitely helpful. I almost exclusively used the Adaptibar questions. I noticed my score increase by about 2 or 3% per day. I only started doing the questions around 10 July, which I do not recommend. I found the bar exam questions to be very similar in format and structure to the Adaptibar questions (unlike the BARBRI questions). Please feel free to refer any students to me if you think they would benefit from my advice.

I just want to thank you for taking the time to guide me in my last week of Bar prep. I can happily report that on my second try I passed the NY Bar. Score 270 with an MBE of 140.4. Thank you! I hope these stats help others in the future!!

JOE! I PASSED THE BAR AND LITERALLY ALL THANKS TO YOU AND ALL OF YOUR HELP. YOUR OUTLINES WERE THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ... I truly thought your UBE Master Outline contributed to my success. Like I said, I didn't pass with flying colors, but it was crucial in defining concepts that I had trouble understanding and just helped me get as many points as possible. I also really benefited from Adaptibar. I thought that doing and re-doing questions, especially for civil procedure, was key. I'm not a great test-taker, especially when it comes to the MC. I struggled with the MPRE (took it twice) and I struggled with the Bar (three total attempts). I did well in law school only because all of the exams were essays. If you have students who are similar to me in terms of their difficulties, please tell them also to go through your "Top MBE Rules" outline- that helped me, especially the two days before the test. It was good review. Joe, again thank you for all of your help. I am telling everyone I know who is taking or retaking the bar to subscribe to your page.

Yeeees! Thanks s lot, Joe! One point over... but who cares? I passssssed!!!!!

This email is not incredibly timely, but I wanted to let you know that I passed the WA UBE! Thank you for your site, and all of your advice. The information you have compiled is invaluable. I fully embraced the concept of "deliberate practice" for essay writing, and I think that is what helped me most. I timed myself and wrote complete essays--about 30 total--and I believe this is what resulted in a near 20 point increase in my written score, resulting in a 141. I also completed the essays by flipping through the exam book, quickly identifying the subject, and completing my strongest subjects first. Unlike in February, I never felt as if I was running out of time. I also managed to net 8 or 9 more points on my MBE, bringing me to a 150, and a 291 overall. It's funny, because right after the bar I couldn't bring myself to complete your post-exam survey. I honestly felt like I failed again. While I felt better about the first day (writing), I felt horrible after leaving the MBE. It seemed much more difficult than in February, especially in the subject areas of property and contracts, which were my strong suits in February. If you would still like me to fill out a survey, I would gladly do so. I have also attached my percentiles to help you.


I passed the OR bar, cannot express my thanks to you. It is all your material and support, God Bless you

Hi Joe! I wanted to let you know I got the great news that I passed the mbe portion of the FL bar! I'm a repeat taker and your outline helped me SO MUCH! THANK YOU!


Honesly, I dont know what motivates you to do this service to the bar exam takers, but your service is one of the best that is available for UBE (particularly Foreign Takers) for such a nominal price too. Your personal knowledge of the exam as well as the time you take to answer my questions are something very much appreciated. Thank you so much

UBE master is the best material out there to prepare for exam. For instance, among the MEE questions, I have seen issues which were highlighted in the UBE master.

Your materials are incredibly well written and were invaluable in my preparation, as were your recommendations, structured approach and quick responses whenever I emailed you, so thank you very much!! I actually live in Madrid, Spain, so if you are ever over here on holiday send me an email and we can go for a beer!

Your analysis and advice was instrumental for my retake in February 2017 and I found out I passed last week by 7 points after failing by 11 pts in July 2016! All in all, an 18 point swing while working full time and studying part time! The pass rate in my state was 40%. Thanks for all your help and analysis!

I jumped about 10 MBE points from my previous attempts and 20 points from my initial bar exam attempt. This was the most I've gained since I began taking the exam. Again, thank you for all you did. Your outlines, advice on your website and over the phone, were invaluable.


I took the NJ and NY bar exams in 2012. I passed NJ on the first try and failed NY. This was my 3rd attempt at NY (though a different exam) and I finally passed! I used Adaptibar to study for the MBE as well as some outlines a friend sent me, your materials to study for the MEE, and a Rigos book to study for the MPT. I did about 1600-1700 MBE questions total (all adaptibar). In the beginning, I was scoring about 55% correct and towards the end I was scoring between 65-70% correct. I started studying December 1st before the exam and probably spent about 65% of the time focused on the MBE. I amped up my MEE practice towards the end and wrote out about 3 MPTs while timed. I reviewed a few more MPTs just to get a sense of structure and detail needed. I was working full-time and my goal was to study 4-6 hours per day (the 8 hours reccomended by Barbri was just not realistic for me). I was very focused during those 4-6 hours and did not waste time on facebook, etc. I attribute my passing to 2 things: (1) I entered the study period from a place of maturity and far less anxiety (I was able to remind myself that I'm already a lawyer and I also told very few people I was taking the social external stress was mostly eliminated) and (2) I focused my studies and practice on the ACTUAL exam. I briefly reviewed the materials but did not waste hours of time watching videos or outlining (eventually I did supplement the outlines I had)....but my studying was spent going over ACTUAL MBE questions and ACTUAL MEE questions, coupled with reviewing the previously tested law as applied to the facts. For me, I found that seeing the application of the law in the questions was far more helpful than reviewing the black letter law on its own. In the past, timing was always a problem for me on the MBE. The first time I took the exam I didn't even finish the MBE (I had 5 questions left and just bubbled the answers in randomly). In the February exam I had 15 extra minutes for the morning section and just enough time for the afternoon section. Additionally, I did minimal MPT practice in my previous attempts, if any. I realized early that each MPT is worth 10% (far more than any MEE essay) and got a sense of how to budget my time and how to assure that I included all necessary details ... I found the MEE Module to be super helpful - the sheer repetition of reviewing the law applied to the facts with analysis helped me figure out how to structure essays, the detail needed in analysis, and what the right answers were.  I went through so many essays.....I think the only downside was feeling overwhelmed by so much material (which isn't really a downside).

Hi, I purchased one of your packages for July 16 NY UBE. Unfortunately I didn't pass that time. I sent you my score and you sent me a sent me a detailed evaluation. I took Feb 17 NJ UBE and passed! Your advice really helped me. NJ doesn't give the break down of the scores like NY does but they did tell me that my MBE score was 146.9 and my UBE score was 292. I still can't believe how much I was able to increase my score. Well, I just wanted to let you know and say thank you again for your help!


I managed to pass the recent Feb 2017 NY Bar on the first attempt, your assistance and notes made this possible, thank you. Do you know if I can request for a breakdown of my score from the exam board even if I passed? In any case, thanks once again for your help!

...just writing to let you know that I passed the second time around. Up 10 points. 273 overall and 152.3 on the MBE.

I'm pleased to inform you that I passed that NY Bar! My total score was 294. My scaled MBE was 149.2. Your materials were very helpful, and I really appreciate your help in answering my questions. I will be sure to recommend your website to my friends and colleagues here in Hong Kong.

I'm very pleased to say that I passed the F17 NY bar exam, and I wanted to thank you for the helpful advice that you gave both in our personal correspondence and on your website.

I was successful at the bar exams, after a would like to sincerely thank you for your amazing help. I hope that in the future we find an opportunity to do a project together.

Hi Joe! Just to let you know that I passed the Feb 2017 UBE! Against the statistics! Female Latina Foreign trained Retaker On February. I want to thank you because I think all your material helped me to develop a better understanding of all concepts. Additionally, I knew I could not cover all subjects in the depth I needed, so I focused on my problem areas in combination with the categorized priorities you provided. I based all my studies on your MEE/MBE outline. I do need to disclose that I hire a private tutor, but just for 5 hours, to grade my practice essays and discuss the MBE questions I was really having trouble to understand. I am thrilled because in my mind I saw myself retaking it over and over as other foreign trained colleagues of mine and although I felt better after the exam this last time (because at least I answered all essays and finished all MBE questions, which was not the case the first time) I honestly did not feel I did great. I got 267, but who cares?! I passed! Very grateful that I came across with your website. Love your work! Thanks so much

I was successful at the bar exams, after a would like to sincerely thank you for your amazing help ... I have already cleared the rest of the exams, so I have to start the paperwork for the admission at the Bar. My total score was 289 and my MBE score was 144.0. I studied for the bar since December 2016, but I had failed the July exam for 0.5%!. I used Barbri as my main course preparation and very useful was the online tool they have to show you where you have to work more. That is how I connected your amazing package with my study. Wherever I would see that I need to work harder, I was studying your material and I was doing your Restatement questions, which are the closest anyone can find to the new bar exam we had on February. I also had access to many Themis and Kaplan tests, which despite being or because they were too different from what I had helped me to be more prepared for the actual exam. I also studied less the week of the exam and nothing the day before (imagine I had to travel from Athens, Greece to Bufallo NY!). I was doing almost 100 questions per day except one day which was free and another day when I was doing almost 200 questions. Essays I did used the Barbri material, but I had no time to do many essays, so I was reading the rest. Before I sleep, I was reading your outline to refresh my memory. Let me now if this was helpful. PS: I was swimming twice per week.


Just wanted to let you know. I followed your advice and finally passed. Even after not being able to type my Essays and MPTs...ended up handwriting the exam! MBE score J16: 136 MBE score F17: 146.9 Thank you very much for your help and guidance. I feel I owe your website and valuable advice more than to my full Bar prep course which I mostly ignored and instead stick with Seperac. So I'd be happy to leave a more detailed note or answer one of those Seperac questionnaires you have, if that helps the cause.

I have managed to pass with a total score of 317 and a scaled MBE score of 159.5 which I'm really pleased (and a little surprised) with. I also passed the MPRE which I took in March with a score of 107. Out of interest, is there any way of knowing what percentile my overall score falls into? I've looked at your table of results from the 2015 NCBE MBE statistics which indicate that, separately, my MBE score is about the 89th percentile and my written score 83-84th, but if I'm interpreting the data correctly the overall score ranking should be higher than the mean of those two numbers (?). Thanks again so much for your excellent statistical analysis and thorough notes. I really liked the approach you recommended (I essentially did exactly what you told me) and I'm sure that's why my MBE score was so high.

Just wanted to report back to you and let you know that I passed the ube! Thank you so much for your guidance during the study period and answering all my questions. Your materials were a huge help!

I passed.  Just want to thank you.  Your outlines especially for the MEE saved me.  Thank you.

Joe, I PASSED. I had an overall score of 271 and MBE scaled score of 138.1. I want to thank you for coaching me through this, for all the study materials, advice and patience you had with me during the last few months. Your website and our talks kept me going through the darkest days. I wish I could say more, but right now am speechless -- in a good way. Thank you thank you thank you for everything!


I hope all is well. I wanted to let you know that I passed the NY Bar Exam I took in July (first time taker) and I don't think I could have done it without your help. I found out about your website around 2 weeks before the exam and I think it made all the difference. My total UBE score was a 283. I was using Themis primarily and the MBE textbook with all the strategies prior to using your website (and other techniques like flash cards). I was scoring around 55% on MBE questions I took. When I emailed you about this, you recommended that I stopped working on MBE and focus entirely on the MEE. Up until the exam, I basically spent every day memorizing the high priority MEE topics. I'm not sure if you figured out how many of your high priority topics were tested on the exam yet (I would like to know) but this definitely was the perfect strategy for me. Based on my situation at the time, it did make most sense to take a calculated risk and hope this high priority topics appeared on the exam. I got a 142.2 on the written part. For the MBE, I surprisingly got a 140.8. Even though I did not do many MBE questions since I started using Seperac, I did spend a lot of hours reading through all the strategies you had .... I did fill out that big questionnaire on your website after the exam so you can look at that as well. When combining all of these strategies I think it made a huge difference. This is one area that Barbri, Themis, etc do not spend a lot of time on and one of the main things that makes your website stand out. I failed the MPRE twice and took it for a third time after the bar exam. PR was one of the hardest classes at my school but I ended up getting an A- in it so I knew I understood the law well despite not passing. For the third time, I incorporated all these strategies and easily passed. For me, I learned that I had good knowledge of the law all along but was not using the right strategies to answer the questions (I have a history of doing bad on standardized test). Considering how much you were able to help me I was hoping this information can help your website improve as well. Please let me know if you have any other questions for me and thanks again!

I am about one week late emailing you about my bar results: I passed! I did not have the heart to open the results email/PDF only to find out that I failed yet again, so I sat on my results until someone finally messaged me congratulating me (he saw my name in the pass list). I want to thank you for all your advice, especially in the last few weeks leading up to the exam when I decided belatedly to purchase a subscription with you. Judging by my MBE score, I needed all the help I could get! I am told that I passed with a 269, and an MBE score of 132.2. I believe I am one of the examinees who benefited from the change to the UBE format (I have reached 133 or passing in both essays and MBE in two separate administrations, but each time, my NY multiple choice was below passing). The good news is that I have passed the NY Law Exam and the MPRE, so all that remains is to be admitted. Thank you so much for helping me throughout this process. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you at this point.


I just wanted to let you know that I passed the New York bar (first time), with a scaled MBE score of 148.1 and a total score of 326. Thank you very much for convincing me not to withdraw the day before the exam (see our correspondence below). I'm so glad I did it! Thank you!

Please find attached my BAR exam results. I really appreciate work you are doing as it sufficiently contributed to my success. I will recommend your program to everyone. Thank you again.

FYI Joe - I ended up passing. Got a 287. Increased my MBE score from a 122 to a 145. Huge increase. Thanks for your help and analysis.

I passed the July 2016 UBE exam with a score of 288 and an MBE scaled score of 141.5. Thank you. The site is more than worth its cost.

If I was forced to bet my life on passing or failing the July 2016 BAR exam I would have said failed in order to continue living. I honestly still think they may have made a mistake. I ended up getting a 293 with a 149.6 on the MBE. They did not give me a break down of my essay scores. My first time taking the MBE I got a 126 the second time a 138.7 and now a passing 149.6. I could not have done it without the materials I got from your site.

Just following up and happy to report that, despite my worries, I passed the NY UBE with a 308 total and 152.7 MBE. Your website was immensely helpful in helping me to prepare, and I have already recommended you to colleagues of mine who did not succeed this time.

I'm not sure if I ever formally thanked you, Joe, but I did in fact pass the New York exam on my second try. Your advice and guidance were crucial to getting me over the top. Thank you! I also went on to pass Georgia's bar and now practice in Atlanta. All the best, and many thanks again,

Hope you are doing well. I’ve got two news for you. But I will only tell you the bad one - I will not need to be a Seperac subscriber again… I wanted to say thank you for all your help. Each and every piece of your advice was valuable. The most valuable one? I would say “MBE is the key.” Here is my score: Total - 287; MBE - 149.4. I wish all the best in your future adventures. Please feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help.


Thank you for your help. I PASSED :-) I received a 280, with 140.8 on the MBE.

You were right all this time. Despite the fact that I did not write 2 essays and did poorly for the other essays, I passed by just concentrating on the MBE. The total was 274, scaled MBE score of 147.4. I don't know if my MBE was good or not but anyways I just wanted to tell you that you helped me a lot and I am really thankful.

I passed the NY bar! I passed the UBE well enough, I could transfer my score and become admitted in any UBE state! My MBE was around 126 my first two tries, and this time my MBE was 137.2 (UBE was 283). Thank you so much for all of your help :)


275 on UBE, with a 151.2 MBE. Pending admission in NY, and can be admitted everywhere else UBE accepted except for Alaska and Colorado. But for NY I am in! Thanks for all the help. I will refer all future bar exam takers I encounter to check out your services!

I am glad to inform you that I finally passed the New York bar exam. You were of immense help to me. I studied only your materials without any bar review class and being a foreign educated student,  i must commend your works. ..

Your bar review materials are the best I ever used. I keep recommending people who asked for my experience on the bar exam ...  I have completed the swearing in ceremony and now officially became a NY attorney.  Thank you for your help on the Bar review.  

Im a foreign lawyer and I recently sat for the NY bar for the first time. I studied with your materials and I have to say they were a life saver. I was only able to study for 3 weeks, so I had to be as efficient as possible, and your materials were perfect for that. As you suggest, I focused on the MBE and answered over 1,000 questions, did a rules outline and reviewed it often. I really didn't have time to do lectures, or a full course, for that matter, so I was learning the material by answering questions.  As for the NY essay part, I recorded myself reading the high priority outline, and I listened to it many times. This really helped because I was able to make the most out of the little time I had. Your predictions were incredibly accurate!

Please let all of your clients know that I failed twice (don't mention my name because it's such an unusual name, I don't really want to be identified) and that they should never give up. They must follow your advice and know your master priority topics outline cold. It really is what helped me pass. 

Last week marked the one year anniversary of my passing the bar examination, and I continue to be thankful each and every day for all the help that you provided me to mark that special day. I hope you are well and that your "Separac Program" will still be productive even though the exam is changing. ... Your program was truly a lifesaver!

I used your advice and website a lot for my second attempt at the NY bar this February, 2016. I passed! Thank you for creating this webpage and helping those that needed that little extra help. Your analysis is amazing, particularly the statistics of the types of questions found on previous bar exam essay sections. I will be telling all my friends about your site in the future.

I passed the bar in february with 138.9 mbe scaled. That is my sixth attempt.thr first three is didnt use your site then on the fourth i half heatedly used your site. For the fifth attempt i followed your mbe plan ridgedly and i improved from 122 to 132 on the mbe, obtaining 617 total score. For the sixth attempt i memorised your master or 80 percent of it, only leaving out trusts and administrative law. I did no practice essays or mpts. I read mabye half the essays but focused on memorising the high and medium law. I am felt good after the exam but had doubts because i guessed the fifth essay on trusts. The second half of the mbe was difficult with really strange fact patterns and a disproportionate amount of civil procedure. The first half seemed really easy though. I wanted to thank you for getting this bastard monkey off my back and emphasise how much i owe you for my passing grade. I was pretty much a mess before i encountered the structure and discipline of seperac. Something which simply doesnt exist with barbri in my opinion. So cheers and thanks for giving me this game changer, finally.

Your work on the site and Master is commendable. Thank you thank you thank you.


Thank you so much. I passed the bar because of you! 

Master Joe, Thanks a million for your approach on how to tackle the bar exam. The bottom line is that your course is an absolute must. I wish you only the best in your life.

I was thrilled to learn that I passed the February bar exam. I'm glad I took your advice and really worked hard to improve my MBE score which was a 138.1 compared to the 122 in July. I even ran out of time to complete an essay. I just want to say thank you for your advice and thank you for being there for me and other exam takers. Keep doing what you do! 

With the help of your predictions, I got the good news this week that I passed - many thanks!

Just a quick note to let you know that I passed the Feb 2016 NY Bar exam. My scaled MBE score was 151.9. Thanks again for your advice earlier this year.

Hi Joe, I wanted to let you know that I passed February 2016 with a 140 MBE. I am an international student and it was my second time taking the exam. I don't think I could have done it without you. As you know, I worked for the international office of a bar review company (up until last month), and having prepared twice, once via their method for July 2015 (albeit I probably only completed 50-60% of their program), and once using your approach, I can honestly say that there is no need for the amount of work the big bar review companies pile on, and your strategy is the only bullet proof one. The first time I prepared, I became so bogged down with a "personal study plan" (a useless gimmick designed to justify the increasingly inflated cost of their course), and getting through all the lectures, that I kept putting off the important stuff - namely practicing MBE questions and essays that I would actually be tested on! Of course in an ideal world, one would do both, but most students simply don't have that amount of time, or aren't that disciplined. The problem then is that you are so terrified that if you don't do absolutely everything the bar review company tells you to, you start to doubt your ability to pass (and ignore your instincts that tell you this way of studying isn't working for you). I ended up wasting a considerable amount of time worrying and stressing, taking hours to get through pointless lectures, that should have been spent practicing. I have seen this with a lot of our students, and it breaks my heart. People have become so indoctrinated into believing that the bar exam is this insurmountable hurdle requiring, in the case of international students, a 30 hour workload every week for six months that they stop thinking for themselves about whether there is a more efficient way to climb it. For February, I drastically changed my approach. A friend of mine who had gone through exactly the same experience in February 2015 with the bar review company, used you for her second July 2015 attempt, which she passed. I am kicking myself that I did not listen to her when she tried to explain to me that I needed to be spending most of my time practicing MBEs, and to forget about lectures. I learned my lesson the hard way. I immediately enrolled on the Seperac programme once I received my failing score, and spent a couple of weeks just reading through everything on the site, developing a strategy, and getting to grips with things. Because I was working full time and didn't begin studying until mid November, I knew I didn't have time to waste watching lectures or reading notes. I got straight into MBE practice, but what I did and I think is a really useful tip for people starting out, is where I wasn't at all sure of an answer, instead of just blindly guessing, I went to the BARBRI Conviser (this was normally sufficient, I only ever had to refer back to the big book for evidence and criminal procedure), and looked up the correct answer. For me, this learning backwards, searching for the legal principle with the fact pattern in mind seemed to really help things stick. I rarely made the same mistakes twice. It also gives you some early confidence which is crucial in keeping you going. Obviously this means your scores are going to be artificially higher, so as time went on and I got more confident, I refrained from this method and tried to just complete questions with all the books closed, but I really only graduated to this in the last month beforehand, and my high scores stayed stable. I initially followed your rule spreadsheet, but I found the notes I was making were too perfectionist and it was taking me too long labeling and categorizing things. In the end, I just started writing very quick one sentence rules onto post it notes and sticking those into the relevant section in the conviser mini review. I'm probably a bit old school and like handwriting notes and am also a visual person so the different colours jumping out worked for me, but other's might not like it. In around January I also downloaded Critical Pass flashcards for $59.99 from the App Store which I found brilliant - they are basically just the BARBRI Conviser in a nutshell. I added all my extra notes and bits and pieces into the side margins of these using my iPad keyboard, and this was so useful in the days beforehand just reading through things at night before bed. The best thing I did was the OPE exams - I downloaded all four, but only managed to complete three of them the week beforehand. I was really pressed for time and I completed the third one with maybe three nights to go. But i had consistently had got mid-high 130s, and got a 149 on that final test, so I knew then that I was probably going to be ok for the real thing. The questions are so different to the BARBRI ones and even though i thought the MBE was incredibly difficult, I did notice a couple of similar fact patterns, and was comfortable with the language used to phrase answers, which is quite different to BARBRI. In terms of Master, I started out with great intentions to have it all read and learned plenty in advance - in the end, I think I literally read each document once, in the few days before the exam - I probably read some of the more important elements of the high and medium priority topics twice. I'd also downloaded them onto my phone and listened to them when I was driving around at home and when I was on the flight over to New York from Dublin. I only practiced writing one essay (with my books open), and didn't even look at the MPTs. Again, I did have the benefit of being a repeater, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend that to a first time taker. I literally did not look at Wills and Trusts until the night before - which I would not recommend to anyone. However I think as I'd studied it quite well the first time, this was enough, and the essays by and large were very fair and straightforward. If I ever needed better proof though of what you keep hammering home about the essays being unreliable and a bit of a luck of the draw, it's the fact that the very last thing I read before going into the exam on the Tuesday morning, was equitable distribution - and this came up as the first question. I wrote a masterpiece, and this was pure good fortune. Some of my other essays were a little shaky, and even with a 140 MBE, I know I could have failed it. I obviously just had a fair grader (and I think typing was a big plus - I handwrote the first time which I think is like giving away free marks). Anyway, this has become a very long rambling email but I wanted to impart some wisdom for what it's worth, so it can be passed onto future generations of bar takers. I am so grateful to you for what you have designed - it truly represents the best value for money by a long shot. If I were advising a student now about how to prepare, I would tell them to order the BARBRI materials off Ebay, enroll on Seperac, buy the OPEs (or adaptibar even better as I believe it contains all of the past questions) and maybe download the Critical Pass flashcards - that's it. I'd suggest they start the MBEs on day one, and if they are not confident, use my method of working backwards to find the answers for sets 1 and 2 at least. Thank you once again, and I'm really happy for you to use any of the above in a testimony

Good afternoon, Mr. Seperac. I hope you're well. I'm pleased to report that I finally passed the New York bar exam! My name now appears on the list! My MBE score was 137.4, although I felt it would've been higher. Thank you so much for all of your assistance and hard work over the years! I'm appreciative of all of your efforts.

Thanks for your assistance Joe. Passed the bar yesterday, with another MBE score of 131, but your study hour breakdown helped me to do well on the essays. Did around 3,000 MBE questions in practice, if you are curious for data tracking purposes.

I am a repeat test taker. After failing the July 2015 exam, I subscribed to your site. As part of my preparation for February exam, I diligently prepared an MBE Rules Outline. I received my results today and I passed, with an increase of 20 points in my MBE. I am certain that creating the MBE rules outline played a major role in this. Thank you!

I hope you've been well since we last corresponded about the New York bar exam. This morning I received the good news that I passed! I was able to get another high MBE score (160 this time around), which couldn't have hurt. Thanks for doing what you do. Your advice helped me stay focused, avoid panic (or stay sane!), and limit my review to only the most relevant material.

Thanks for the wonderful website - have fortunately passed the bar. Would like to see if I can help by submitting my results and etc. but just wondering where, if at all, I might see specific scores for different parts eg essays lot etc.? Pdf in email only contained MBE score. Thanks in advance!

I am happy to report that I passed the bar on my second attempt, as a foreign educated applicant. I just wanted to thank you for your help. I really think you made all the difference. My MBE scaled score this time around was 133. This wasn't that much of a jump from 127.4, so obviously I must have vastly improved on my written paper. This time around, I was studying 6-7 hours most weekdays (after work) and 12 hours on weekends. I did this from just before Christmas until February, so probably intense 8-10 weeks, roughly 450 hours. I did about 3,000 practice questions. My book was from summer 2014 and did not have CivPro questions which caused me a LOT of worrying as I had done very few of these going into the exam. So that is an area that I have no doubt I scored very poorly on. I found this subject hard as a foreign taker compared to the other topics due to complete unfamiliarity of the system. I did not take a prep class (I am a law clerk right now so definitely didn't have the money and thought I'd try it the old fashioned way again), so I used barbri books I bought on amazon and critical pass flashcards (excellent) but one thing I did do differently is I created a rules outline like you said and I cannot praise this enough. It help me tremendously. The breakdown sheet you gave me was so useful and I used it as a study tool the whole way through. I must have re-read it a hundred times! Thank you so much, and I will highly recommend this website to any of my friends who might be tackling the NY bar in future. Keep doing what you're doing - you're awesome! I'm off to celebrate, this is the BEST feeling and I appreciate it even more after the pain of failing the first time.

I received my NY bar exam results--I passed! The only score they gave me was my MBE scaled score, which was 144.9 in case you want that number for your records. Thank you again for your advice and detailed report!


I finally passed . so happy and relieved at the same time.

I am your previous subscriber. Finally I passed the New York State bar exam. It was my forth time taking it, and I am so happy with the result. Thank you for your advice and score analysis. Your method really worked! My MBE score for February 2016 bar exam was 137.4. Thank you again.

i passed the bar exam. Huge relief. Thanks a lot for all your patience and support during this time. Im positive i wouldnt have passed without your resources and time taken to help me out personally. Id love to continue to help in some way as i truly believe in your system and method. Please let me know and thank you again, sincerely ... In terms of what single thing helped me pass the MBE - i think it was writing out the MBE rules and listening to the mp3s the night before. My problem was that id get anxious and think i forgot everything - so listening to the mp3s in 2x speed and going over my mbe rules was big for me. I noticed that I'd make the same mistakes on similar issues over and over again so making sure I got those down really helped. Hearing it read out loud to me with the mp3s was big too. I also think the Critical Pass flashcards helped a lot. I noticed that after id run through those - my score on those sections on the mbe would increase without fail. It was just an easy way to commit the info to memory without feeling too overwhelmed. But really its tough to break it down and say that one single thing helped the most. I put in a lot of work on my own to write out rules, listen to lectures, read explanations, ask questions if something didnt make sense - essentially i didnt cut any corners and made sure i put the work in. I remember one problem really confused me and i was mad at myself for spending SO much time on it to make sure i understood it - but i think this attitude helped the most. I jsut made sure i understood everything and put the necessary time in. I would suggest that all future examinees use every portion of your site and materials and really take the time to read your website and its sections over. The advice was invaluable and helped A LOT. Literally every part of your website contributed in some way.

I have passed the NY Bar and I would like to thank you for all your help. I am very grateful.

Thank you for your course. It honestly is the best course and I will always recommend it. Needless to say, after how many attempts I received the "congratulations you passed" letter this morning. 138.1 MBE score and I only had 8 practice civil procedure MBE questions with BarMax.

Hey, wanted to let you know that I passed the bar this time. Your information was really helpful. I scored a 133 this time on the MBE, so your projections were pretty much on point. As far as studying, there were some things I incorporated from your e-mail that were particularly helpful, specifically, the act of going over incorrect answers on the MBE practice questions and making sure to jot down the rule. Eventually I developed a fairly extensive list of rules that I was weak on. I studied those along with the commercial outlines provided by my bar course, Kaplan. Overall, I think I studied about eight hours a day. I ratcheted that up in the couple weeks proceeding the exam. I think that the biggest key for me was already having a foundation of knowledge to work off of. I am not the most efficient studier, as I believe I suffer from ADD (not diagnosed). I did a lot better on the simulated MBE exams the second time around than I did the first time around, which tells me that I retained a decent amount of information from the first time I studied and benefitted from the second go-round. I also made a point to do simulated essays this time, which I did not do the first time. Neither time did I do a practice MPT. Thanks again for assisting me with your wealth of knowledge. I hope that you can add this in some useful way. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I am so thrilled to tell you that I passed the Feb NY bar. My MBE score is 144.9. Thank you for help. Hard work is embraced by good luck and good score this time. ... The board just release the press statement that only 30% of all the foreign educated takers passed the Feb bar. I did not expect to pass it but I am actually one of those 30% who passed. Since I failed many times in the past 7 years, I almost lost confidence in myself. This passing let me regain my faith and self-esteem, in such an unexpected way. I failed July 15 bar and I was very very frustrated because I missed it only 2 points. I kinda totally gave up to retake it until you sent me an encouraging email. The frustration went on and I did not start the preparation until January this year. I did at least 60 Adaptibar MBE question every day, while working full time as an interpreter. The correct rate of Civil procedure is around 49% and I did feel it's not easy in the real exam on Civil pro. However, on other 6 traditional MBE subjects, the correct rate is at least 70%. The evidence and constitution are even over 75%. I did spend time reading the whole thing about con law and evidence in the Barbri book. By the way, I used 2009 version Barbri. I kinda spent over 80% of the time to prepare MBE. My target is 140 and I get 144.9 finally. I used your printed Civil pro to prepare the MBE. I read line by line, but I still missed thing on the real exam. I memorized the High, reading them a couple times. But I forgot the definition of arson in the real exam. Er...That's why I felt I didn't do well on essays. I ignore Trusts and it's tested in essays. I used to study a lot on Corporation but I just flipped the pages this time. So I may not do well on the Corp essay question (interested shareholder). In short, I felt bad on the first day. I kinda flipped the Medium and ignored the Low. However, since I read the whole barbri mini book, I captured a lot of details in NYMC.So I felt the NY multiple questions are easy, I just had two questions uncertain. I spent less than 50 minutes finishing the ny multiple on the first day. I believe reading each subject thoroughly is helpful to increase the scores on NYMC. On MPT, I felt great this time. I spent a little bit more time on essays so I have less than 90 mins to write the MPT. I thought I had about 60 to 70 minutes on MPT. Since I had more time than my prior attempts, I wrote an complete and intact memo, with six key points to analyze each issues. I was able to apply almost all the facts and case precedents and statutes to support my analysis. I finished the afternoon session about 3 minutes before time was called. But I have to tell you I just read your suggestion on MPT and read two prior real MPT exam and answers. I personally didn't write MPT practise questions. I have a good memory and I take advantage of it on the preparation. I spent time memorizing the rules of each my selected subjects and I wrote them on the paper from memory. Writing firms my memory.So even I forget the common law arson definition, I still remembered those three degrees on NY's arson. I remembered writing down what are considered personal property and what are marital property when I studied domestic relations. Therefore, on the real exam, I had things to write. I did all the 4 sets of open NCBE released MBE questions. And the lowest correct rate among those 4 is 76%. I did about 1790 question in total as MBE preparation. I spent time reading and memorizing the rules on the 7 seven MBE subjects heavily. I read each each sentence including the fine line in Barbri. I spent time listening your mp3 materials when I was driving, and I believe I made the best use of my time. During the break at work, I read your materials. I told myself this is the last time I sit for the exam, no matter I pass or not, I won't take it again because it takes aways all my confidence and make me doubt if I am a loser in life. The prior failure affects my life severely. However, I feel I am myself again now. ... Sometimes when we don't know why we have to take the bar, we don't have the passion and interest to study hard. Without a clear goal, of course we can't succeed. Since I found the motivation to pass the bar, I didn't give up even if failure came one after another. For this Feb bar, I spend 3 hours every day on average to study. I didn't study the whole day because I have to work. My memory is good so I can remember the rules even I read it for the first time. Your idea is right, focus on MBE! I increase my MBE scores by 7 points from 137.6 to 144.9, and I passed the bar. I don't think I wrote great essays this time, according to my feeling. Read each subject to make sure you comprehend the contents before you step to memorizing them or to do practise questions. Without understanding the contents, you can't memorize them or to apply them to find the correct answers.

Passed NY! Much lower MBE than I had anticipated. 135.9. Must have done much better on those essays than I thought. For some reason I though we would get a final total score, but we didn't. Not sure if that is a new policy or not. I absolutely credit your website with helping me pass. Themis (and apparently Adaptibar) just wouldn't have been enough.

I wanted to thank you for your report regarding my July 2015 NYS bar exam. It really helped. My MBE score increased from 123.1 to a 141.1 using your techniques and recommendations in addition to other sources. 

Just to say a very big thank you for creating the Master for the July 2015 NY bar. I passed on the second try, and I am very grateful for all of your materials. 

I just wanted to reach out to you and say thank you for your help with the July Bar Exam. I passed with an MBE score of 143. Your materials helped a great deal and allowed me to refocus my study time more efficiently


Thanks again for the program you put together. It allowed me to spend time on other (more important) parts of my life this summer and still pass the bar. Such an amazing resource.

I just wanted to update you and let you know that I passed the bar. Your score report breakdown and advice gave me the much needed confidence to push through the last couple of weeks of studying. Thank you so much!

Hi Joe, I just wanted to let you know that I passed July and I wanted to thank you for your advice and detailed report which really helped me understand why I failed and how to improve. You do great work and I really appreciated the time you spent to respond to me individually!

Hi Joe, I am writing to express my appreciation for your help. I passed the 2015 July NY Bar exam.Thank you very much for everything.

Thank you for your assistance in helping me pass the NY bar exam. I downloaded your MP3s and listened to them going back atleast 20 exams - this helped me a lot!

I am writing to express my appreciation for your help. I passed the 2015 July NY Bar exam. Thank you very much for everything. 


Dear Joe I wanted to let you know that I PASSED THE NY BAR EXAM!!!!! Thank you SO much for your gold-dust website and all your support along the way. I so appreciate it. I am a foreign lawyer (UK) and could not have done it without your help. In addition to your website, I also took Mary Gallagher BarWrite and the Pieper Bar Review course, which helped me with the essays. For the MBE prep, I only followed your advice. I also noted all of your advice when you so kindly called me last spring, and it really helped me. I so appreciate it. On the MBE day, I was unwell the night before and got little sleep. I felt I knew the answers much better than before, but I ran out of time on the MBE and had to just randomly fill in the bubbles for the last 20 questions. Still, I got 134.6 on the MBE. Thank you SO much. You are a wonderful person, and I recommend your website and your work to everyone I know.


Joe! I cant thank you enough! I just want to say I passed the NY bar exam! and i whole heartedly believe i wouldnt have done it without your materials. I got a low MBE score of 129.5 so i'm guessing the essays must have helped me out. I went through almost every essay in the past 10 years all thanks to the way you had them organized esp through the audio versions. Thanks again!


I just wanted to let you know that I passed the bar! Thank you for your messages, they helped me gaining some confidence while I was waiting to hear about the results.

Thanks Joe - I found your strategies on Seperac to be most useful in allocating time, familiarization with the exam format, and managing expectations in the course of preparation of exam materials. I thought these to be the most important take-away from your website, although you miscalculated on advising us that Administrative Law was not likely to be tested in Essays. All in all, it is a great website. Suggest on lowering your fees, especially for candidates coming in from low-income environments (or having a scholarship / bursary of sorts to those who need them).

Joe, I can't thank you enough for your work in putting together your website. I apologize for not sending you this thank you email sooner! I passed the Feb 2015 bar all thanks to your help. Previously I failed twice, once in Florida and in New York. Scaled MBE FL score of 124, my first NY attempt counted for 129.3, and after religiously following your website and doing 3,000 multiple choice problems I finally passed with a 148.9. I was shocked and amazed. This whole time I just needed to force myself to do the MC, I wish I knew that before! I spent 2 months studying full time, cloistered in my room. My uniform consisted of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I spent every waking moment studying. I forced myself to get through my goal of 3,000 questions. It was as if an 80's montage started playing in the background, "Eye of the Tiger" "No Easy Way Out" etc. haha. The repetition, going over the answers, creating my catalog of mistakes, it became very difficult for the questions to throw me after a while. After seeing problems over and over again, I developed a confidence is dealing with the MBE that I never had before. Once you truly understand a concept, you realize that such concept can only be tested in so many ways. And my scores went up. After spending 2 grand on Barbri and not making it, I seriously considered accepting the fact that I couldn't learn how to take this test. That I somehow lacked what others had. I wish I consulted your website sooner. By having the discipline to work on REAL MBE questions first and creating a catalog of my mistakes, I finally had the right strategy to pass this test. Your creation of Master was something I've always wanted and wondered why Barbri didn't offer anything like it. By reading all the bits and pieces and seeing the history of how questions were asked, I learned so much more in a month of using your method than I ever did in law school. I had that "ah-ha!" moment while working backwards through the essays, I could see the question behind the question. I could translate what was once insurmountable to concise legal issues. During the break I read up on Conflict of Laws and nailed that section. It was as if the entire world of law knowledge finally made sense to me, and its all thanks to you. You are a saint, thank you again. Eternally Yours and Forever In Your Debt,


Thanks a lot!  Your material on by essays was really helpful.  It was the only thing I used to prepare for the essays, and I felt well prepared after only 3 days.

I can't believe I didn't already write you! I failed the bar exam July 2014 with miserable essay scores. My score jumped at least 57 points thanks to your MASTER and plethora of additional materials. Your essay analysis really made me realize I had to hone in on the canned answers the bar examiners look for. Between reviewing the topic introduction sentence document, the MASTER with linked essays, and the hundreds of released essay questions and answers, I felt so much more prepared on essay day. I was delighted to see issues from high and medium priority outlines all up through the exams in February. There were moments in my studies when I actually felt like I had a grasp of the material and that passing was inevitable. I NEVER felt that confident with my commercial bar prep materials last year. I have been shouting you out on various forums because Seperac saved my life! Thanks again Joe!

Joe I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done to help me pass this exam. I want to tell you what I did to finally pass the exam, this being my third time. I did 2340 MBE questions, mostly Kaplan questions, as well as all the OPE exams. I began studying very lightly in November, and full time by the beginning of January. I studied roughly 8-10 hours a day, with about 97% of my studying focusing on MBE. By the end of my studying I was averaging about 66%, and ended up getting a 137.8 on the MBE, much better than the first two times I took the exam when I got a 119.5 and a 115.1. I believe my constant reviewing of the rules, 888 of them, helped, as well as your guidance, advice, and resources that you provided me. Thank you so much!

I just want to tell you that I passed the bar! I did it! My MBE is 149.6 and I thought I did poorly, at least not as certain as doing the BARBRI exercises. I felt my essay was better than my MBE, but unfortunately I wouldn't know the essay score. I want to give a BIG thank you! Your master outline nailed the exam and I think every candidates should study your outline! another thing I found really useful to me is the mp3 essay answers. I listened to it whenever I have a chance.

Hey Joe! Just wanted to let you know I passed NJ too! Thank you for everything! If it wasn't for you I would have never passed! I will always remember what you did for me, and I hope to make you proud once I begin to practice!!


Thanks for your analysis. I passed the bar exam, and I truly believe you helped me tremendously. I knew the wills section back and front this time, which was not the case in July 2014


I just wanted to let you know I passed the NY Bar exam this February! I received a score of 151.9 for the MBE. Your theory still holds true. Thanks for your help!


I just wanted to say thank you again for the course you provided. I passed the Bar first time whilst working full corporate law firm hours and could not have done it without your condensed materials and to-the-point analysis. Keep up the good work, this course was the only course I used and is certainly what got me through.

I passed the bar!! Thank you so much for your help and all the work you put into your website and bar prep materials!

Just wanted to let you know that I passed the February exam.  My MBE was 146.7... Thank you for all your help.  


Joe, I need to write a lengthy email to you giving you a complete review, so please wait for it! Honestly I could have not passed without your help, I was supposed to get time off to study but a due diligence for a big client came up in mid january and I was working 12 to 14 hours per day, even on friday before the exam. I cannot thank you enough! I read master high ONCE only!! I did not have enough time to read medium and low priority. I only did two practice essays (none were graded by a third person), I did not practice any MPT's. I was very discouraged and under a lot of stress, I honestly went to present the exam just because I had already withdrawn once (we had some arbitration hearings for work last february) and I didnt want to withdraw again. Two days before the exam I focused on reading master high, and your predictions were incredibly accurate! I actually used the strategy of focusing on essays rather than the NY multiple choice, I did only 9 questions and for the others I just put c. I felt good about my essays and my MPT. I got 126.1 on the MBE. I love you!!!

I passed NY. 152.6 on the MBE.

I am so happy I finally passed the bar exam. I really want to thank you for all the support and guidance. The MBE rules and Master outlines were a great help. As you know this exam I could not get much time to study while in India and also due to my pregnancy. At one point I stopped reading through my notes and only went through the high priority essays and I am certain I scored more on my essays because of this. It was like just focusing on the important stuff. My MBE scaled score has improved but is still less (131.2). So I guess I scored more on essays and MPT. For MBE, I did not study Civil Procedure (so had to guess) but I believe the MBE rules helped me to gain the extra points I might have missed in Civil Procedure. I remember doing exceptionally well on the Wills essay (which could have added to my scores). I wish I could find my essay scores. But I am so happy and can't thank you enough. Yayyyyy!!!!

I passed the February bar with just your outlines and the MBE books you recommended. I used a similar strategy for the Massachusetts bar this past summer, which also worked. Unlike the last time, when I spent two months doing nothing but studying with BarBri materials for both exams, I was working full time and only studied in the evenings and weekends. Thank you very much for starting this bar prep business. Your outlines kept me busy but sane and prepared :-)

Just to let you know that I passed the February 2015 New York Bar Exam!!! I increased the MBE score by nearly 30 points! I'm really excited!! Thanks for your advise and your support!!


I wanted to let you know I passed the NY bar! I got a 151.1 in the MBE. I want to thank you for all your support and amazing strategy that made me pass. You made me improve 25 points in MBE and I'm sure a lot more in the essays. I am grateful for what you do for students like me and the legal community.


I passed, thank you for your help!!!! ... I credit it to your outlines!!! Of all the outlines i read your was the best and as you see it did help me, i took adaptibar, but my score was 122 In july 2014, and 120 now, so there is no way it helped, i also never read civil procedure, not a single page. But i memorized your outlines and spit it out word for word, and it worked.

Just wanted to let you know that I passed the New York bar exam! I passed with a scaled MBE score of 150.4 (I received the email just shortly before 5PM). I want to thank you for all the work you put into helping out NY bar examinees & taking the time to provide thoughtful, meaningful, and incredibly helpful advice re: the NY bar exam. If you'd like, I can email you tomorrow or so more detail on how I utilized your website, outlines, & tips. Again, a million thanks and if you have any questions for me or would like me to provide any information that will further assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out!


I just wanted to share the good news. I passed the bar. Also, today is my birthday. I'm so happy and relieved. Thanks for all your help and advice. You are by far the best resource out there. ... My MBE was a 142.2. If you are ever in the city, let me know and maybe I can buy you a drink. Thanks again for all the helpful advice. If there's anything I can do to recommend your service, don't hesitate to ask.


I want thank you for all the help you gave me on your website. I am an LLM repeater. I just learned that I passed the bar!!! Words can't explain how good this feels!!!! Thank you again for all the guidance you gave us all on your website. I am so happy I don't need to think about this again!!!!!

I PASSED THE EXAM!!! 140MBE SCORE!! Thank you so much for all your help and support, even when I would ask you the same questions over and over!

I passed!!! 137.8

Just wanted to say thank you for all your help, support and guidance and for my Feb 2015 preparation process. It was like everything given to me on a platter literally. I work-studied right through except during the last week leading upto the exam and tried to follow as much of your advice I could incorporate into my study schedule. By then end of it, all the pieces of the puzzle seemed like they were coming together beautifully and a horror called the MBE actually started to make a lot more sense. :) Fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Will let you know of the outcome but regardless (and I must say I feel a lot more positive this time around) just wanted to take the opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks for the good work you're doing in preparing people out there including myself, who struggle with exam taking skills, and make it appear so concise and methodical that it all begins to make sense. Your efforts are much appreciated. Wish you the very best and thank you once again.

I want to thank you for all your hard work.  I could not have handled the bar without your help.  Your essays are the BOMB!!  They gave 4 long essays like the 1990's essay.  But because I did your old essays, I was able to handle it like a champ. I just put separac  down.  I finished on time also.  I believe I passed today.

Thank you very much for providing me with MASTER, it was a life saver for me in cutting down the time I had to spend on Essay issues. ... The only score they gave me was a 159. I think that was pretty decent but your outlines probably made the difference that allowed me to focus on multiple choice.

I just wanted to let you know that I signed up for your course back in May and I passed the NY bar! I'm an Irish attorney and have been living in **** for a few years. I wanted to get qualified in the US for a long time, but dreaded the thought of taking and failing the bar, because I heard of the many foreign attorney bar exam horror stories. I honestly feel that your Master list is the reason I passed. In the last week and a half leading up to the exam I looked at nothing except the high and medium priority topics and a lot of them came up on the exam - I walked out of the essay portion feeling pretty confident that I wrote something decent for nearly every question. I also used Themis and it was a great help as well. Thanks so much for all you do and for making my $350 go a very long way!

I used your materials and I believe it helped me get over the hump of the New York State Bar Exam.  This was attempt number 5 and I finally did it.  The only score they tell me is that mbe scaled was 138.3.  Thanks for putting all this information together.

As promised, I just wanted to follow up with you and let you know that I passed the NY bar exam! I studied pretty hard especially in the last few days.  While I don't know my essay scores yet (147.7 MBE), I relied mainly on your Master in those last few days as I felt very unprepared by BARBRI for the NY essays.  I appreciate your detailed email back in July and the incredible resources posted on your site. I am disappointed that I did not find your site earlier in my studies, as I would have definitely subscribed to your site.  With that said, I will be recommending your subscription site to all of my friends who will be taking the bar exam in the coming years. I truly believe that you put out an incredible product and I thank you so much for all you do for us soon-to-be attorneys. 

I am thrilled to tell you I passed the NY state bar exam. Thank you for providing your free analysis of both my essays and my MBE score for the last session. Based on your feedback, I was able to apportion my study time to improve my MBE, which on the Feb exam, was woefully low. Your raw to scaled score converter also assisted in helping me understand how the scores are scaled, so i had a rough target "passing score" to shoot for while practicing. The free service you provide foreign trained attorneys such as myself is invaluable. Often we are doing this alone, so your readiness to shed some light on an otherwise dark experience is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

I passed! Mark down another big increase - over 70 points :)) Thank you, your outlines helped tremendously!

I passed!!! Thank you!

I am **** in Japan, who took your Master course last winter. Tonight I finally passed the New York Bar! Last time I failed so after that I reviewed all the contents of your Master. Without them, I couldn't have made it this time. I really don't know how to express my feelings of gratitude. Thank you very much!!!

Got my results today, passed on my 3rd attempt. Managed to increase my MBE score of 130 to 141. That probably helped, as I was not too far off the second time I took it when I got an overall score of 660. Your strategy of focusing on the MBE portion of the exam definitely helped. Thanks.

Thank you for creating your website.  I just found out that I passed the New York Bar Exam on my first try, and your master outline had a lot to do with that.  Please keep doing what you're doing.

How can I thank you, Joe? ... I owe you and would love to pay you back for all the support I had from you during these years. I just wish I followed your advices closely earlier.

Couldn't have done it without your materials.  Thanks!

I just got the letter and I passed! My MBE score was 148.5. Thank you SO SO much for all your help!

Thank you so much for your help in allowing me to FINALLY pass the New York State Bar Exam on my 6th time!!  I was stuck in the "620-630" range until my dear friend told me about your supplementary course (I originally took the Pieper Bar Review course).   I finally passed the February 2014 NY Bar Exam by using, to-the-tee, your suggestions. ...  My score jumped over 50 points (at least!!) using your course.  Thank you Joe SO MUCH!!!!!  I will be sure to pass on, to my friends, your course.

I am writing to inform you that I have passed both the NY and NJ bar examinations with a 151 MBE score. I could not have done it without your website. The advice you give for preparation, and your MASTER outline are priceless... Please continue to do what you are doing!!!

Thank you so much for "Seperac", I finally passed the bar - 136.8 MBE.

Joe -- just a short note to thank you very much for your help during the past examination. I passed (152.5 scaled MBE). Your advice and tactics were essential to my preparation. I've recommended every LLM student I know is planning to take the July 2014 exam to supplement the review course of their choice with your advice. I just wanted to thank you.

I send you my scores and essays twice and got feedback from you. Because of your feedback, I concentrated more in MBE and at the same time I also studied essays. It was harder because English was not my first language. I took adaptibar and I solved 1360 problems out of 1530 until the Bar exam. It really helped me. You encouraged me lots when I emailed you. Thanks so much, I just wanted to say THANK YOU! *big time*

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the NY bar exam! Your material was life-saving. I actually almost exclusively used Master, S&T and Adaptibar for my preparation even though I was enrolled with Barbri. Thank you so much for the work you put in for students like me and your affordable materials. Master and your website were everything during my preparation. I have been recommending your website to all Columbia Law School students for their preparation. I told them to enroll early too before you reach the 350 threshold. Too bad you don't have a California equivalent. If you have any recommendation, please let me know and I will pass it on.

I passed the New York bar using Seperac last February. Thank you for providing such an excellent resource. The Master document allowed me to see the rules in context and your predictions were highly accurate. The exam was very difficult for me as a foreigner. I hope you consider expanding your services to other states. I sat the California bar this July and really struggled without master. I will continue to recommend your service to my friends who have been unsuccessful at the NY bar. Keep up the positive good work and know that you have made a huge difference in my life.

I took your course and I am happy to say that I pass the 2014 February NY bar exam. You master outline was extremely helpful to me. Most of the topic you predicted was on the essays. You're the best!! 

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the NY Bar exam.  Thanks again for providing your analysis.  It helped me focus on what I needed to improve and it was much appreciated.

I hope you're well. Just wanted to send you a quick note to inform you that I passed the NYS Bar this past February! Thank you for all your help throughout the last few administrations. Your reports definitely helped put me on the right path and helped me realize both my strengths and my weaknesses. I also wanted to give you a bit of news I assume you'll find interesting. I passed the Bar with an MBE score of 122.3, which I believe is a bit low?

I don’t think I would have passed if it wasn’t for the MASTER outline. Thank you so much. I wanted to let you know I passed the NYS BAR with an MBE score of 128. My previous score in July was 118. I guess that means I did REALLY well on the essays? In addition, In July 2013 I was 69 points away from the 665 passing mark. I can’t believe I managed to pass the next time around this past February. Thank you for all your advice and break down of the exam.

Hello. I was repeater. Thanks to your advice and the master, I passed Feb bar exam. Thank you very very much.

 I took the NY bar this February. I was a repeater with my last score being 619 with a score of 131.9 on MBE.. I know the odds were against me with taking the bar in February, but I got my results back and I passed!! My score for the MBE was 154! That is almost a 25 point difference! I just wanted to thank you so much for your program and the dedication and time you put into making your system and answering questions. I prepped with Barbri last summer because I didn't know about the Separac method. Like they say, better late than never. Thanks once again. I definitely could not have done it without your material!

Just wanted to let you know that I PASSED the NY February exam!! Thank you so much for all of your advice and the materials you provide on your website. I believe that studying 'smart' with the guidance of those materials got me over the line. You're awesome!!

I somehow managed to pass the NY Exam! I got a 143.5 on the MBE. Upon your advice, I focused most of my time on MBE subjects memorizing my barbri outlines that I got from outline depot. The fact that I passed is still a miracle to me. I only did the MBE barbri questions that were separated by subject and 100 questions of a practice morning session from Barbri. I reviewed all of the answer explanations for the MBE questions that were separated by subject and wrote in any law that wasn't already in my outlines. If I could give any advice to future bar exam takers that are short for time like I was, it would be not to watch the barbri lectures that have probably been unchanged, for the most part, year after year. Get outlines from a past successful bar taker and start memorizing. The time spent watching is definitely time that should be spent memorizing and taking practice exams. I read through your master outline for the high priority stuff which really helped.

I PASSED the Feb 2014 NY Bar Exam!!! Your advice truly helped me to effectively restructure my study method for the bar exam (as you know it was my second time taking it). My MBE score (only score released) is 133.9 Thank you and God bless you!

I finally passed the NY Bar this february !! Phewww... I greatly appreciate all you inputs and all your advise which helped me along the way. Thanks a lot.

Thank you Joe! Thank you and thank you! 

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE QUESTION 3 NIGHTMARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Passed the Bar!! 136 on my MBE! Thanks for your guidance and detailed website! everything was extremely helpful! 

I just wanted to inform you that I passed the February bar exam! I really believe your methods helps. For your records: I got a 129.1 on the MBE in July and 151.7 this February. Thanks for what you do.

  Finally passed! Couldn't have done it without you-- and I truly mean that. 

I passed the February 2014 NY bar exam. I came out of the exam much more confident having followed your advice. I did not take it for granted that I would pass, however, and was prepared to ask for help for a re-take. Thank goodness that is not necessary! Thank you

I don't know where to start to thank you. I passed the New York Bar Exam!

I hope that this email finds you well. I would like to share the great news with you that I passed the NY February 2014 bar exam with a scaled MBE score of 137.5. This was my third attempt of taking the bar, my first time being Feb 2013. I was/have been working full time and trying to study with the  last time missing the mark by 21 points with a MBE scaled score of 116. I was extremely stressed out this pass exam because I was always typing down to the last wire, with the help of your outlines, I know it was because I had more knowledge of the content being tested and feverishly tried to convey that to the grader. Your MBE outlines helped tremendously but I know that your Master was key in helping me pass this time around. I hope that you continue Seperac because you are truly providing a great service especially to individuals like myself. I don't know how else to show my gratitude for all your help except to spread the word about your services and to simply say, "Thank you"!!!!

I owe you big time. The tricks of the trade and all. Thanks man! 

I passed the NY bar exam with 147.2 MBE score.  Thank you so much for your help.

I just received the great news that I passed the bar exam with a 142.7 mbe score. I cannot thank you enough for your help. I fully believe that it was a combination of master and your approach to the mbe which allowed me to pass this second time around. Studying with a baby at home was not easy, but all of your success stories by non traditional students really pushed me to believe I could do it. Thank you again!!!!

 I passed the bar! Thank you so much for everything

Passed with 137.  Your essay priorities and short list of expected essay topics on each exam session was a big help - especially for agency/partnership.  The Kaplan 200 question MBE review was spot on also in addition to straight studying the black letter law.

A big thank you to you. I passed this time. My MBE score was 147.2. It’s disappointing that they don’t tell you what your essay scores are as I put lots of effort into memorising master and working on my writing format - It would would have been interesting to compare against previous essays. Oh well, I guess passing is what matters. I wanted to tell you that I simply could not have done it without you and Master. Forget everything else - just study Master and the MBE rules (along with Adaptibar)! If you ever make it out to Hong Kong or Macao, let me know and I’ll buy you a round. My very best wishes to you and yours and thank you once again,

I finally PASSED the bar with just a 131 MBE score thanks to your amazing, reasonably priced master outline and your extremely helpful advice!!! I must've rocked those essays! You have changed my life! After failing the bar 3 times, the light is now shinning so bright at the end of the dark tunnel I've been in for nearly 2 years. Thank you so much and God bless you!

MBE July 2013: 106.2, MBE Feb 2014: 145.7, I passed!

I wanted to thank you for the help you provided me and for making your site. I would now happily recommend your site to anyone taking the MBE or the NY Bar. Although, like other Bar prep courses you receive compensation, you offer the tools to help your subscribers succeed. Unlike the various other programs out there I actually felt that you wanted me to pass, not just fail and keep having to pay for more bar prep services. I didn't have a lot of cash to throw around but I did also subscribe to MBE edge. it was an affordable option and while I ran through your outlines and points on the rules I used MBE edge to get a feel for how I was progressing and just to adapt to the "Tricky" nature of MBE questions. my scaled MBE was a 149.5 I'm not sure if that is a great score but it was good enough for me to pass.

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the bar. I m still overwhelmed worthy emotions, and simply wanted to say thank you. I have no idea how this happened as I didn't feel I did better than the previous time. but I m just taking it. I m available if you have any other questions.!God Bless you

I passed!! Oh my gosh, Joe, thank you so much. I bought the program 30 days before the bar exam and studied Master like it was my job. I literally couldn't have passed without you. I felt so prepared for the essays and supplemented your MBE studying techniques to what I was learning with Themis. My scaled MBE was 149.5 :) Thank you again - you're the BEST.

F$@# yes. Excuse the profanity. Actually... That's fine. It's warranted. Thanks for all the help. 

Your Master is AMAZING!!! Everything issue in the essays was in there!! And what can I say about your strategy tips, they were right on point!! Thank you Thank you!! I which i had contacted you sooner!

I swear in at Albany last month. I did not improve in MBE even though I spent a lot of time on it. I guess I did well in essays. Thank u. I scored 131 for MBE in 1st time and 130.6 for 2nd time. I spent 60% of time in MBE preparation, but still did not improve at all. I felt bad about that. I probably did well in essay. I used your materials, but narrowed down my guess to about 35 issues, which have not been tested in the past 5 or 6 years. I focused on these 35 issues the day before exam. There is only one minore issue that was tested but not covered by my guess, convenience check. But I fortunatelly studied "convenience check" in a old exam answer. The best material for essay, I believe, is old exam answers.

I would like to share some magnificent news with you: I passed the New York State Bar Exam! From this entire experience, one thing is true: I could have never achieved this successful result without you. You were a key person to me throughout the entire bar exam preparation process. When I failed BarBri's midterm, you encouraged me to persevere, you gave me the strength to continue studying no matter what. You consistently gave the right response, at the right time, every time. You not only taught me how to take calculated risks, but you also helped deal and overcome certain issues, such as my anxiety. Because my MBE score was 134, I assume that I must have done well in the essay portion. Of course, I have no doubt that the MASTER was the single reason why I did well on the essays. It is impressive the impact that a single person can have on another person 's life and you certainly made a whole difference in my bar exam preparation. I have told friends that Seperac is the best website/resource in preparation for the New York State bar exam, and I will continue to say so because I truly believe on that. ... Thank you very much once again for everything. I will be always grateful to you for your assistance during my bar exam preparation. I was successful on this exam because my preparation was largely based on the strategic advice that you gave me. Without that advice, I really don't think that I could have achieved the same successful result.

I did it! I passed! Thank you so much for your help! My mbe jumped fro a 128 to 144! I can't believe your advice helped so much! I need to share my outlines with you. Seldom we find people who are so willing to help strangers out unconditionally! You, sir, are an inspiration!

You were kind enough to email me some advice after having failed the NY Bar exam twice. I was a hair away both times. Well, i took your advice and . . . i passed. So thanks my good friend : )

I just wanted to thank you again for your site and the service you provide. I failed the Feb 2013 bar exam but passed the July 2013 exam and your 8 page analysis definitely helped me identify the areas I needed to improve on. Thanks again

I passed the bar!!!! I would like to thank you for your help. Without you I would not have done this. Last year I got 530/665 and this year I got 133.2 on the mbe which is not a great score but enough to pass apparently. And I know it was thanks to your master and me doing all the previous essays that helped me pass the bar (I did not submit any essay to barbri/kaplan, I know that was pretty risky especially for a foreign educated candidate). I am not American, I am French. I won't practice in the US (maybe Paris or Dubai) but the NY bar is so useful for French people trying to to get the Paris bar (which normally takes almost 2 years to get) since there is a reciprocity between the 2 bars. So thank you for all your advice and good luck for everything! Take care!

I wanted to let you know that I recently found out that I passed the July 2013 bar exam. I subscribed to your website and this was my second attempt (I failed the February 2013 exam). I know for sure that the MASTER was a huge help to me, as was your advice about the MBE. I know that you like to get as much information as possible regarding the exam to help subscribers, and my experience was interesting, so I thought I'd share. Even though I initially went into the NY day relatively confident, I can not say the same about how I felt at the end of that day. First, I completely ran out of time on the NY multiple choice questions to the point that I had answered approximately 6 questions, then I filled in random bubbles for the remaining questions without even reading the questions. Regarding the essays, there was one (the domestic relations essay) that I had lost track of time so much, that I skimmed through the question (all I had time to do), looked for keywords, and wrote down what couldn't have been more than 3 sentences about the keywords I had time to read (I didn't have time to read the question in its entirety; if I did, I would've had to leave the answer completely blank. I felt relatively confident on the other essays. I don't remember which session (morning or afternoon) the DR essay was, but it was the first question of its session, and I got to that one last since I used the method of starting from the last essay question and working towards the first one. One essay that I struggled with was the one that was either about negligence, workers' compensation, or both (I'm still not sure)! I know that I spent a lot more time on that essay than I should have, but the information that I was able to provide was all because of MASTER. There also was a corporations essay that I know I could not have written without MASTER. I never took corporations in law school (a mistake, I know), and while I read the CMR and listened to the lecture from barbri, I never felt like I knew anything about corporations until reading MASTER. On the MPT, I didn't feel like I had made any egregious mistakes, other than once again not having sufficient time. I was not completely out of time the way I was with the domestic relations essay, but I also definitely did not have the 90 minutes we're recommended to spend on the MPT. Although I felt rushed and that my answer was shorter than it should have been, I remember feeling a LOT worse about the MPT in February. I felt like I had a chance at at least an average score on this one, but I wouldn't say I felt confident. Between the NYMC disaster and the nearly blank essay, I was hysterically crying at the end of the day, ready to pack my bags and go home without bothering to show up for the MBE. That's how impossible I felt it was for me to pass the exam. Luckily I decided to give it my best shot anyway. I felt better about the MBE day; I felt a lot better about it than I did about the New York day, and I felt a LOT better than I had felt about the MBE day when I took it in February. In February, I had a big timing issue with the MBE questions, and I filled in random bubbles for at least 15 (maybe more) questions. In February, my MBE score was a 127.7 (scaled), which means my raw score was only around 107. My July MBE score was a 134, which I know isn't fantastic by any means, but it's an improvement from February, and thanks to my different study methods, I did not feel rushed or run out of time on the MBE in July. I just wanted to share all of this, because I too am intrigued by how the grading on this exam works. I studied incredibly hard and I know that I deserve the achievement of passing the July 2013 bar exam. However, I have to admit that with all of the information I just shared above, I am not exactly sure how I managed to pass. MASTER definitely helped me incredibly, both for my writing on the exam and for having more time to dedicate to MBE studying. I wanted to thank you so much and to provide you with any information that you might find helpful. If you do publish anything that I said, I'd appreciate if I could remain anonymous.

Just to let you know that I passed the NY Bar, finally, with a 145.8 on the MBE. Thanks for everything,

I passed (first time taker) with an MBE score of 134.0. Does that mean my essays probably were strong? I felt great about NY's essays, as I remember - so I am sort of curious to see my score, if/when I get it.

Great work on the site, it's very informative. I recently found out that I passed the July 2013 NY bar

I passed the NY bar exam! My MBE score is 139, and I have no complaint because I never did well in the mock MBE tests. Your MASTER outline was tremendously helpful for essays, and thanks to your advice, I wrote as much as possible for the MPT and managed to finish it on time. Many thanks again for all your kind help, and I will definitely recommend Seperac to future NY bar exam takers!

your website is a tremendous resource, I passed the bar thanks to your help

At last, I passed the bar with a MBE scaled score of 139.8. I followed your instructions to the letter and focused on the MBE. So while working full-time, commuting every day, I have finally achieved my dream. There are no words to express my gratitude. Unfortunately, my MPRE score lapsed and I will have to take the MPRE again. I passed that on the first time so I am not overly concerned. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Joe. I know you have heard it before, but thanks for your advice. I stand on your shoulders today. Today is a great day!!!

Thanks for the great supplement Joe! I had a relatively new course that was great for the MBE but terrible for the NY essays. I was so worried about failing because of the essays that I threw up for 3 hours on July 1st. Fortunately, I purchased your MASTER outline a little after July 4th. I studied only what I needed to know (I don't even know what a commercial paper is!). Ended up with a 151 MBE and well enough on the essays to pass. My boss told me that if I failed the bar, I wouldn't be welcome back. Thanks to MASTER, I can start my career.


Passed New York. 136.5 MBE. Not stellar, but I'll certainly take it! Your program was very helpful. Feel free to ask questions.

I hope you are well. I just wanted to share some good news with you. I received the results of the July bar today, and thankfully I passed!! It's such a relief and a great feeling! You were right about the MBE - Mine increased from a 128.4 to a 156.3! Is there any way to determine my scores for the other components? Ie, essay, MPT, etc? Cheers and thanks

I passed it. Thank you Joe!!!! I sincerely thank you for your efforts and help. Your website was my life saver when I was preparing for the NY bar exam! Thank you again Joe!!!

I passed.  MBE 146.2 - I felt that my essays were much stronegr than my MBE but who cares!  Thanks for all your help and for MASTER - gave me more time to study for the MBE and gave me confidence going into the essay part of the exam.

Your advice was SO helpful for the last exam. I re-calibrated my plan and focused my efforts on doing MBE questions (as you suggested). As a result, I passed! Many thanks!



I wanted to write you a quick email thanking you for the invaluable materials that you provided me to study for the New York State Bar Exam. Roughly 2-3 weeks prior to taking the bar exam I realized that the course I was taking (a relatively new course) was not going to get me through the bar exam. I guess looking back, subscribing to your website was an act of desperation, but it paid off. I passed the February Bar and I largely credit my familiarity with the topics covered in the MASTER Outline. I must have done exceptionally well on the essays because I only had an MBE score of 134.2. I’ve recommended your website to all of my friends and hope they use the site as well. Thank you again for all of your hard work,


Joe, I want to thank you for all of your advice and support in my journey towards passing the NY Bar. I turned to you for your help after having taken, and failed, the NY bar 3 times. I had spent thousands of dollars on commercial prep courses, and yet I never made the cut. My average MBE scaled score was a 131.6 and the highest MBE scaled score I received was a 143.5 - and that wasn't even on my last failing test. I was really struggling, unable to significantly improve even my MBE performance, which in theory seemed to me to be the area where it would be easiest to practice and learn from mistakes. With your help I passed the the NY Bar exam this past February with an MBE scaled score of 162! In hindsight, I think the two interconnected things that most prevented me from doing well on the exam were the overwhelming amounts of material I "had" to learn, and review, and know, according to the commercial review programs, and as a result of that, lack of confidence. I didn't feel capable of knowing all of that material... it was overwhelming... I felt like I was drowning... So I went through the motions, I took all the notes on the lectures, did the questions they told me to do, but because I didn't really feel I was "knowing" what I had to know, I never made it through more than half of any review program. I kept falling behind and staying behind. And as I struggled to keep up with note taking and "onesheet" drafting, I did less and less practice questions. Your Master predictions and topic formulations drastically reduced the amount of material I had to know, and with that the pressure was off. I felt capable of focusing on Master Hi and Medium. I had no specific amount of pages to do per day. I spent a set amount of time on them. When the time was up, I went on to multiple choice questions. And I felt confident that your calculations explaining why that division of time was the most efficient. Trusting you really paid off for me. I know that I passed only thanks to your help. Thank you!

Hope all is well. Just wanted to let you know that I passed.  I remember that you spent time with you on the phone and your advice paid off.    Thank you again for putting me on the right track!  

Thank you so much for the wealth of information. Your great! You've saved me lots of money. I almost got tempted to sign up for a review course. I'll let u know how everything goes. The earliest  ill probably take the CA bar is feb 2014.


I sat for the NYS bar exam three times. During my third time around, I studied using your materials and methods. In short, your advice and materials are fabulous - I passed, and I've been admitted and practicing since the end of 2013. Thanks so much for your program! ... thanks so much for helping us bar exam takers, especially the repeat takers like me. Your method gave a great study structure and lots of confidence in taking the exam; I'll never forget it.


Once again, thanks for your support and thanks for putting me through the strategies of passing the NY Bar. I attained a score of 149.2 in my MBE. I prepared for it using a software called the Multistate Edge Bar Review. Actually, I've always had this software since its a price guarantee but never took advantage of it till I read your blog on the approach to passing the MBE. In the prior exams, I studied more and practiced less with approximately 100 questions in total. This time, I did all the 2,900 MBE questions on the Multistate Edge Qbank. After I was done with the untimed 2,300 questions, I reset my test score and practiced the same set of questions all over, focusing on my weak areas. I reserved timed 600 fresh questions till 3 weeks to the exam. By the third week, my score was between 77-86%. In addition, I made flash cards which I didn't have the time to look through till the night before my MBE (I went through about 127 pages of flash cards the night to my exam). When I started studying for my MBE, I did about 60 questions a day. After I became more comfortable with the MBE, I practiced between 100-130 questions a day. Initially, I wasn't concerned about the speed, but about grasping the concept. Once I got the concept my speed increased. The percentage of my overall study time for the MBE was 66 - 70%. I focused on MBE through Dec and Jan, and began memorizing my Seperac High and Medium Priority Essay in February. I used Mary Campbell "Scoring High on Bar Exam Essay" to understand the method of answering questions. Your Essays were spot on, and from reading your High and Medium Priority Essay (never read the low-priority, though that was a risk), I was able to answer about 13-14 questions, I was familiar with 3-4 other questions from practicing MBE and NYMC questions. I've already told 2 of my friends about your program, they were both inspired to retake the exam after they found out I passed. They are both foreign attorneys like me, and based on statistics, NY Bar doesn't favor Foreign attorneys. I took the MPRE for the first time in April 2013 and just found out I scored 99, so I'm excited about it too. I hope I answered all your questions. I will keep in touch and I couldn't have made it without you. Once again, thank you. Please, let me know of any way I can be of assistance to your program. I believe it's the best program for people that love to study on their own.

Thanks so much for all your help. As I told you right after the Bar Exam in Feb 2013. You did a fantastic prediction!... there were issues that BARBRI NEVER covered at least not in their lectures, and I think that I got a lot of extra points just by familiarizing myself with your master high priority. I would recommend anyone to do that. Thank you a lot. I passed on my third intent, as an LLM from Mexico. I am sure that your products had a lot to do with my positive results. Thanks again!

I passed the exam!! Your techniques worked I managed to raise my MBE from 128 to 140. Thanks for your help and all the best!


I finally passed. I never knew that they don’t give you a breakdown of the essay scores, but the mbe score was 139….which although no 150…is still higher than last time, which still means that my MBE rules outline helped…plus I am fairly certain that I did better on the essays because as I said I wrote over 1000 words per essay. Nevertheless, I want you to know, that I am NOT like these other people that you don’t hear from after the exam…whatever success I have is because of your help during this difficult process that I went through…everything from an engagement breaking because I didn’t pass to repeated failures, you stood with me through it all and helped me and guided me when I needed advice. I truly would like to thank you for that. And I firmly believe that a mere email is NOT enough thanks, which is why, true to my word, I would like to arrange with you a mutually convenient time that I can treat you to dinner as a gesture of my appreciation and also thank you in person. I am still absorbing all this in, and to be honest, although my folks are happy, even they don’t fully grasp the gravity of this.

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the Feb exam. Thanks so much for all your help. Your material is awesome. Thanks so much for the feedback and again for the great tools to help me get through. I will gladly recommend you to those that i know are still struggling with the exam.

Thank you sooo much for your candid advice regarding retaking the bar! The first time i took the bar my mbe score was a 119. I just received results and i scored a 139.4 thanks to your great advice. You are doing exactly what you were meant to do in life; helping law graduates get over this hurdle and achieve their dreams. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart,

I passed the bar with a MBE of 121.3 Your website was a great blessing to me while I was studying for the bar as a repeat taker. Thanks and God Bless you!

Today was one of joyous day. It is a day that I will never forget. In ALL4JDS.COM, I had read that when you receive the result in the e-mail from the BOLE, in the subject line it will say "Congrat". On Thursday afternoon, when I checked the all4jds, I realized that the people are talking about passing the bar. I checked my e-mail, I saw that I have an e-mail from the Board, but no word of "Congrat". My heart sank. I sat for few minutes staring at the e-mail. I finally decided that I will open the e-mail. Swear to God, I felt I am blind. I was looking for the painful word "regret". I was not seeing it. I was asking myself where is the regret word. I suddenly came to realization that the "Board congratulates you on passing....". I cannot express my feeling. I was screaming, crying, constantly saying this is not true., but it was true. I printed the e-mail and it is sitting in front me. I truly appreciate your warm and kind wishes. I hope you will believe what I am going to write. I would not have passed the NY BAR exam without the "MASTER ESSAY". I did not have and I did not use any other material but the M.E. I would not have passed this exam without your constant help and encouragements. I cannot tell you how valuable your Master Essay is. I cannot tell you how valuable were the advices you have given me in different occasion during these past 4 years that I have tried to take the exam. I have no words to thank you. I believe that what you are doing for those who are in the painful process of preparing for the exam so important that one cannot even put a price on it. I can only tell you THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU ARE DOING.

Thank you Joe!!! I know for a fact that your guidance helped me pass!!! I already passed the MPRE so now I just have to submit all my materials, do the interview and wait for my swearing in!! I had wanted to give up after my third failure at this exam, and I am so glad I found your program and was able to get through it once more!!! I actually scored 134.2 on the MBE. I did not complete as many MBE questions as I wanted to, probably around 2000? I did all the strategies and tactics questions that you suggested as well as Kaplan practice questions. I also remember I spoke to you the week of the exam and told you I didn't get to as many questions as I had wanted to, but you advised me to just memorize the rules (which I did). I know 134.2 is not 140... but it is a big improvement for me because my previous exam I got a 127. I also know that your predictions for the essay were spot-on and I felt confident leaving the exam because I had memorized what you told me to and as a result I knew a lot of the rules on the essay questions. I am not sure how this goes... but I would be more than happy to request and pay for my exam answers if I am able to and if this would help you with your program. Just let me know!!


Thanks a lot.  I passed with a mbe score of 149.2.  Will send you a detailed message later.  Thank you.  Couldn't have done it without you.

I just wanted to let you know that I passed in the February 2013 round of the bar exam with a MBE of 140.1. Thank you so much for your webpage aand your advice but also for your continued encouragement. Life can go on now.


155.6. I must say your methodology works well for me and I believe it can help more people in the future. Take the chance to thank you from bottom of my heart.


I just wanted to let you know that I passed the February New York bar!  My scaled MBE score was 143.9. 



I wanted to write to you and thank you for the advice and information you gave to me prior to my February examination for admission to the NY State Bar, as well as for your general efforts and the resulting website. I just received notice that I passed the February examination with an MBE score of 150.8, improving from 138.7 in July, in case this helps your data. In the same vein, I thought you might be interested to know (and might reecall) that I had exactly two weeks to study for the February exam, compared to the nearly two months I had for the July exam. I'm sure you can't stress this any more as it is, but quality studying for two weeks seems to be worth far more than two months of kind of studying. You might also recall that I had some tme management problems in July. I can say with some confidence that in February, there were just as many sub-questions I did not now the applicable rules for as in July, but I made it a point to alot equal time to each question and sub-question, so that my answers for each essay averaged around 1500 words (whether I knew what I was talking about or not). I also had my family physician prescribe some sleep aids I used nitly starting on the weekend before the exam to regulate my sleep cycle well in advance (I suffer from anxiety, largely onset during and after Law School), and so I was very sharp during the February exam compared to the tired panic that set in during the July sitting. I'm sure you receive these sorts of E-Mails a lot, and may well have no use for them, but I just wanted to thank you for listening at the last minute this past February, just speaking to someone experienced about how to take or retake the Bar makes a big difference and you deserve the appreciation. If I can provide any information to help others like myself in the future, do let me know and I'll pass it along for your processing, no one should have to take this test more than once and those that do should not pass through the tribulations of it unsupported.



Hi Joe, I just got my result. Your advice on focusing on the MBE was spot on. I passed with MBE score of 174 as first timer, after many years from graduating from LS. Your advice on focusing on the MBE and creating rule statements, and your excellent Barbri condensed outlines along with previous Essay summaries helped me greatly (this even more than the Master Outlines) ... despite not having practiced a single Essay/MPT. Thanks again, and if you have any questions please let me know.


I just wanted to let you know that I passed the February Bar Exam!! I just wanted to say thank you, because I had tried so many other programs before and I am convinced that it was with your help that I passed this time.  Thank you so much!!!!!



I haven’t managed to get around to telling you until now, that I passed the July 2012 Bar Exam!! It was my second time taking it and the second time being a subscriber to your service, What definitely helped the second time was really sticking to your suggestions of study methods etc, the first time for whatever reason I really didn’t Thanks once again!


I used your services for the July 2012 NY bar exam. I just wanted to let you know that I passed and that your outlines were an essential part of that. Thank you!

My name is ******* and I was one of the people who subscribed to your advice website. I see testimonials to products all the time on TV and the Internet, and I really never thought I would be writing what may very well look like one, but in your case I had to. I cannot believe still that I passed the New York Bar Exam, but that seems to be the case. I give much credit to your on-point advice, your focus on prioritizing and the hard work you put on MASTER. I was very nervous last summer because I bet all my chips on your system, even though I had bought a bar-prep course after failing the exam twice with BARBRI. I am glad I took a leap of faith and went with your website. Every single dollar I spent was worth it and much more. Now I can move on to the start of my legal career and I could not be happier. Thank you for trying to squeeze out every possible point out of this Exam so that people can me can go on and live their dreams.

Many thanks for analyzing my score reports to me. I finally passed NY Bar Exam this summer. This was my third try. Retaking NY Bar Exam was really a challenge for me because I have a full-time job and I had only three days to try to overcome the jet lag. Anyway, I got it. Thank you so much for helping me with the efficient methods of studying for this exam.


Good Evening! My wife and I wanted to thank you for your website. We used the information and your advice on the website. It was very helpful. We both took the July 2011 exam and passed it on the first try. We wanted to let you know that your time and efforts are greatly appreciated!     

I passed! I really have to thank you so much for your help and for providing such amazing materials. I wish there were a way to order my score report so I could see how my essays improved, but the advice I appreciated the most was to concentrate on studying the MBE. My scaled score in July 2011 was 124.1; my scaled score in February 2012 was 119.5. My scaled score on the July 2012 exam was 143.8. Thanks to your analyses of my score reports, I was able to prioritize my studying accordingly. Thanks again; I'm recommending your site to my friends who are taking the bar!

I passed the 2012 July NY Bar Exam in my second try. My MBE is 152.5. I think it is really high for a foreign lawyer. Now I can say we are colleagues, all American lawyers, although it would be more impressive that I can say I am a Chinese lawyer as well. Thank you for your kind support in the past several months and thank you for your wonderful study materials. Feel free to let me know if I could be of any assistance on your marketing for the Chinese lawyers circle.

I just wanted to let you know that I did pass the NY Bar exam this time. I did really well with the Kaplan program but ended up only scoring a 129 on my MBE. In order to waive into Washington DC, I needed a 133. My question to you is, do you any other states I can get admission to practice in without giving the bar now that I can practice in NY. I am unable to find any website that has a comprehensive list and I know these things change from time to time. I emailed Washington DC Admissions and they said that the same rule applies for everyone. If you have any insight, I would really appreciate it. And thank you very much for your help my result. It is very much in part to your help and the data that you provided on my past exams that helped me study exactly what I needed to pass.

Just wanted to let you know that I passed the bar - even without those audio clips I asked you for :) Thank you for your MASTERs - they are probably the most efficient way to study for the essays. I found them a little late but they were good reading on the plane ride, and in the hotel. Quite apart from the MASTERs, however, a lot of the other content on your (paid) site was extremely useful, particularly for people without a bar review course like me. I will be recommending you to friends.

I passed, and my scaled MBE score was 160. Not sure how useful these bare facts are for you, but I thought I would let you know nevertheless.

I took the bar exam for the first time in February 2012 and didn't pass by 11 points (my score was 654). My MBE score was a 124.5 and my written average was 52.17. I took Pieper and used Adaptibar as a supplement. The second time I prepared with your high, medium and low priority rules. I memorized them carefully. I also used Adaptibar and the Strategies and Tactics book for MBE preparation. I PASSED with a 130.5 MBE score. Thank you Seperac!!! If it wasn't for memorizing your rules, I probably wouldn't have passed since my MBE was still somewhat low. Please let me know if you need any additional information for your calculations on your website.


I finally passed the bar! July 2012 was my third try, so it's been a long road. I subscribed to Seperac for February 2012 and July 2012 and found your materials to be extremely helpful. The difference between the 2nd and 3rd time, I think, was how much time I spent using Seperac outlines. As I was going through each topic in the 6-8 weeks prior to the July 2012 exam, I would study my outlines and then highlight and making notes along the margins of your outlines. In the last few days before the exam I would read the highlighted portions and my notes in the margins of your outlines. I found that to be extremely helpful. When I was studying in February, I would only briefly go through the Seperac outlines as an afterthought to my Barbri outlines. I didn't do anything different in terms of MBE between February and July. I did over 2000 practice MBE's both times. I bought the NCBE practice exams the 3rd time and found they did not make any difference. This is especially because I found the MBE in July much more difficult than July 2011 and February 2012. In a lot of the questions I didn't recognize the format at all - I couldn't tell whether they were property questions or con law questions, crim law or evidence questions. I scored a 125 in July 2011, 136 in February 2012 and a 131 in July 2012. I wasn't surprised with the 131 given the difficulty of the questions and the difference in format. I want to thank you for your outlines, they were very helpful and I will be recommending your website for retakers.


I was a repeater for the past July NY state bar examination, and you helped me prepare for the exam. I am based out of Korea, and I recieved an email notice the other day saying that I passed the exam with the MBE score of 145.5. I did not quite hit the target that you gave me, which was 150, but managed to pass this time around. The Master was invaluable in my studying for the exam, and even more than the Master, your generous compassion for my situation had encouraged and motivated me in tackling the exam. I could not have done it without you, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help. It really means more than you know. Take very good care.


I passed. The Master is great. Thanks.


I passed the exam. Thank you for the use of your site materials. It certainly helped especially since I was not able to do a bar review course. Thank you.

passed! thank you!!!!


I passed. Not sure I would have done it without your help. Thanks so much. ... I found your study guide to be unparalleled, easy to learn, and amazingly on-point. Keep doing what you're doing, it's an enormous asset to those studying for the exam.

From one joe to another, i just wanted to drop a line and say thanks for all the work youve done in creating and maintaining this site. I failed the bar last july using barbri. i never truly felt prepared, but after studying from the master i felt like i really knew the points of law. needless to say, im enjoying better results today. PS you really should charge more. enjoy your day,


I emailed you the other day about passing the New York Bar Exam, but I forgot to mention that I am pretty sure I only passed because of the MASTER outline. My MBE score was only a 129, so I must have did well on the essays, which I used your MASTER outline to study for.

Just wanted to say "thanks". I passed the N.Y. Bar exam with the help of your MASTER outline!

Thank you for your email yesterday. I passed!!! So happy and can't thank you enough for all your encouragement and support leading up to the exam. I got an MBE score of 142.1 having done 5500 practice questions before the exam. I really felt that the mbe had went badly on the day but I think it was just the stress and tiredness of the exam looking back. Please feel free to contact me should you require any other information for you website statistics for future exams. Once again, thanks for everything.


PLease find attached my result from July's NY bar exam. I was a subscriber of Master and I handwrote the exam. Many thanks for all of your help for the exam!


I passed the Bar Exam, I got 140.4 scaled on the MBE, missed and essay and the MPT and still passed! I'm not sure if they send essays scores to passing students but they haven't sent me mine. Thanks for everything you are a star!


I passed. First attempt. Thanks.

I wanted to let you know I PASSED!!! (Despite an MBE score of 138!) Thanks for your help and all the great resources on your site!


Dear Joe, Just found out I passed the Bar exam! Just sending a quick e-mail to thank you so very much for your analysis of my failed exam in February. I don't know how many times I referred to it when studying for the July sittings. It was an invaluable source of information for me and I am forever in your debt.

Just got my results. I passed! Thanks for all of your help.


Joe-- I passed the NY Bar!!! Woohooo!!! Thank you for AlL your help!!! Oh and my MBE scaled score was 158.9. Just as an aside/comparison, my friend, who failed, said she got 5s/6s/7s on her essays- Total score of 695. But only a 123 on the MBE. So, as you had pointed out, even with getting pretty good essay scores, she failed bc of her MBE (despite the fact that NY gives the MBE 40% weight). Once again, thanks! :) I recommended you highly to my California friend who is going to take the Feb Cali bar. (Altho I know you are focused on NY). And I will be to all my NY friends who are taking it in Feb.

Good news: I passed the July 2012 NY Bar Exam. I can't thank you enough for your help and support. My MBE was 147.2. I wish I had my essay scores, because I know that they were much better this time than in Feb 2012, thanks to MASTER. You were a tremendous resource, and I really appreciate it. I'm also very glad you convinced me to take the exam when I was considering not making the trip back from France, since I had so little time to study. It was definitely the right call.

At the end of my last semester, I had two Deans at my school tell me that they are worried that I will ever pass the bar exam in my life-time. They also told me that in their 6 years of being Dean no one around my class rank has passed the bar exam first time around. The were even more concerned that taking two bar exams was reckless. I don't know if they were truly trying to be nasty or just trying to scare me into doing better, as law schools are very concerned about their bar passage rates. This motivated me even further to prove them wrong. I took the MPRE in law school and studying hard for two weeks. I winded up getting a 135 on the MPRE which I believe is in the top percentile. As for a Bar Exam Prep Course I chose Themis, because I wanted to study at home, and it was the cheapest reputable program I could find at the time with a full money back guarantee if I failed. I also chose Adaptibar to focus on the MBE. I realized from the MPRE that my strength was in multiple-choice rather than essays because I have a good sense of choosing the best answers when presented with options. I never had a multiple choice exam in law school. From December 11, 2011 to February 28 , 2012, I studied every day for about 8 to 10 hours a day. Initially, my practice MBE's were around 60% correct. As I did more practice questions and realized why I got answers wrong, and what methods the examiner used to trick people, I began to see the patterns. By the end of my studying I took the 2011 NCBE 100 Question set and got 85% never seeing any of the questions before. My practice test scores varied from 70% to 85%. I felt prepared for the MBE. However, for the essays, I didn't feel as prepared because while I could do well open book, I struggled closed book. Thats when I contacted you approximately 2 weeks before the bar exam. I only studied your masters and listened to your audio files in the car for the whole last two weeks, while doing 100 practice MBE questions a day. Overall, I did about 3000 practice questions. By the time the Bar exam came, I felt very prepared. After walking out of the all my examinations, I had a feeling that the test wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I took your advice to make sure I allocated time for each section of the test and stuck to the IRAC format. Here I am and I passed both NJ and NY Bar examinations and it feels tremendous. It feels good to prove those Dean's wrong. I credit your program as a major reason that I passed NY because of your Master Outlines. So many bar exam prep programs bombard you with so much noise and information, its hard to see whats important. You really break down the important stuff in an understandable way. I get my MBE score in the mail from New Jersey early next week, I will let you know how I did when I get it. Thank you so much Joe for your help. If you are in the NYC area, lets grab a drink sometime. I found your study guide to be unparalleled, easy to learn, and amazingly on-point. Keep doing what you're doing, it's an enormous asset to those studying for the exam.


I signed up for your website for the February 2011 administration of the exam, but I finally cleared it this February, after failing twice in February and July 2011. I enclose the report and I wanted to thank you for your advice when I emailed you above and beyond my subscription and its expiry. In particular the score report and feedback you provided was very helpful, and the prepared subject outlines were invaluable indeed.

I know you don't know me personally, but you have changed my life. It took me three years to sit down and take the bar exam after graduation. I couldn't have passed the Feb bar exam without you. Thank you SO very much for this. May only the best of karma come to you, you truly deserve it!

I write to thank you for your advice. With your advice, I passed New York bar with an MBE score of 161.8. I did not take barbri course this time. It is not effective for me. Thank you again Joe for what you have done for me. I wish you great success with your career.


I want to thank you for putting together the master essay. It greatly helped me prepare for Feb NY State Bar Exam. I passed and I know that my essay performance had a lot to do with your master essay. Thanks!

I was a retaker for the NY bar - and recenty found out that I passed. Thank you. Your course was what I mostly focused on and found it extremely helpful.

Now that I have finally stopped screaming, I want to let you know that I passed the NY FEB 2012 bar exam. I not only passed, I got a scaled score of 166!!!!! A first time foreign taker who completed their undergrad degree over 6 years ago! Your website was KEY to me nailing this exam so thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

I took the February 2012 NY bar exam. I studied with the Master outlines that you put together for that exam and I passed on my first try. I will always be grateful for having followed your advice for the NY bar. I suggest to every single person I know who is taking the NY bar to register on your website, get Master for the specific exam, and basically do everything you say in order to pass.


I subscribed to your site for the Feb. 2012 bar exam (which I passed). I have been a licensed lawyer in Canada since 2003 and since I now live in NY, I needed to be appropriately licensed here. I took the exam while working full time and so prioritizing my studying with respect to the NY essays was essential. Just wanted to write you a note to say that I really felt my subscription was money well spent. I would highly recommend your site so if you ever need a reference or testimonial, feel free to reach out.

Thank you Joe! my mbe was 138.1, so i did not even improved it by 20 points from July.. and my thinking is I killed the essays!! again, thanks to you. they are exactly what one needs... especially foreign educated! if you dont mind, I will tell people on all4jds forum about you. and no, i will NOT sell my materials to anyone, i think they are very moderately priced, it is the best money I ever spent and it's amazing how much time you put into that! THANK YOU! I did a bunch of barbri questions and kaplan.. I'd say i studied questions about 60-70% of the the beginning, but the last 4 days i spent doing master. I'd say I did at least 2,000 questions... i did not keep any record of my study, but took notes for each subject on caviats. I think it's immportant to really know the rules for the MBE, so practice practice practice.. I found the videos from barbri/kaplan, with explanations and the "tricks" for mbe were very helpful. I also found your "tips" very helpfull! and your NYMC questions.. I did think that this year's NYMC was no trick - just lots of NY practice questions, matrimonial, real estate, with NY distinctions.. so again - you have to know the law.. MPT was terrible! what else? i have to be honest, i did not listen to any of the mp3s that you have, or essays from the last years, I read and listened your masters over and over.. THANK YOU!

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!! Your strategy and guidance were brilliant. I couldn't have used the 3 weeks I had before the exam any better. I managed my time poorly during the first day and was only able to write about a paragraph for the MPT, but with your strategy to focus on the MBE, I wound up with a 155.6 on the MBE and assume that "scaled" my essays favorably enough to put me over. I just saw your website and was excited to see that you have or are developing something for California. Is that subscription site available yet? I'm also interested in taking NJ and Virginia. If you have subscription content or tutoring available for CA, NJ or VA, I would love to sign up. Thank you so much again for all of your time, efforts and guidance!! I cannot speak more highly of your analysis and help that you've given to me. If I may be of any assistance to you in a capacity, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Your help is greatly appreciated. I used your advice when writing the essays and the MPT and I think it helped.

Your master outline has helped me tremendously.  I am a very visual person and I need to see how a good rule statement is written in order to help me formula a good essay answer and that is exactly what your master helped me with.  I really appreciate all the work you put into this so thank you so much!


I'm sure you've gotten tons of these emails today. But..  Holy crap. You really nailed it this time.


Hello Joe. I would like to inform you that I passed February Bar exam. My MBE score is 143.3. In July it was 124.9. Thank you very much for your help. Your web site and Master are the best sources for Bar preparation. A week before the Bar exam, I did OPE-1 and got 151.2. All together I did 4330 MBE questions and 200 NYMC. On the exam, I did not finish the MPT. It was very confusing for me and I decided to write something as much as I could. I wrote (handwriting) 3 pages only. I hoped to get good grades for my essays and MBE. I finished all essays and I knew all the answers (thanks to Master). However, I did mistakes. I did not mention an exception in defarmation question. Also, I wrote that plaintiff cannot file a motion for failure to state cause of action after he filed and served an answer. It was my mistake too. However, all other definitions and rules I stated very good. Thanks again for your help.

I am glad to tell you here that I have passed the Feb 2012 bar NY Exam. I did feel that I was doing very well both on Essay and MBE. My scaled MBE score for this time is 151.2. Thank you very much for your advice and help. I am looking forward to meeting you in person in the futurn, and say thank to you again.

Hi Joe! Thank you thank you thank you for all you have done. I finally passed the bar and it was all thanks to you.

Just wanted to send you an email thanking you for your website. I passed the February NY bar on the first try. I did not purchase a bar prep course because I had taken Barbri already for NJ a couple of years ago so I felt that I could try self study by purchasing the books on ebay. In addition, to the books I came across your website, which was extremely helpful! I really appreciate your advice and am confident that your outlines played a large role in my passing.

Passed NY February 2012. Thanks for your assistance.

Just thought that you would be happy to know that I passed the Bar Exam :) Your materials were helpful!

I just passed the February 2012 NY Bar. Your strategy was great. It did work. I did 4,000+ MBE question, including all past released questions. I heard Master & Past Exam MP3 again and again. Although MBE was harder than I expected (134.2 -> 138.9), I think I did well on Essay. As a foreign educated, I think I could not pass the bar without your strategy. I will recommend it to everyone who is going to sit for NY Bar in the future.

Couldnt do it without your help!! your master is a work of genius! THANK YOU!!!!!

I passed! Even though I didn't order your Seperac study packet, your advice to me regarding ruthlessly focusing on the MBE was so invaluable. I actually did less MBE questions than on my first attempt, but I had a more solid understanding of the law this time around. Right before I took the exam, I was scoring around 68% to 76% right and on the February MBE, I got a 148.6! Thanks so much and God bless you.

I received the email this morning saying I passed. I was really surprised. I did not finish the MPT because I did not have enough time + I found it extremelly difficult (compared with the ones I saw before). I'm sending my information because I found your website really helpful. I'm a foreign student and I was really scared about the essays since I'm not good at writing in English. I made flashcards with the info in Masters 2012 High Priority + I read Med Priority several times. I think Masters was the reason I passed (my MBE score was only 124.5 + I did not finish the MPT). Thank you very much for your advice.

I would like to let you know that I passed the bar exam.

I wanted to thank you for all your help and for putting together Master! I ended up passing the NY Bar on my second try with an MBE score of 132. The first time in July of 2011 I was 36 points short, got 629 with an MBE score of 129.5 (I've sent you my score report back then). I went with Barbri the first time and then got a free repeat after I failed. Not to say anything bad about them, but I think if I would have had your Master document the first time, things would have been different. Second time around I didn't even listen to any of their lectures and just studied Master and did MBE practice questions. For MBE questions I was using Kaplan PMBR combination course. What's funny is that the first time I did about 600-700 practice MBE question and ended up with 129.5 MBE scaled score. This time I did about 2,600 questions and got a scaled score of 132. (on PMBR simulated MBE I got 101 in July and 124 in Feb.) I guess the essays pulled my overall score. For the MPT section of the exam I had 80 min left instead of 90 and wrote very little. I followed your advice as to answering last essay first and then going to essay #2 and #1 (same for the second section of the exam). Thank you sooooo much! On the day of the exam, during lunch break as I was looking at Master, I was amazed at how almost every issue that I came across on the exam was marked either high or medium priority.

So I just received my results for the Feb 2012 Ny bar. I passed. I wanted to thank you for the awesome product you created, I really attribute a lot of my success to the tools on your site and your awesome Master. I think studying the master (unfortunately only 2 weeks from the exam, when i found it) really helped me attack the exam. Also, your Master *High* was 100% on point. I have already recommended it to a bunch of friends ...

I got my results today an can tell you that I finally passed. Unfortunately i cannot report you my essay results. Mbe is 143.3. Thanks for your great site and the master!

I passed!!!!! Joe, thank you so much for all your help!! I am forever grateful to you!

Happy to report that I passed the Feb Bar with 145.9 MBE scaled score. Thank you very for your help. I purchased your Master Feb 2012 and it was extremely helpful. I really appreciate everything, and please let me know if you need anything to help on your stats. Thanks!

I passed! MBE score: 139.8 I cannot tell you how helpful your post-exam analysis was for me, and how helpful your sight is in general. Thank you for taking the time to help so many people. my most sincere regards,

Thank you for your time. After this I have been meaning to put together a small write up of how I used your system to prep for the bar b/s I think it was critical in my success.

I just wanted to thank you again for your subscription. Your masters were spot on as to what issues were on the real exam. Without your site, I wouldn't have felt half as confident and likely wouldn't have done half as well on the essays.

I wish to acknowledge your help which I received by reading your website in 2008. I passed my bar in 2008 after 3 attempts. I did not have your e-mail id earlier and therefore could not write an e-mail to you. I happened to find it now and thought of thanking you for my passing the NY bar. I have my own law firm now and doing well. Thanks again for very inspiring and knowledgeable website.

I'm sure you asked me to tell you how I got on with the exams so I just want to let you know that I passed!! Finally! Thanks fro all your help and support.


Thank you so much for your analysis and advice. You are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!

Just wanted to drop you a note to inform you that I PASSSSSSSEDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was sooooo estatic when I got the news! Thank you for all your help and advice. I truly appreciate it!

I would like to say thank you for your best website. I pass the NY Bar this year, my third try. My MBE Score is 149.5. I use the Master, your analysis and the information on your site to prepare. Thank you. And thanks god. It's really hard to take the preparation while you have to work.

I am grateful to you and your program as I really nailed some of the essays bc of your'e spot on predictions.

I used your website often and found many helpful things in my preparation for the Jul 2011 NY Bar. ... I managed to pass the bar with an MBE score of 137.

You are well-known among NY bar exam takers in mainland China. You helped lots of Chinese students pass the tough exam. Thank you.

I just wanted to thank you for the score reports from the July 2010 and February 2011 NYS Bar Exams. I had missed each of those by less than 10 points and 4 points, respectively. I found out on Wednesday that I passed the July 2011 administration of the exam. I believe that it was partly due to the reports that you offered me so that I could focus on my weaknesses in combination with my using m BarBri materials to study my own way (not by the BarBri Method) this time. I think that sitting in the classes simply to get the information wasted a lot of precious time to memorize and accumulate as much material as possible prior to the exam. Having the information in front of me and being able to read it multiple times for memorization purposes was far better for my studies than not being able to do this until the last couple of weeks using the BarBri Method. I have never failed anything before and I truly believe that not sticking to my normal study habits (that were used for many, many years but deferred to when the BarBri Method was stressed) was a huge factor in this. That said, the BarBri materials were adequate and all that I studied (in combination with some borrowed PMBR MBE practice materials). Anyway, just wanted to drop a line to say thanks for actually caring about helping those of us out who have failed the exam once, and again in my case. Your time is much appreciated. Third time's a charm!

I cannot express my gratitude other than just simply saying THANK YOU. ...I got 152.7 scale score and passed the exam :) It was kind of soothsaying that really cherish my entire experience after I received email that I passed. It was even better for me, to write my director of program at St. John's that he should change statistics of program, because when i discussed my preparation for exam with him he told me that no LLM ever passed exam without commercial preparation course specially when I am foreign graduate (and I really have been in U.S. for about 1 year now).


I just wanted to let you know that I passed the July 2011 bar exam (my second try) and I'm convinced the resources on your website enabled me to do so. I simply studied the high and medium priority essay topics and did hundreds of multistate questions from another bar review program. Prioritizing the essay topics helped me free up time to concentrate on the multistate exam. Thank you for providing the only truly straightforward website for New York State bar exam takers.

Joe, once again thank you very much, you are the source of best preparation material and information that I needed to pass this exam. I will recommend your page to everybody who will ever try to pass the bar.

I am DELIGHTED to tell you that I have finally passed the NY Bar on my third time as a foreign taker. Please find my mbe score attached. I can only assume that I scored highly on my written and I put this down to learning to write like an American. Thank you for all your help over the past 2 years and for your Master which I found invaluable.

Hi Joe as you probably know the bar results are out. I am happy to announce i passed. my mbe score was 145.8. lol not the 176 i was hoping for but hey i cant complain. im estatic.

I am a LLM student with little idea about U.S. Law before I came to United States. I chose Property and Evidence in law school here because my J.D. friends told me they are the tough parts in the bar exam. From March to April, I started to reading Emanuel Law Outline to warm up, the average time I spent on this is a little over one hour per day. From April to May, I enrolled in the Kaplan LLM Fundamentals, they sent me two green books, a set of CDs, and gave me access to online course. I spent two hours per day on them. From June to July, the Kaplan Complete Bar Review started and I did my work according to the recommended schedule, roughly 10 hours per day. I did extra hours on weekends additionally, maybe 3 hours per day in average. MBE took the most of my time, I finished the LLM Fundamentals (300), PMBR Red Book (900+), online Question Bank (~1000), MBE Foundation (200), Mid-term (200), Final Review (200), Additional Test (200), so the total questions are round 3,000. The percentage I did was 42% in May, 59% in June, 68% in July, overall was 64%. I only got 55% in Final Review. I spent one month in NY portion, watching the videos and making notes. The PMBR Blue Book is 60% finished. 200 MC, the percentage was a little above 40%. 12 essays, 3 "well below the standard," 2 "below the standard," and 7 "above the standard." All questions were timed. Let me know if I can be of any help. Again, thank you for your help and advices during my bar preparation.

Joe! Finally I can email you with good news. I PASSED :) MBE 144.1...didn't know they don't tell you the NY score when you pass, but I guess that's not important. Thanks for your advice and for doing what you do for people like me. You make a difference! With the sincerest gratitude,

I am writing to let you know that I passed, on my third try, with a 148.4 MBE! Thank you so much for the wealth of information you have provided me in the past year and most importantly your words of encouragement. Thank you!

Just found this morning that I passed the July 2011 bar exam with an MBE score of 133.4. ... Thank you so much for all your help. I couldn't have done without your service!!!

I just received my notice of certification a few hours ago. I can't belive I passed it! But I only have my scaled MBE score (144.9) on the notice. Do you think know how can I know my total score? I tried the private lookup link on your website but it didn't tell me my score either. Many many thanks.

Joes, I PASSED, and I still can't believe it 141 Scalled MBE.

I just want to let you know that I finally passed the NY Bar on my 3rd attempt & I owe you a big hug and a thank you. I really sucked at the MBE, but I took your advice this past fall and I read your entire website and I bought OPE 1 & 2 and Master 2011 and I passed. It felt awesome. My passing MBE score was 138.0 (my first attempt was a 119.6)!!! Thank you so much for the score breakdowns that you gave me when I failed those 2 times -- I must tell you, I am not a math person but I found comfort in your statistics, because numbers and logic are real and true & this exam is like a bad acid trip where nothing is real.

I passed!!!!! Thanks for all your help. Your website might have saved my life! I got a 149.8 on the MBE. I'm positive it was because of your master outline and the phrases for all the essays. All I used to study was your website, PMBR MBE books and a Barbri NY Essay book with 150 NY practice questions in it from 2005. Thank you!

I PASSED February’s bar exam!!! Believe it or not, my MBE score went down by 1/2 a point (July was 127- Feb 126.5) Thought I’d let you know- it seems as though my essays carried me quite far! =) Thank you for all of your help!!!


I was a great resource and most especially the MP3 which I always listened to every night. It was like my sleeping pill because every time I started to listen to them I some how calmed down and was able to go to bed because it was a reassurance of what I knew and had read from your masters. My scaled score was 133.0 I do not want to know what that means but the the congratulations at the top of the letter was enough for me! I made it this time on my 6th attempt.

I just passed the Feb NY Bar Exam and want to thank you. Your site has been so helpful and your score analysis was the best thing ever. your site is truly amazing and I hope you will continue the great work!

Thanks again for your assistance with the course. I passed on the first try, and am able to waive into DC.

Thank you for your help!!! I passed the feb bar with 149 MBE score.

You sent me an analysis of my failed July NYBE results. I meant to email you sooner to thank you for all your advice. As you recommend on your site, I took Kaplan this time for the MBE, focused on doing lots of practice MBE questions, used your Master to study for the essays (I found this EXTREMELY helpful), and then applied what I had memorized to practice essays. My MBE went up from 126 scaled to 143.9.

I got my result this morning and I passed with a scaled MBE of 136.4. I got 129 last July. Thank you for all your support. The informations you provide on your site were invaluable to me. I reviewed all the past NY essays posted on your site and used Master like a bible. I'm soo happy and grateful to God.

I got the results back and I passed the NY bar exam. I got a 143.9 scaled score on the MBE, and don't know how I did on the essays. I just wanted to thank you and your site for the help - it really did focus on MBE (especially) study time, stay organized and efficient, and learn what to focus on to hit that 140 target, which was the right way to go about taking practice questions and exams for the multi-state.

Joe! I am not sure if you remember talking to me a few weeks before the bar exam when I was flipping out and sent you a very desperate email, but I wanted you to know that I PASSEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't tell you how grateful I am for your website and your phone call that day. I REALLY couldn't have done it without your outlines and your advice. I followed exactly what you said to do (which was to bust my ass on the MBE questions and do what I could with the essays), and I studied until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, and I ended up with a 161 scaled MBE score, which is wayyyyy higher than I ever expected (and was undoubtedly helped along by the higher than usual scale). I am another example of your philosophy that the best way to pass the bar is to go hard on the MBE. Thanks so much for EVERYTHING!

I just wanted to say a big thank you to you for helping me with the preparation for the NY bar. I learned today that I passed with a 142.2 scaled score. Thanks again and I hope that you will continue to help future candidates. For the record only I am a foreign graduate, graduated from a UK university back in 2003 and had no contact with US law apart from the Bar Bri course and your prep course. I dedicated 4 month to preparation with about 8 hours of solid studying a day.


I found out this morning that I passed the NY bar exam on my second try. However, they didn't send the full score information -- only the certification which states my MBE as 144.7. (My score was 129.1 in July.) I wanted to thank you for your help and your program

I spoke to you on the phone from Arizona. We had that refund and reorder issue. Anyhow, just like to say thank you for your help. I passed the February bar. Literally just memorized your best answers from the last 10 bar exams. Although I totally missed the secured transaction question, everything else went well.

I passed. Found out minutes ago. And you were right -- my MBE went up 10 points -- to 149.8 I can't thank you enough. As I think I said when we spoke before the test, the fact that you did the real empirical research -- that apparently Barbri has not done -- based on all available information (such as failing test taker's scores), sets you apart from other test prep services and advisors. And your outlines were critical as well. I will certainly be telling everyone back at Rutgers that taking the NY Bar without using your service is a huge mistake.

I do not think I would have passed the bar without the MASTER FEB 2011 document. My computer decided to die 20 minutes before the exam on NY Writing day. I had to spend 6 hours writing out the essays and MPT. More importantly, I had to make sure that I remained calm and collected otherwise I would have failed the exam. I was on auto pilot once I began writing out the essays because I had read all the three documents (high priority topics, medium and low priority) I finished the essays and barely finished the MPT because I was tired. MY MBE score was 138. I had figured it would have been 140 based on the Kaplan 3 day review course. Nevertheless I am not complaining. I passed the bar. It was my first time to sit for the exam. Thank you so much for the documents and sending us information about the bar exam. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes one can pass the bar exam even though the computer malfunctions during the exam.

Joe, thanks for your help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I passed !!!!!!!!!!!! I had a 144.7 on the multistate !!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you tend to service a great number of re-takers, but your advice was the most amazing thing I came across as a first time taker esp. because I was not able to afford a Bar Review course. I spent a few hours pouring over your advice and it helped me restructure my entire study approach and I am happy to report that I was successful. Your advice works. Plain and simple. If you ever need a real person to stand up and testify to this, please call on me.

I used Seperac last exam and passed NY on my third try!

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the NY bar exam in July finally! I wanted to thank you for your hard work, your excellent website and great materials. Keep up the good work. It will help many future bar takers in years to come.

Just thought I'd drop you a quick line to let you know I passed the NY bar. As a foreign educated student (Dublin, Ireland) I solely attribute my being able to pass down to MASTER. Without it I would've found the essay component too overwhelming to study. I mailed you just after the exam in July and truly thought I'd failed. The MBE was unlike any BarBri mock but I ended up scoring 141.5 so I was very surprised. Plus the essay questions seemed like they came from left field, as if the examiners were trying to nit-pick obscure issues, but again MASTER dealt with it! Your website is amazing and I wish you every success in the future. I am recommending future Irish bar exam takers to subscribe to Seperac.

I got results I passed!!! Yay! By the way I upped my MBE by like 15 points this time, so I'm sure that helped. Thanks for your help.

I wanted to let you know that I passed the bar !!!! (My MBE score was 137.6) ;-) Thanks for your website it is very insightful!

thanks for your help Joe I finally passed the July bar. your analysis and advice were a great help. I got a 146.5 which is 2 plus points higher than any other sitting- out of 10 times. twice I got a 144 and all the rest were 134- 138 (or maybe a couple of times even lower).

joe - i just wanted to let you know that i finally passed ny - i am thrilled - i got a 638 in july - a 648 in feb - and then a pass with a 144.7 mbe score - on the other 2 exams i got 133 mbe - a big thing was the confidence that my feb raw score would have passed me in july - you told me this - and i therefore was confident that the end was in reach - my mbe score would have been enough that i would have passed even in feb, however, i would have come a little bit short last july - this third try was when i took your advice cold and swallowed my logic - and thankfully it paid off best wishes to you for all of your assistance during this very stressful period of time in my life.

I just passed NY exam on the first try, 17 years out of law school (passed CA in 1993), relying almost exclusively on Separac materials and some outdated PMBR books. Thanks so much! Well worth the subscription price

I am foreign LLM. Perhaps you don't remember me, but I bought your master outline for the July 2010 exam. I got my bar result yesterday, I passed! I wanted to thank you for all the advice you gave me during my exam preparation. Also, I want to ask you about my MBE scaled score. It was 126.1 and I made it. I am very surprised because when I took the exam in July 2009, my MBE was 132.8 and I didn't pass. I don't know what was my writing score for this exam, but I assume that it was high enough to help me to pass this exam.

I have no doubt that this would have been impossible without your notes and study-plans. It was my third attempt (and not the best of the three), but I believe my essays pulled me over since my MBE is about the margin @139.2. That said, these essays were the most difficult amongst my three attempts. Thank you!


And thanks again for hugely contributing to my success at the NY Bar exam!

Thank you again and good luck to you as well with this website - it is a lifesaver.

I am the mother (now of 3) and foreign attorney who had taken the bar exam when I was pregnant and with 2 kids. I am writing to THANK YOU for helping me pass the NY bar exam. I basically followed most of your advice and adjusted your program to my needs and hectic schedule. I read most of the past essays (at least as far back as 1993) and tried to make a summary of them. Read all the high and medium priority topics, and some low priority ones as well. Tried to listen to all the audio. I also purchased the "Strategies and Tactics for the MBE" book which was of great help and use, and subscribed to "Adaptibar." I had taken the Barbri course in the past which was not bad, but for a person with a schedule full of responsibilities, other than studying, it is an impossible task to sit in class and after that, go home and just study, study, and sudy. I think the Barbri people (and for that matter, all the other companies that offer these types of bar prep classes) should be honest to the LL.M. or foreign attorneys who are taking this class and tell them that they need about 1 year of preparation. To sit for the class, and then on their own, review everything. Especially now that the cost of the exam increased to 3x what it used to be for the foreign attorneys. I understand that there are other issues, such as the time that they are allowed to remain in the US after they graduate from law school, among other considerations, but I bet you that most foreigners do not pass this test on the 1st try. You cannot imagine (well, maybe you can ;-D) the feeling I felt when I saw the e-mail with the news, the great news that I had passed this exam. I thank you and wish you and your family many blessings and that God may keep you well for many years to come in order that you may continue helping many others as you helped me. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Thanks very much for your help. I received news that I successfully passed the July 2010 NY Bar Exam. This was my second attempt. If it is helpful to you, my MBE scaled score was 145.5. I am happy to assist with your exam analysis in the future and provide any information that may be of use to you. I really appreciate the support you provide, which helped me get through the re-taking process.

I think it was December last year that I sent you my score card for evaluation. As I prepared to sit the exam the second time around, I found your evaluation and comments to be very instructive. I now do not hesitate to recommend your site to anyone I know taking the New York Bar. I actually passed the february exam. By knowing my weak areas I was able to develop a strategy for my success. i must also inform you that the 2005 outlines posted on your site were very helpful. I used them to prepare and made my notes on the various subject areas in the margin. I wanted to say thank you!!!! Oh my score for the MBE was 142. I also took your advice and used Kaplan for the questions, I developed a different level of confidence in my approach to the exam. So once again, thank you for your work. I think as a foreigner it certainly gave me the appropriate perspective on the Bar Exam.

Thank you for your advice. I passed the NJ February bar having followed your advice. What I did this time was totally focus on the MBE by writing out the rules and keeping my score. In the last two weeks, my friend and I did 4 practice MBEs in addition to the writing out the essay questions. My score went up from 121 to 138. Thank you for the work that you do, I wanted you to know that it helped me.

FYI, passed the bar thanks to you and MASTER.

I just wanted to express my appreciation and gratitude for all your consistent advice and support throughout my numerous attempts of the New York Bar Exam. I received notification on Friday that I was successful and I have never experienced sheer euphoria like it in my life. I feel obligated to you because I don’t think it would have been possible for me to conquer it without your assistance. The sacrifices, blood, sweat and tears seem so insignificant now that I have reached my goal. Thank you so so much and I am eternally grateful for everything you have done to ensure my success.


It still does not seem real. You inspired me with your motivational words of encouragement and analytical breakdown of my results. Although I was studying for this exam independently I found your website an integral tool for my revision progress and it was so beneficial knowing that you were there to assist whenever I needed you. I hope you know that you have made so many bar candidates dreams come true. Thank you for everything.

I just wanted to let you know that I passed the New York State Bar exam. I was also able to keep my job. Thank you for all your help and guidance. You advice and outline were crucial to my performance on this bar exam. I focused on the MBE and my score went up again about 5 points, giving me a 143.2. I read through you whole outline but rewrote the high and medium topics in my own words, which was particularly helpful on the corporations and real property essays. Keep doing what you do…you are amazing at it.

I passed the bar exam and I just wanted to say thank you for all your help with everything in particular the masters it helped me organize myself for the NY day so I could spend more time on the MBE. Thanks once again,


Joe, thank you for the materials. I passed NY on the first try (passed CO 2 years before on first try - took barbri). Your approach is much easier. Thank you.

I doubt you remember me among the many who wrote to you but..I passed! With 140 on the MBE, I'm pleased. I did what you said - logged the rules and memorized them - and focused on the MBE, doing 3000 practice questions. Also BarWrite's 3 day course helped so much with the essays as I had been studying on my own with old books and this was the first time I had face to face contact. Even though I had more recent material and more recent summaries, I always came back to your summaries from 2005 because I found the lay out the easiest to refer to and learn from. I'm pleased for having studied on my own, in Europe, 7 years after graduating from law school, with a bunch of old books from 2007, and while on maternity leave. A big THANKS!

I am happy to inform you that I passed the NY State Bar Exam. My appreciation for all you have contributed to my quest in realizing this achievement is beyond expression. Thank You!

 I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your website I visited it every day when i was preparing for the bar and followed all you did. Guess what? It worked out! I passed the bar yesterday ( took it once in february and passed) with a 144.8 on the mbe. I took your advice and made sure i did all the pmbr red questions and compared my scores to yours. Thank you very much. feel free to print this or share it with anybody who wants to take the bar and use your method. It WORKS! God Bless you! Everyday i freaked out i went to your site. I studied about 15 hrs a day for two months and took barbri also. Again, Thank you so much, i cannot thank you enough, for your website definitely gave me the confidence and blue print to passing the New York Bar on one's first try.

I bought your Master Outline for the February 2009 exam, after having failed the exam in July 2008. I failed that exam too, and the July 2009 one as well. However, it was your advice to concentrate on the MBE part of the exam which I followed for the July 2009 and February 2010 exams, and which helped to dramatically increase my MBE score from a low 124.2 and 123 in the first two exams to 141 and 149.6 in the last two exams. I wish therefore to convey my thanks to you, since I have the happy news to tell you that on my fourth attempt at the exam, I passed! Plugging away has paid off. For your information, I always advise anybody intending to sit the NY bar exam to visit your website as part of their study and revision process. Many thanks, and the best of good fortune in all your endeavors,

Hi Joe - just wanted to let you know that I passed the NY state bar exam, using only Seperac and the 3-day course on the MBE. I also purchased and studied the 2 OPE on NCBE. My score on MBE was 152 scaled. They gave no results re any other parts of the test. Thanks for your website!!

your website kicks ass. I am taking the Feb 2010 bar, 1st time taker (just finished my JD MBA up at Fordham in December). WOW, your logic is amazing and our learning styles are very similar. I learn 10 x better from doing PMBR questions/explanations than staring at an outline. Also, during law school, i would make "canned answers" to bring into open book tests because i know issues would come up and I would copy verbatim. Seems like your MASTER is the equivalent of that. Your website is amazing stuff, kind of overwhelming to take in after a good reading. Anyways its awesome and will use it as a reference.

No proper words can express my thanksfulness for all your time and advices. Your analysis show me whole picture of my weakness. I am going to address them and focus on MBE and those weak subjects.

You are nothing short of a revelation. Just like you suggested, I will re-take the Exams in July, 2010. I am reading your email, digesting every details, and my eyes are swelling up with tears. I have never had such a comprehensive analysis of my results. Even when I took the first bar review course and paid for a one on one tutor, everything pales compared to you. I am so grateful for your input, analysis and advise, words cannot express how overjoyed and confident I feel about studying and preparing for the July, 2010 exam. Thank you so much for the links and pointers.

THANK YOU. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your prompt reply, great advice, and kind personal attention. I really wish I subscribed to your site earlier instead of wanting to wait until completing the Barbri material. To think about it, it doesn't make sense. Your site is about prioritizing but if I went through all the Barbri material first I would not be prioritizing at al. Silly me. Again thank you.


I am sure you know how much you are helping the students throughout the country by providing the material and your experience which in turn makes the study for the bar exam easier.  The proof is that I have a friend whom I referred to you website (I met him during the Feb. 2009 exam.  I took the February 2009 exam and failed by 20 points.  I did not take the July 2009 because my office could not give leave without pay.  My February bar exam proved me that working and studying for the bar exam is not right thing to do. But my friend took the July 2009 exam.).  He bought your 2009 Master essay for July 2009.  He registered to NCBE OP1.  He also registered to PMBR on line course.  Guess what? he passed the bar exam.  He was so happy.  He was saying that your materials and the information you provided him were extremely helpful.  I decide to do what he has done.  Hopefully this time I will pass.

I promised myself that if I had passed I would send you an epistle detailing my process so you can use it to help your students. Alas, I have forgotten most of what I did, and I will spare you the agony of reading through all that stuff. Attached is my skeleton Master 2005. I feel that coring down Master to point form was useful: 1. in terms of being able to read through it quickly; 2. because you had said that Master should be changed slightly so that thousands of students did not write the same thing and annoy examiners. When I just started using your technique I would read all the topics for the particular past paper that I would practice. So if I was going to do July 1995, I would only read those topics, then answer the questions (cheap, I know). Thing as well is that I had started a new job on 6 July 09, so I needed effective ways to maximise my time. So I made an outline. So I could study everything and then test myself on somethings. Perhaps an outline of MASTER only becomes effective if you had read MASTER thoroughly before. I hardly read any outlines. If I read Wills once I read it alot. Some of them I never read any at all. I just studied MASTER. I studied all the topics basically in equal measure. Paying more attention to things like fruit of the poisonous tree and things like that. In the exam itself, the criminal portion was very dissapointing. I was minded to give the paper back to the invigilator and ask her to return with a criminal question more challenging (hubris, I know). It was a theft question that was'nt even theft (strange I know, imagine how perplexed I was in the exam, I had to read that question over and over and over to make sure that I was not missing something; you know, I was looking to see if it was a trick questin, but saw no real tricks). The only thing with the criminal question is that it had a portion on issuing bad checks or something like that. I remember reading that a few times from MASTER, but had not really paid much attention. I did the best I could though. I never got a chance to study during the noon break but I guess that did'nt hurt me too much. The week before the exams, I had focussed almost exclusively in terms of practice, on the area of Wills. I thought Wills would threaten to spoil my show. Believe me, your explanation of the elective share statute is the simplest anywhere. When I read elective share from MASTER I was like huh? it's that easy? listening to it on the BARBRI lectures and reading it in the BARBRI books gives it a kind of complexity that is very daunting indeed. I think elective share actually came on the exam. thing is i cant remember because I practiced it so much. Ahhh, a trust question came on the exam. thats for sure! hahaha lol. I was thinking during the exam cmon Joe, you said trust would not come!! j/k I know you didnt say trusts wouldnt come. But I think I had enough about me to fashion a reasonable response. I dont think I did well on the NY multiple choice, but I think I might have murdered the MPT. That was the only time in all the times I have done the MPT that I finished, comfortably within time. I had 15 minutes at the end. I was like yeh, this is a good feeling. Looked over, tweaked and stuff. For the MBE I was much less accomplished. I think I started off well in the morning. I had a brilliant idea a few days before the exam, that I would simply IRAC the multiple choice like I did the essays. So I started off very slowly, trying my best to be deliberate. But by the time I was 50 questions in, I realised that my timing was wayyy off. So I had to motor (well by my own modest standards). I finished just in time but I think my accuracy suffered. But at least this way you can tell your students that you know of a guy who passed with a scaled score of 122.8. I made a rules list of the MBE questions I got wrong. My mother had suggested I do that even before I saw your sight (always listen to momma). I had made a rules list for the MPRE and it worked. But man the MBE is a different kettle of fish. I think the MBE still has the hoodoo over me. When I was doind the mock MBE, I was getting like 108 and 112. I was depressed. I told myself that if I could get a raw of say 125 then I would give myself a chance. At the end of the day, I did'nt even get 125 raw. 122.8 is less than 66.5%, thus MASTER must have been what did it. Thanks for MASTER man. Enough of me. keep spreading the word. I am sure you have made many people very happy.


I am reading your email, digesting every details, and my eyes are swelling up with tears. I have never had such a comprehensive analysis of my results. Even when I took the first bar review course and paid for a one on one tutor, everything pales compared to you. I am so grateful for your input, analysis and advise, words cannot express how overjoyed and confident I feel about studying and preparing for the July, 2010 exam. Thank you so much for the links and pointers.

Thanks for devising such an efficient study tool. The letter from the NY Bar notifying me of my passing score is of little surprise. My sentiment after leaving the NY Bar was the antithesis of the one I experienced in Tampa after sitting for the Florida Bar. Although no one is ever “knows” how they performed immediately after sitting for the exam, I had much greater confidence in the essays I wrote. Specifically, I caught issues that BarBri fails to address in their outlines, but which are identified in Master. The greatest attribute of Master is its ability to siphon out the important material. When I prepared for Florida’s Bar Exam, I spent countless time using BarBri’s approach, but felt fortunate to have received certain essay topics. By contrast, I left the NY exam knowing I addressed topics, i.e. negligent supervision of children, some evidence topics, etc., that others missed. Thanks again for your help in making this process as painless as possible. Out of curiousity, how many Master Outlines do you typically sell? Students are foolish to not spend the $300 to ensure a high essay score. As an aside, I purchased BarBri’s big book and MPT book, but rarely, if ever, used either to prepare. My studies, without the helping hand of a typical bar review course, entailed using Master and your BarBri outlines.

I passed. Your materials made a huge difference in the way I studied and it worked. Working a full time job while preparing for the Bar was so difficult because time was "of the essence". I do not think it would have happened without your tools. Thank you so much.

Your website should become a necessary vehicle for anyone studying for the NY bar exam. I was able to pass on the first try with just your website and a few outlines I purchased from EBAY. I just want to say thanks for making this tremendous effort to help.

Thanks! I know at this time you might be submerged underneath a flood of emails. But man! please view this one! mine! as being special!!! I realise that I am not making proper sentences! forgive me! I would not have passed had it not been for your help. I am not from America and I found the NY Bar to be quite baffling! I took it three times. now the first time i was way off. the second time, someone turned me on to your site like a few days, maybe 5 days or so before the exam. I came within 4%. I would not have done that well had it not been for your site! Additionally, when I sent you mails, you responded and I was able to see through your logic. Man I re-did Master and closer to the exam I broke it down to point form about 2 weeks before the exam and kicked myself for not doing so sooner. So it was only 18 pages! i read that many times. I did what you said for the MBE too. but guess what? my MBE was pooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! only got like 122.8 for my scaled score.  flip knows how that passed! but alas I don't care! MASTER was what did it! All of the topics on this year's bar was on Master. Trust me! I'm a lawyer! In the essays I felt myself being very very controlled and measured. I had practiced many essays as well. Not sure how many now though. Maybe 70 or so. I did many MBE's over 1,000. never got anywhere close to your accuracy. I was worried man! MCQs for me, are an American phenomena that I have yet to grasp as it relates to the law. I needed to be special on day 1. All I can say is thank's Joe! thanks mr. seperac. thank you a whole lot! I dont know what my overall score is because the letter doesnt seem to say! how do I find that out? If you have the time u can let me know!

Just found out that I passed the July 2009 bar exam.  I just wanted to thank you because without my use of Master 2009 I don't think I would have been able to apply my knowledge to the essays nearly as well.  Your MBE advice also allowed me to better allocate my studying.  Keep up the good work!

I was a subscriber to MASTER 2009 and found out I passed the exam today. I just wanted to thank you for your part in my success. I took no commercial class and self studied and used your MASTER as almost my entire essay studying. So thanks again it feels great to pass on the first try without spending all the money on the barbri courses etc!

No proper words can express my thanksfulness for all your time and advices. Your analysis show me whole picture of my weakness. I am going to address them and focus on MBE and those weak subjects.


THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't even believe it. I was surprised to get the notice in the mail just now and I opened it up, very scared to even look at it and when I read the first line, I just shouted, "Thank you, God!!!" and kept shouting it and crying. If you need me to recommend you in anyway, obviously, I am your greatest fan. I just have to take the MPRE again, since my Illinois one expired---so I'll definitely look to you for info on that. THANK YOU! Many, many hugs!!!

I have been telling all my friends that are taking the upcoming exam that they should definitely check your website out as it is hands down the best resource out there.

A colleague of mine recommended this document as he credits it to his passing success!

Hi Joe, Thank you very much for helping me to pass the NY bar! I'm so grateful that you shared your study program and expert advice.

Hi Joe, Seeing as it's official, i.e. just got the letter in the mail, I just wanted to write a short thank you for all the help in passing the NY bar. I failed last summer with a disappointing 598 and I really thought there was no way I could ever pull it off this year! I knew I did well on the essay part, but felt horrible about the MBE. I now know that I only got a 120.2 on the MBE, so I must have really aced the essays! Anyhow, I cannot thank you enough for all the hard work and dedication you put in to helping all of us. I truly believe your master document, website, forum, and advice are the reason for my success! I wish you all the best and keep up the great work!


Your outlines saved me a ton of time (I relied almost exclusively on them), and your advice was spot on. I scored a 157.5 (scaled) on the MBE. I just wanted to thank you for your site.

Joe, Thanks a million for your site, encouragement and even some personal help with study details (such as below). I passed the bar with a 139.2 scaled MBE and I'm thrilled to have the exam behind me forever! I also passed the Patent Bar last winter so when I'm admitted I can call myself Patent Attorney. Your site made it very easy to prioritize essay study time, and clear up enough time to sufficiently focus on MBE questions. I used friends' PMBR and BarBri books, but didn't take any review classes - when others ask me what I used to study I'll mention those books, and then give an enthusiastic endorsement of Thanks Again,

THANK YOU AGAIN MR. SEPERAC--- I owe much of my success on the July bar exam to you and your wonderful website. Truly excellent!

Hey, I wanted to thank you, I think your materials were really very accurate. Im not sure i could have come close to performing like i did on it. But Ill have to wait for the results before i know if they helped me enough, though i think they were.

I PASSED THE JULY EXAM!!!!  I had previously failed the exam after spending tons of money on Pieper and wasting hours and hours studying subjects based on how well I thought i understood them, often dedicating myself to subjects that were not tested at all on the exam.   this time i was focused on the subjects I needed to know and I am so happy I passed this time.  So grateful to you.  Thanks again.  I made flashcards of the highly tested subjects and used these in combination with the BarWrite essay book by Mary Campbell Gallagher and the MBE Strategies and Tactics book by Kimme Walton.  I had extremely limited time - about 20 hours a week for 5 weeks -  and no money.  As a single mom with a young baby and only my mom to babysit a few days a week I really had to be strategic about how to study.  You brought me right to the rules that I needed to memorize.   What a fabulous resource.  I will be sure to tell others about it.  thank you thank you thank you!!   

Dear Joe, I am writing to thank you for your guidance and help during the July 2008 NY bar exams. My husband Paolo purchased Master 2008 for me as a present to help me prepare for the exams, and I pored over your website several times during my review--reading your advice, taking note of your tips, and comparing my PMBR scores to yours! While I have yet to receive my MBE score, I am certain that I scored fairly well on that portion of the exam, primarily because of the numerous practice questions I had answered based on your advice. Best of luck to you, and I am grateful that you spent the time to create and maintain

Joe, I passed the bar exam on my fifth try after following the advice on your site to the letter. I started my preparation on June 1st because my grandmother passed away in May and I was very upset. My main issue on all prior administrations was the MBE, however, I still followed your advice re: the essays and was finally successful. I did 2,061 MBE practice questions. I used Adaptibar and Micromash (I preferred and highly recommend Adaptibar because they provide released questions). I also made MBE Tips flashcards. I would get to work and do 10-15 MBE questions in the morning, 25 at lunch and 17-34 in the evening (averaged about 40 a day). When I got a question wrong I would write down the rule of law on a flashcard and I would review those flashcards everyday on my way to work. On July 13th I did the 1991 MBE and got 151 correct, I felt pretty confident then because thanks to your advice I was right on track. Even though I had contacted you about purchasing the Master Update, I remembered the advice one of my law school professors had given me, "that the best outline is the one you create yourself," so I went about updating the Master. This I believe was key to my success this time. I predicted pretty accurately what would appear on the exam and in the afternoon during the lunch break I was certain of what the next two essays were. The one way in which I did deviate from your advice was that I answered the MPT first in the afternoon. The first time I took the bar I did the MPT first and got a 62.33, on tries 2-4 I kept getting low scores in the 3 range while my essays were in the 4-5 range. Because I was certain of the essays, I devoted more time to the MPT in the afternoon and for the two essays I did the intro paragraphs and just did very simple analysis of the issues. For the essays I used Mary Campbell Gallagher's Bar Write Method. It really helps you focus on the issues and to get the essays done. I should also tell you that I have taken practically every bar review course available. The first time, I took BarBri. I feel they do not focus enough on the importance of the MBE. I also took the 3 day PMBR course. I believe the presentation just put me in a panic because I only got a 90 on their simulated exam. The second time, I took the Marino Intensive Re-taker review. That was a complete waste of time and money. He did not provide any concrete advice as to how to approach the exam. I did most of the PMBR books the second time but I felt the questions did not look like the actual MBE questions I had experienced on the exam. The third time, I took Pieper and my score increased dramatically. His approach worked for me and I finally understood Contracts and Criminal Law and Procedure (which had been my worst MBE topics). I also took a course called Bar Write and used Adaptibar. The fourth time, I re-took Pieper and used Adaptibar again but my score remained the same. This time I just used my Pieper notes in conjunction with Adaptibar, Micromash, the Bar Write method and did not attend class. Instead I spent those three to four hours I would have spent in class preparing according to your advice. I should also mention that I was working full time this summer and would go to the library after work. I only took off July 21-30th for the test and one night I even went to a concert. I apologize for the long, overly detailed message. My purpose in giving you this information is that it can be of help to you in continuing to help others. It is also an expression of my gratitude. When I found out that I passed yesterday, I immediately thought that it was due to my following your method. I have also not forgotten your request that anyone who benefits from your advice should donate blood. I made a promise to myself that I would donate blood the entire year when I passed the bar. Once again thank you so much for the advice. Your advice was invaluable. If you have any questions or would like me to provide you any of the documents or books I used in preparing to put them on your site just contact me at this email. Once again thanks!

Hi Joe, I was one of the members of your July 2008 study group- one of the 300 who purchased the revised master.
I want to thank you so much- after 14 years of being out of school and having never taken the exam, I passed it on my first try. I do believe that your master and your support, along with the site and the support of others, really made a difference.

I just received my exam results and I passed on first try. Thank-you so much for your help and for the work you’ve put together to help students like myself. While the exam this year seemed to deviate a bit in terms of format (though I felt it was mainly cosmetic), having that copy of Master 2008 with me at all times really helped for nailing those essays. To be honest, up until the Bar/Bri simulated MBE, I was taking things a bit too easy (failed it) and then did I take the time to read your study regime. I know study habits are supposed to be personal, but I followed your method (bought PMBR books, MBE Annotated etc… did them all, used your spreadsheet etc…) and it delivered! I’ve already recommended your site to this year’s students and I’m sure many of them will find your resources useful. Thanks again!

Joe just wanted to tell you I passed. My story was I was already licensed in another jurisdiction, but only 4 years so no waive in. I took barbri the first time and failed the exam (its really all about mbe), and used your materials the second time and passed. Thanks Joe, your system is awesome.

i used your outlines, tips and "master" to study for the bar exam and found it extremely helpful...wanted to let you know! thank you for your website.

I just wanted to give you a big thankful hug because without your website, I wouldn't have passed the bar exam. I didn't take barbri and i'm an international graduate, (which means the pass rate hardly exceeds 31%)
Your website also hugely helped me work strategically and not to panic.


I discovered your website only a week before the July 2007 NY bar exam. Alhough I did my best to make the most out of it, I did not have enough time to assimilate it entirely. I failed by 10 points, because of the MBE. I re-took the exam in Feb 08 and just learned a few hours ago that I passed. But for the hundreds of MBE practice questions that I did, I studied exclusively on your materials. I don't know what is your share of credit in my passing. What I know is that it really, REALLY helped me in my preparation. Thus, I wanted to thank you very much for having put together your website and study materials.


The official passing notification was in my mailbox today. Turns out I got a pretty low score, given my preparation and the scores achieved in the released practice exams: 138.5 scaled. Thus, the new format and wording of questions on the MBE, in the end, was indeed more difficult. I guess my essays saved me, increasing your share of credit in my passing. Be thanked once again for putting master together.

Given that I found your web-site to be not just useful but phenomenal, you have my word that I will donate my blood as you requested. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful work.

Hey Joe, I just stumbled upon your website in the midst of my preperation for the bar exam. This is by far the best thing I could have found to put me on track to pass this exam

Hi Joe: I must commend you and the wonderful website you have put out there, its simply great.

I really love the site and have found it to be very helpful.

I just want to thank you, whomever you are, for your FANTASTIC notes which I've been working off of for the last month and a half (just updating where need be). They are perfect and your site is unbelievable. Thank you!!!

Thanks for all the information and the tips for the exams,  very useful.

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I used your materials for the NY Bar Exam 2008 (February) and I think they are a huge help !!!

First, please allow me to commend you for your excellent website (, and invaluable NY Bar study insight and advice. "Outstanding!" Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart. This upcoming July will be my 3rd attempt to pass the NYS Bar exam, and I'm determined to do so. With your advice and guidance at, I believe I can finally accomplish my goal. "God Bless you!"

I want to thank you for the comprehensive materials you have created. I only wish I discovered it the first time I took the NY bar exam-July 2007. My score was 514, it was my multiple choice that I failed most of. I come from england and I have never taken multiple choice before, every answer was similar, but I identified all issues in the essay. I soon realised that even Barbri did not identify or provide breakdown tips like you have done and I just want to thank you. furthermore, I promise to give blood as your modest request for an excellent study guide.

I stumbled on your website the other day and must say that it contains immensely helpful information for which I would like to express my gratitude. As a foreign student sitting the bar exams in July 2008 (I am in the UK) and opting to study at home, you have provided me with a fair amount of insight into the intricacies of the exam.

Found your website trawing through the net. Let me just say that its probably the best resource in terms of exam technique and strategy into passing what most people reckon is the hardest exam you can do. Fair play to you !!!!!

I happened upon your site whilst wishing to scare myself about NY pass rates for foreign students, you site is a gem of a find. 

I have just read the contents of your website and must applaud you on same. It is extremely useful and I only wish I have found it prior to sitting the exam a few weeks ago.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful and informative site on New York Bar Exam. I took the exam for the second time (first time I was 28 weeks prego, and did not care or understood much about the exam) and as I am a foreign law graduate, it was more difficult for me. This time I really wanted to do my best. Luckly I came across your web site and I just followed it as you said. I passed the NY BAR EXAM. Thank you so much for creating is master piece and I will do my best to promote your web site. Thank you once again. God bless you guys. You are doing a great job. Bravo, love you all.

I want to thanks you because I found your website very helpful, I took the NY Bar five time and I passed in the fifth attempt because I spend almost two month just concentrating on the information in your website. I really appreciate your help


I am not sure that as a culture we say "Thanks" enough for the little things that people do to make the lives of others easier; so please let me take this opportunity to say THANK YOU!! for the website that you have built surrounding the New York Bar exam materials. As a Canadian, I was unsuccessful at my last attempt with the Bar Exam in July, so I will be sitting it once again in just a few short weeks. I came across your site while looking to answer some questions which (believe it or not) I still was unsure about (even after writing the test already!) and your website answered them all! Although I am not yet completely certain in that I will actually be successful with the exam, I am now feeling a great deal more relaxed about it, all because of the answers I received at So I just thought that I would let you know...It is people like you that make the world a wonderful place.


I found your website on preparing the bar exam and I would like to thank you and congratulate you for all the precious and more than comprehensive information you’ve made available. This is surely helping me in my bar preparation.


I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of the great advice and tools on your website. With about a month to go before the exam, I knew that PMBR and BarBri just weren't getting me where I needed to be for the exam. I found your website, implemented a great deal of your advice, and scored a 155.3 on the July 2007 MBE! I am sure it was my strong MBE performance that allowed me to pass both the NY & NJ Bar exams. I certainly would not have hit that score without your website! In addition, your MASTER outline concept is beyond brilliant, and inspired me to create my own in preparation for the exam. Thanks again, and know that all of your work is greatly appreciated!


I have passed 2007 NY February Exam and I truly believe that I owe my success to u. I found your webpage just 2 weeks before the exam. To be honest, when I saw it, I could not believe my luck as it contained all the information I was looking for. I can't thank you enogh for your effort and help. Thanks again.

Your web is a BLAST!! I heard about your site from a guy who took the bar about 7 times and passed this time using your web. Well I was blown away with the information and the outlines. This is great and you are really kind hearted to go through such task to ensure that people pass. This web is especially great for the retakers! May God bless you for your kindness.

You are a blessing! I failed the bar several times and your outlines are amazing.

It is with great joy, excitement and relief that I am writing this email. I received my results yesterday that I had passed the NY bar exam. I stumbled across your website over the winter as I was preparing for the NY bar. The site was extremely useful and played a pivotal role in helping me to pass the exam. I cannot thank you enough for this valuable resource. I even sent you a message at one point under the username foreignlawyer. At that time, I was beginning to panic, was extremely stressed and even considered withdrawing from the exam. I am happy to say that your advice was extremely calming and encouraging. During my preparation, I will often read your site when I felt that the work was too much and then I will have the motivation to continue again. I am forever grateful to you for putting this together. Especially, as a foreign lawyer who was not trained here, the work can become a bit overwhelming at times. You helped me to identify and focus on key areas for success and that assistance is invaluable. I especially appreciated the fact that you stated very clearly how often you studied and your own experiences while studying for the bar. Sorry to be so long -winded. I just want to say a Big Thank You to you!




If you have any additional questions or comments, please email me at joe [@]

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